Forever Mates: Mikhail & Jace (MM)

Forever Mates 1

Siren-BookStrand, Inc.

Heat Rating: Sextreme
Word Count: 28,344
32 Ratings (4.3)
[Siren Everlasting Classic ManLove: Erotic Alternative Paranormal Romance, M/M, shape-shifters, HEA]
Mikhail Kyryap knew the sexy little blond was his forever mate the moment he stepped inside the roadside bar with his friends. Convincing the human of that might prove to be harder than leading an entire pride of tiger shifters. Jace is the most stubborn man Mikhail has ever dealt with.
Jace Marrok was one step away from being labeled loose by his friends when he followed a handsome stranger into the utility closet for a little fun. He just can’t seem to resist Mikhail, not even when the man shifts in front of him and Jace learns that he has been mated against his will.
Deciding whether to believe the sexy alpha when he says it was instinctual might be harder than staying alive when others in Mikhail’s pride take exception to him mating a human. When they are attacked, Jace has to choose between staying with a man he is quickly falling for or getting his friends and running for his life.
A Siren Erotic Romance
Stormy Glenn is a Siren-exclusive author.
Forever Mates: Mikhail & Jace (MM)
32 Ratings (4.3)

Forever Mates: Mikhail & Jace (MM)

Forever Mates 1

Siren-BookStrand, Inc.

Heat Rating: Sextreme
Word Count: 28,344
32 Ratings (4.3)
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Cover Art by Ash Arceneaux
Once again, Stormy Glenn writes a funny, unique book. Jace is not the typical flaming queen who is defenseless. He is mouthy and opinionated, but he wants to be loved. While the house was under attack, he and his friends did not go hide. I loved that he could kick butt and was not afraid to prove to his mate that he could stand beside him. The alpha is actually all 4 brothers, not one which I thought was a different twist on the werewolf pack dynamics. I can't wait to read about Rue and how he learned to throw knives.



"It's just a bar, Liam. They can't keep us out."

"You think not?" Liam laughed nervously. "We're in redneck hell, Jace. Not only can they keep us out, they can tar and feather us."

Jace Marrok rolled his eyes when Liam glanced behind him at their friend, Bay. "That is what they do in these backwater towns, isn't it? Tar and feather people?"

Bay snorted. "Normal people, maybe. Queers like us?" Bay shook his head. "They string us up and, like, throw lawn darts at us or something."

"Oh please," Jace replied. "This is a public place. We have as much right to be here as anyone else."

"Honey, I hate to break this to you, but we're not anyone else." Bay chuckled. "We're loud, flaming, flamboyant queens. Hell, the eyeliner on Rue's face alone could get our asses kicked."

Jace frowned.

Rue blushed.

"Jace, honey, if someone looked up ‘gay’ in the dictionary," Bay said as he gestured to all of them, "they'd find a picture of us."

"We're not that bad," Jace insisted.

"Jace, what color is my shirt?" Bay asked as he plucked at the silky material with his fingers.

"Azure blue, why?"

"And Liam's?" Bay continued.


"Uh huh," Bay said, "and what type of piercing does Rue have?"

Jace glanced back at Rue, grinning. "Guiche."

"Honey, face it, we're gay!"

Jace laughed at the blush creeping up Rue's face again. Bay was probably right. Rue did wear a lot of eyeliner. Still, they had as much right as anyone else to be in this bar, even if they were clearly gay. And, unless someone was blind and deaf, they were all clearly gay.

They talked gay, they walked gay, and they looked gay. Hell, they probably even smelled gay. They were the stereotypical gay men. Loud, bright colors, makeup and piercings, even the effeminate body movements—they had it all, in spades. Christ, two of the four of them had little sequined purses under their arms.

"Okay, so we're gay. So what? That doesn't mean we don't have as much right to be here as anyone else," Jace said as grabbed the door handle to the bar. "Besides, maybe we can teach those hicks a things or two about fashion and makeup."

Jace was laughing as he opened the bar door and took a step inside. He came to a screeching halt at the scene before him. Bay, Liam, and Rue plowed into him from behind. Jace's laughter slowly died away.

In this instance, he might be wrong about where they could be.

He was looking at a sea of rough, muscle-bound, jean-clad, cowboy-boot-wearing, beer-drinking rednecks. They were everywhere, as far as the eye could see. And more than one of them were drool-worthy.

Most, if not all of them, had beers in their hands. A few men sat around booths on the back wall of the room. Several were playing pool. There were even a few men that seemed to be just hanging out at the bar. Loud country music could be heard…well, almost everywhere.

It was really loud.

The place basically looked like every backwoods bar that Jace had ever envisioned—pool tables, beer and peanuts, country music, and rednecks. And Jace couldn't see a gay man in the bunch.

Jace grinned mischievously. This could be fun. He didn't much care that the four of them stood out like warts on a thumb. Jace wasn't ashamed of the fact that he was gay or that he loved men. He didn't care if his demeanor made some people uncomfortable. He was who he was, and he wasn't going to change that for anyone, not even a room full of rednecks.

"Come on in, boys." Jace giggled "There's eye candy as far as the mascara wearing eye can see."



"Are you going to beat me up?" he asked.


"So, what do you want?"

"The same thing you wanted when you followed me in here, Beautiful."

"Oh," the man replied. Then a slow sexy grin crossed his mouth, showing off his perfect white teeth. "Oohhh."

Mikhail knew the man got it. Or, at least, he was going to the minute Mikhail got him out of his clothes. He grabbed the man by his arms and pulled him flush against his body. He cupped the side of the blond's face, his other hand anchoring the man to him by his slim hip.

"Do you have a name, little one, or should I just continue to call you Beautiful?"

The soft flush that filled the man's face was fascinating but not half as much as the way he suddenly licked his full lips. "Jace Marrok," he mumbled. "But I like Beautiful, too."

"I am Mikhail Sebastian Ivananova Andrei Kyryap," Mikhail replied.

"That's a mouthful."

Mikhail smirked as he rubbed his thumb across the man's plush lips. "It could be for most people, but somehow I think you can handle it."

Jace's brow peaked, sending a shot of lust straight to Mikhail's cock. He growled and wrapped his fingers around the back of Jace's neck, holding the man's head still as he lowered his lips to his.

Jace's lips were just as warm and lush as they had looked across the room. And the man responded to Mikhail's possessive kiss like a dream. His entire body melted against Mikhail's, even as his mouth opened up and accepted Mikhail's dominance.

Mikhail trailed his hand from Jace's neck down his back until both of his hands could grab the tight ass he had seen walk across the bar when Jace first came in. He squeezed each rounded globe in his hands before lifting Jace up higher against his body.

Jace wrapped his legs around Mikhail's waist. Their hard cocks mashed together. The small whimper that fell from Jace's mouth inflamed Mikhail. He wanted to hear that sound again and again and discover what other sounds Jace could make.

Mikhail broke away from Jace's lips so that they could both breathe. Instead, they traveled along Jace's jaw line. Mikhail groaned when Jace arched his head back, baring his neck to Mikhail's questing lips.

He turned around and pressed Jace's slim body against the door. Every move the man made was fanning the flames of desires burning inside of Mikhail. He had desired a lot of men in his lifetime, but none had made him feel nearly mindless with lust.

"Shirt off," Mikhail ordered. He knew his voice sounded husky and rough by the way that Jace's eyes widened before he reached for the buttons of his shirt. Mikhail held his breath as he waited for the glorious chest he just knew was waiting under the silky fabric.

He wasn't disappointed. Mikhail's tongue nearly fell out of his mouth as Jace dropped his shirt on the floor. Jace was a slim man, but what muscles he did have were nicely defined. He sported sexy pecs with pale brown nipples and a rippled abdomen. A small sun tattoo encircled his bellybutton just asking to be licked, which is exactly what Mikhail did.

Lifting Jace up in his arms, he leaned in and swirled his tongue around the small colored tattoo. Jace squirmed in his arms and his hands clenched in Mikhail's hair. Mikhail heard the soft moan that came from Jace. He felt the way Jace's stomach muscles contracted.

"Fuck, man, you…you…" Jace groaned.

Mikhail swatted Jace on the butt and glared up at him. "Such a pretty little mouth shouldn't have such ugly things coming out of it. I have much better things for you to do with those lips."

Jace looked confused as if he were in a fog and didn't quite know what was going on. Mikhail decided to let Jace's swearing pass for now. It was always something he could fix later. Right now, he wanted nothing more than to sink his cock into the fine little ass in his hands.

"Do you like these pants, Beautiful?"

"Uh, yeah?"

Mikhail lowered Jace's feet to the floor but kept close contact between them. "Then I suggest that you get rid of them before I do. I doubt I'll be nice about it."

Jace's eyes widened but his hands quickly went to the buttons of his tight leather pants. Within seconds, Jace's shoes and pants lay in a pile on the floor. Mikhail groaned. When he called Jace beautiful, he had no idea how right he was.

The man was glorious.

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