Erotic Romance: Romantic Suspense

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Spider Island
[Siren Allure: Erotic Paranormal Romance, Suspense] There is no escape from the beautiful tropical island, Maizely Ortiz in the middle of Lake Superior. It defies detection as the Siren lures men into her em MORE...
Faith (MF)
16 ratings
[Siren Classic: Erotic Romantic Suspense] What's a beautiful young virgin of strong Catholic faith to do when she meets up with a wealthy, sex-deprived, handsome bachelor?During one of Manolo Guerra's mont MORE...
Murder by Hair Spray in Gardenia, New Atlantis (MF)
[Siren Classic: Erotic Futuristic Paranormal Romantic Suspense] In 2051, Atlantis is no longer a legend. The risen antediluvian land has been colonized by rebels who battled for freedom against the Global El MORE...
The Seductress (MF)
[Siren Classic: Erotic Contemporary Romantic Suspense] Pamela Singer is rumored to have built a career out of loving and then leaving rich men, but not before she gets her hands on a good chunk of their change MORE...
Palace of the Jaguar (MF)
[Siren Classic: Erotic Contemporary Romance]CID Agents, Ali Donavon and Jack Gunnison no longer believe in love or their fellow man, until life or death circumstances reveal the depth of sacrifices they willing MORE...
The Stetson (MF)
[Siren Classic: Erotic Contemporary Romantic Suspense] What do an ex-Army Ranger/dude ranch owner and a spoiled, trapped rich girl have in common? Not much. Turk Gunnison agrees to take on the responsibili MORE...
Twin Games (MFM)
[Ménage Amour: Erotic Ménage Trois Romantic Suspense, M/F/M] Angelina Keaton inherits the Keaton Municipal Airport and someone doesn't like it, but fires and tampered airplanes aren't enough to make her se MORE...
In Plain Sight (MF)
Editors' Retro Pick: Best Opening [Siren Classic: Erotic Paranormal Romantic Suspense, interracial, reincarnation] When Samantha Taylor dropped out of her senior year of college to marry gorgeous and almost t MORE...
1709 titles in Erotic Romance: Romantic Suspense