Deceiving Her Billionaire Bosses (MFM)

Billionaires: Too Hot to Handle 1

Siren-BookStrand, Inc.

Heat Rating: Sextreme
Word Count: 34,873
10 Ratings (4.5)
[Siren Ménage Everlasting: Erotic Ménage a Trois Romance, M/F/M, spanking, HEA]
Twenty-nine-year-old Jennifer White’s life has been in turmoil for as long as she can remember. At times, her sadness has been almost overwhelming. Desperate to change the way she feels, she applies for the position of personal assistant at Grandee Security—a thriving company run by achingly gorgeous joint-owners, Matt Granger and Conrad Dee.
Jennifer is well aware that she doesn’t hold the necessary qualifications for the job, but in a last-ditch bid to change her deeply unhappy existence, she figures she has nothing to lose. Nobody really checks employment references anyway, do they?
Against all the odds, Jennifer is successful, and her life becomes perfect in every way, especially when Matt and Conrad fall for her as much as she has fallen for them. 
However, when her gorgeous bosses discover her deception, will they fire her on the spot, or will they help her to overcome the guilt from her past?
A Siren Erotic Romance
Jan Bowles is a Siren-exclusive author.
Deceiving Her Billionaire Bosses (MFM)
10 Ratings (4.5)

Deceiving Her Billionaire Bosses (MFM)

Billionaires: Too Hot to Handle 1

Siren-BookStrand, Inc.

Heat Rating: Sextreme
Word Count: 34,873
10 Ratings (4.5)
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Available formats
Cover Art by Jan Bowles
Another book by Jan Bowles that I love. She was one determined woman to get that job and I'm glad to see that she didn't mess things up and learned a lot. Even when the guys found out, they were already in love with her so it helped.
Another brilliant red-hot read from Ms Bowles. Just wish it was a little bit longer.
Marie Jermy




Rap, rap, rap.

Jennifer White took a deep breath and smoothed the creases, imaginary or otherwise, from her dark-gray business suit as she waited for an answer.


That was Matt Granger’s voice. She’d seen him giving interviews on the TV numerous times, and the authoritative baritone accent, mixed with just the hint of a Texas drawl, never failed to send a sexy, cold shiver down her spine.

With one final deep breath to quell her nerves, she pushed open the double doors and walked inside to find not only Matt Granger but also his business partner Conrad Dee sitting behind an impressive mahogany desk.

With an assertive, almost arrogant wave of his hand, Matt gestured to the lone chair on the other side of the desk. Jennifer noticed it was set far lower than the ones her potential new bosses occupied, but she was astute enough to realize that this was a deliberate psychological ploy to give them the upper hand. Just like keeping her waiting on tenterhooks for twenty minutes with only their secretary calmly buffing her nails for amusement.

As she carefully sat down, making sure her skirt didn’t ride up to reveal her underwear, she realized their mind games were already working, because the two alpha males towered over her, leaving no option but to stare helplessly up at them.

Conrad Dee seemed almost disinterested by her arrival, and she guessed that Matt Granger would be asking most of the questions. Questions? By the look in those invasive blue eyes of his, this first meeting was more likely to be an interrogation than an interview.

 He leaned across the desk and shook her hand. His grip was firm, his after-shave expensive, and his sheer presence almost overpowering.

“I’m Matthew Granger, CEO of Grandee Security, and this is my business partner, Conrad Dee.”

“It’s good to meet you, sir.” His bodily warmth didn’t just permeate her hand. It seemed to spread like wildfire throughout her body. Jesus Christ, Matt Granger was fucking gorgeous. He’d always looked edible on the TV, but seeing him in the flesh for the first time was something else. The thought of this powerful man becoming her boss made her pussy clench and moisten with pure sexual desire.

Even sitting down, Matt Granger looked mighty impressive. He was thirty-eight years old, and  although weighing some two hundred pounds and standing over six feet tall, his build was athletic, and she got the distinct feeling that this guy would be a sexual god between the sheets.

Conrad Dee’s physical appearance was equally impressive as he leaned across the desk and shook her hand. However, on balance he seemed more reluctant and less interested in the whole affair than his business partner.

His demeanor didn’t shock her though, because news of the death of his beautiful wife Eva from an inoperable brain tumor some two years ago had been splattered over the front pages of the newspapers, and she guessed he was still having trouble coming to terms with his loss. Just like Matt Granger, he was achingly gorgeous to her female eyes, with a presence that although more subtle than his business partner was still incredibly powerful.

Matt Granger turned to his partner. “Perhaps there are a few questions you’d like to ask Jennifer, Con?”

Conrad Dee shrugged. “No. You seem to be doing fine on your own. I’ll just listen and observe.”

Conrad Dee’s probing brown eyes seemed to pin her to the chair, and although right now he came across as a man of few words, Jennifer figured that when he spoke, people listened.

Matt Granger shuffled the papers on his desk, forming them into a neat pile. “Right then, Jennifer. Let’s start by you telling us all about yourself.”

She needed to think on her feet. “I believe everything is well documented in my CV, sir.”

“Yeah, sure it is, honey, but what you’ve written here is purely for administration purposes. I want to know about the real, Jennifer White. Jennifer White the woman.”

She felt herself blush at the way Matt Granger voiced the word woman, using it so seductively she felt her pussy moisten with sexual desire. Thankfully, she managed to stop herself in time before she went too crimson. “Well, sir, I was born and raised right here in New York.”

“Uh-huh. And your parents, they’re still alive?”

She felt herself start to blush again, this time finding the rapidly spreading redness more difficult to conceal. “Yes, Mr. Granger, both my parents are alive and well.” That was her first lie, and it was a biggie.

“I imagine they must be coming up for retirement soon?”

“Yes, sir.” Lie number two, and it wasn’t getting any easier.

Jennifer realized she needed to change the subject and fast, because her whole CV, in fact, her whole persona was nothing more than a crock of shit. She didn’t have the qualifications necessary for the position of personal assistant at Grandee Security, and every one of those glowing references on the sheet of paper Matt Granger held between his fingertips amounted to no more than a tissue of lies. Truth be known, she really had no right to be here, and the more these powerful guys delved into her background, the sooner they’d realize she was nothing more than a fraud.

Jennifer silently berated herself. But if they give you the job as PA, you’re more than capable of doing it. So if you keep your cool, girl, and act as though you know what you’re talking about, there’s no reason why they should find out.

Besides, my life has been so fucking shitty for so long now, I deserve a break. I deserve to be happy.

Still keeping silent, Conrad Dee’s inquisitive gaze narrowed on her, and she wondered if he was beginning to figure out that she wasn’t quite the consummate professional she portrayed herself to be. She guessed he was perceptive in the extreme, and the way he just stared at her, allowing his partner to do all the work unnerved Jennifer.

“Well, gentleman, the real me is not the conservatively dressed lady you see before you. That’s strictly my work and interview persona. As a personal assistant for more than ten years, and having had the pleasure of working for some extremely influential and important people, I take my job seriously, and endeavor to maintain my professionalism at all times, regardless of the pressure I’m under.”

Lie number three. She hadn’t done a single day’s work as a personal assistant for anyone in her whole life.




“Oohhh, Matt, Matt, Matt.”

His lips now closed over her engorged nipples, pulling them taut, bestowing upon her a delicious drawing sensation that seemed to emanate from deep within her womb. Her oh-so-sensitive nips throbbed with an exquisite pleasure that bordered on pain as he stretched them, elongating them, occasionally scoring them with his teeth for added pleasure.

There was something about surrendering unconditionally to a powerful man that lay deep inside the psyche of every woman on God’s good Earth. It was an aphrodisiac beyond compare, where the alpha male of the species simply takes what he wants. What he needs. This desire was hardwired into every female at birth, and although a small percentage of the more strident members of her sex may deny its very existence, it was always there, waiting to be unleashed by the right man. That man was Matt Granger.

Still on his knees, he spun her around and began kissing and licking her butt cheeks. It was as though he basted her rear with his tongue. She couldn’t see their reflection in the mirror now, but that didn’t matter, because when he pulled her butt cheeks apart and thrust his face between them, allowing his tongue to circle her puckered hole, she knew that Matt was every inch the primal man.

He authoritatively spun her back to face him again, allowing her to see their sexy reflection once more. This time his lips were drawn as though by an electromagnet to her pubis mons. Jennifer was pleased that barely twenty minutes ago she’d showered and at the same time shaved her pussy silky smooth, because Matt seemed obsessed with it, kissing and licking the feminine bulge like a man possessed.

Without warning, he rose abruptly from his knees, then immediately discarded his white tee shirt by shrugging it over his head and then throwing it with reckless abandon to one side. Oh dear god. Matt really was achingly, awesomely gorgeous. Powerful shoulder and pectoral muscles gave way to a perfectly formed six pack, and it was obvious to Jennifer that Matt worked out on a regular basis. He was as turned on as she was, because his manly chest rose and fell rapidly due to the adrenaline pumping around his athletic two-hundred-pound frame.

Wanting him, wanting him way beyond anything else Jennifer had ever desired, she placed her palm to his chest, her fingers spread wide. The unmistakable beat of his life-giving heart throbbed relentlessly against the flat of her hand, making her feel as though they connected on another, altogether higher level.

With his eyes focused on hers, he then lowered his jogging bottoms before kicking them from his feet, allowing his huge, rampant cock to spring free from its prison.

She stared at his erection, unable and unwilling to take her eyes from it. “Oh, dear, god, Matt,” she purred breathlessly

A smile formed on his lips. “Impressive, huh?”

Impressive was an impressive word, but somehow this ten-letter adjective didn’t do Matt’s awesome prick justice, and although she wanted it, craved it deep inside her, the sheer length and girth of his veined manhood concerned her slightly.

Now both completely naked, Matt rested his hands on her shoulders. “Kneel.”

Knowing exactly what he wanted from her, and more than happy to oblige, she did as he told her. His powerful twitching dick now directly at eye level.

It was as though her shitty, unfulfilled life up to now didn’t amount to a hill of beans, because at this precise point in time, everything seemed so right, so perfect. Wanting him, wanting to please him, she cupped his giant balls in her left hand, before taking him in her mouth. The circumference of his cock meant her jaw was forced unnaturally wide, but this just made the whole experience feel more exciting and life confirming. Squeezing his testicles, almost as though milking them, she alternatively sucked and licked the exposed glans of his manhood as though it were a Popsicle or ice cream.

She knew Matt appreciated her efforts, because he instinctively fisted his hands into her hair, tugging harder every time her tongue or lips found a sweet spot. When he finally broke the silence, his voice was breathy and cracked.

“Goddamn it, woman. Do you have any idea what you’re doing to this guy?”

She did. Her life may have been a complete fuckup, but she knew how to please a man when it came to giving head. The difference this time being that she really liked Matt. It wasn’t just because he was her boss that she felt this way. She respected the man himself.

She squeezed his balls even tighter, causing him to utter an expletive.


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