Love Slave for Two (MMF)

Love Slave for Two 1

Siren-BookStrand, Inc.

Heat Rating: Scorching
Word Count: 127,000
393 Ratings (4.6)

[Ménage Amour: Erotic Contemporary Ménage a Trois Romance, M/M/F, M/M, Consensual BDSM]

Nevvie Barton has never truly felt loved or like she belonged anywhere--ever. Abandoned by her adopted family and trapped in an abusive relationship, she takes a job with Tyler Paulson and Thomas Kinsey as their cleaning girl.

Nevvie knows her fantasies about "the boys" will always be just that--the two handsome men are devoted, loving life-partners. Then Tyler and Thomas fall in love with Nevvie and hatch a secret plan to seduce her and make her their permanent third.

For the first time in her life, she feels attractive and wanted. When they ask her to move in and be their personal assistant, Nevvie jumps at the chance. Her planned escape doesn't go without a hitch, and the boys must rescue her from a brutal man who would rather kill her than let her go.

Can Tyler and Thomas heal Nevvie's wounded body and soul and prove to her that she really is their dream come true?

"I love this book because I fell in love with the characters as I got deeper into the story. They really surprised me, and the dynamics between them as they related to each other were fascinating. They heal each other in different ways, and while they're all independent people, they're truly complete and stronger when they're together." ~ Tymber ~

A Siren Erotic Romance

Love Slave for Two (MMF)
393 Ratings (4.6)

Love Slave for Two (MMF)

Love Slave for Two 1

Siren-BookStrand, Inc.

Heat Rating: Scorching
Word Count: 127,000
393 Ratings (4.6)
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Cover Art by Jinger Heaston
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a good read up until the end & I really think the fake "oh my is she dying thing" was just pathetic & ruined the story.
Loved this story
Professional Reviews

5 STARS: "Love Slave for Two by Tymber Dalton is one of those stories that when you read it, you are amazed by the depth of the story being told here. This story has heart. While it is called Love Slave, this is not a true BDSM story, but more about three people finding each other and becoming, so to speak, slaves to the love they feel for each other. From the intense love scenes to the dynamics of their relationship, this is must have book to add to your collection. Don’t let this one pass you by!" -- Acquanetta Ferguson,

5 Stars: "Love Slave For Two is one of the best stories I've read in yearsand I've read a lot of stories. Tymber Dalton examines the family dynamics of a nontraditional family. I do not normally enjoy male/male stories but this one has depth, love, and romance. Tyler, Thomas, and Nevvie work well together. Their differences harmonize each other. The intimate scenes were hot and steamy. The plot is more than intimate scenes. It is a well-developed drama. This is a must read for fans of romantica." -- Anne Boling, ReviewYourBook

5 Blue Ribbons: "I was enthralled and entranced the entire time it took for me to read Love Slave for Two. Tyler and Thomas are a loving couple; a strong couple who love each other very much. But something is missing - not about their love - but with how much love they have to share. They want Nevvie, a girl who comes into their lives on a weekly basis to be the recipient of that love...Their love is scorching hot, hence why Love Slave for Two has a scorching hot rating with Siren Publishing - but that does not explain how the flames of desire burned. Between the sheets, these two enigmatic men bring Nevvie, and themselves, pleasure unlike anything I have ever read. Tastefully written and intoxicating erotic, Love Slave for Two is addictively passionate. I could not stop reading this book and could have cried when it ended. Instead, I went back to page one and read it again! Tymber Dalton is now on my list of mnage writing authors to watch!" --
Natasha Smith, Romance Junkies

5 Shamrocks:
"Love Slave for Two is a wonderful emotional read that will have reader sharing in Tyler, Nevvie and Thomas's happiness as well as shedding tears at the unfairness of life...Love Slave for Two is a part of Siren Mnage Amour series and it's lived up to the same high quality that all the books in this series has. Tymber Dalton is definitely one to watch. Not only has she given us a story with a decent plot, but also introduced us to three people who are not only strong enough to support each other but also brave enough to share in each others pain and suffering. Love Slave for Two is a wonderful read with characters that will live on in my mind for quite some time." -- Sandra, CK2S Kwips and Kritiques

5 Cups: "Love Slave for Two is without a doubt the best book I have read this month! Exquisite in emotional as well as sexual detail, this is one hot tamale of a book. I absolutely adored the three main characters, and found myself rooting for them to overcome every obstacle as I stayed up all night to finish this book. The realism and understanding of what occurs with victims of abuse makes this book not just one of the best stories I have ever read, but one that is very informative on what some might consider a touchy subject as well. I highly recommend this book for anyone who enjoys emotion laden love stories with brilliant endings!" -- Regina, Coffee Time Romance

5 Angels: "Tymber Dalton has a true gift in creating a story and characters that pulls her readers in and holds them captive. Ms. Dalton spent a lot of time in this four hundred and forty page book setting these characters up and illustrating the bond between them, as a threesome and with each other as couples.  Nevvie is compared to an abused puppy in the book, which is the perfect description of her when she first moves in with her boys. I had the privilege of watching her transform into a beautiful, self-confident, and very strong woman. Thomas is her anchor in strength and she has a very different bond with him than she does with Tyler. She and Tyler have more of a mind connection." -- Melissa C., Fallen Angel Reviews

best%20book.jpg"With Love Slave for Two, Tymber Dalton has created an intriguing and unusual love story involving characters you'll grow to love! This is a wonderful and emotional story featuring a committed bisexual couple who fall in love with their housekeeper. In addition to the emotion of the story, there is a passion that can't be denied between the three main characters. The chemistry between them sizzles as they heat up the sheets in various combinations. It is definitely not one for a prudish reader. But passion in bed is not all the three share. I loved how Nevvie found common interests with each of the two men individually as well as together outside of the bedroom. They all share a deep friendship and bond beyond the physical that came across very well. The author did a wonderful job of making this a believable relationship that one can easily understand despite the unconventionality of the situation. This was a story that I enjoyed a great deal as the author brought these characters to life with their emotional and passionate love story. The story just seemed to flow and I was sad to see it end. This one was a keeper for me and I would definitely recommend it. I look forward to reading more by this talented author!" -- Lilac, Whipped Cream Romance Reviews

"This is Tymber Dalton's debut mnage. As a long time lover of polyamorous mnage stories, all I can say is that Ms. Dalton is here to stay. This is not your garden variety, light and fluffy mnage. These are characters you will relate to and fall in love with, you will cry and laugh with them. They are simply amazing. Tymber is going to make a name for herself that ranks up with the great mnage authors of our time. I can't say enough how touching, realistic, exciting and fun loving this fantastic book was. Beginning to end, it's amazing. Sensitive and scorching, lots of love and laughter and two hot men totally devoted to one woman. Does it get better? No! These three characters are going to be a favored series for me from now on, and I can't wait for the sequel to Love Slave for Two. As I said, this is not your typical mnage, Ms. Dalton is amazing, and I suspect, she is only going to get better and better. Read this book, you will not be sorry. Look for my next review of Tymber Dalton's Love at First Bight, also from Siren, because I have every confidence it's going to be another terrific polyamorous mnage." -- Stephanie Q. McGrath, ParaNormal Romance

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Thomas stepped behind her while Tyler took her hands. “You were breathtaking tonight,” he whispered. “Truly, absolutely marvelous. Did you have a good time?”

“Yes, Master, I had a good time.”

“You don’t have to play any longer if you don’t wish to.”

She squeezed his hands. “But I do wish.”

“Go ahead, Tom. Take it off.”

Thomas touched the collar. She yanked her hands free from Tyler’s and clamped them to the back of her neck, preventing Thomas from getting to the buckle. Both men froze.

She finally worked up the nerve. “I promised my masters twenty-four hours of my time. It hasn’t been twenty-four hours yet.”

Thomas spoke near her ear. “Sweetie, we don’t expect you to—”

“Please.” She met Tyler’s eyes. “You promised you’d take care of my every need tonight,” she whispered, struggling not to cry at the thought of sleeping alone. She admitted it. She wasn’t strong enough to do this. She needed them, would beg and plead if she had to. Fuck, groveling looked like a damn good option, if necessary. “My masters promised their little slave. You told me to trust you. I trust you, ­­both of you.”

Tyler’s gaze never wavered. He took her hands again. “Nevvie,” he said, “we have a confession to make.”

Confused, she didn’t reply.

He continued. “Thomas and I are not gay, love. We’re bisexual.”

As his words sank in she looked at Thomas. He nodded. “That’s right, sugar.” One corner of his mouth curled in a playful smile. “As if you couldn’t guess.”

Tyler spoke, recapturing her eyes as she struggled to absorb this new information. “We have been attracted to you since the first day we met you. We were afraid to tell you for fear of making you uncomfortable.”

Dare she hope? “You’re not teasing?”

Both men shook their heads.

“You’re not gay?”

Again they shook their heads.

She stared into Tyler’s eyes then looked at Tom for a long agonizing moment before deciding to step off the cliff, praying they caught her. She put an arm around Tyler’s neck, her other hand finding Thomas and pulling him against her back.

The men put their arms around her and she looked into Tyler’s eyes. “Will my masters take care of my every need tonight?”

“We promised you anything,” Tyler said. “We meant it.”

Thomas ran his lips along the nape of her neck, making her shiver. He placed his lips to her ear and whispered, “Any need our sweet little slave has.”

She closed her eyes. “If I want to say no to anything?”

“Absolutely,” Tyler assured her.

“I’ve never…you know…in my ass. I’m not ready to do that.”

Tyler pressed against her, pushing her into Thomas. She felt their hard erections. “We will never force you to do anything, sweetheart. Ever. If we wish to do that, we always have each other.”

She wiggled her hips and both men groaned.

She could have both her sweet love gods tonight and they wanted her!

This was too good to be true. What was the downside? “What happens in the morning?” she asked. “After this. What next?”

Tyler stroked her cheek. “We are at your beck and call, love. We will do whatever you want. Perhaps you didn’t understand. When we’ve told you we love you, we meant it the same way you did.”

Her heart pounded in her chest. Thomas had worked his way across her shoulders to her other ear and was still nibbling.

Tyler spoke again. “We love you. It broke our hearts when Alex attacked you. We will never hurt you, sweetheart. We want you to be a part of our life in all ways.”

Nevvie couldn’t catch her breath. “In all ways?”

Tyler nodded. “In all ways. We don’t mean a night or a weekend. For as long as you’ll have us, but it must be both of us.” The men froze, and she realized they waited for her to speak.

“Yes. Please.”

Every muscle tensed, her skin on fire from the heat of their bodies and Thomas’ lips on her flesh. She kissed Tyler and heard his hungry moan, his tongue and hers dancing, exploring. Thomas wrapped his arms around both of them and gently nipped her neck.

Forget throbbing, her sex ached from need and desire. Tyler broke their kiss and slowly worked his way down her body with his lips while Thomas held her against his chest. She closed her eyes as she tipped her head back and Tom’s lips found hers, eagerly devouring her with hungry, possessive need.

Tyler removed her sandals, then slid her costume bottom off and caressed her legs. He held her hips and she felt his hot breath against her wet slit. Her knees trembled. If Thomas wasn’t holding her, she’d collapse. Then Tyler’s tongue, soft and gentle, a light tease from the top of her folds down as far as he could reach.

“Ohhh!” she whimpered, sucking harder on Thomas’ tongue, spreading her legs for Tyler.

“Did you like that, little slave?” Tyler asked.

She made a sound she hoped they knew meant, “Hell yes!”

“She’s beautiful,” Tyler whispered, one finger carefully spreading her. She loudly moaned into Tom’s mouth as Tyler’s words set her on fire. “You should feel her, Thomas, she’s very, very wet.”

Thomas broke their kiss. “Why don’t you give our little slave a reward right now, Tyler? She was so good tonight. Then she’ll be able to focus on what else she wants to do.”

“Hmm. That’s a good idea.” Tyler licked her again. She shivered, every nerve in her body screaming for release. Thomas held her tightly as Tyler set to work, running his tongue up and down her clit to her pussy, where he slowly worked two fingers into her.

No longer capable of coherent speech, Nevvie threw her head back against Tom’s shoulder, closed her eyes, and moaned. Tyler’s lips and tongue scorched her, branding her as theirs. She gave in to the pleasure, desperately in need of release.

Nothing had ever felt this good, this right. Tyler drew tight circles with his tongue around her clit, then gently wrapped his lips around it, lightly sucking. As her climax rocked her she screamed, grabbing his hair and grinding her hips in time with his motions as he kept her coming and coming for what felt like hours.

When her knees finally failed her, Thomas scooped her into his arms. Tyler stood and leaned in, kissing Thomas.

Thomas moaned. “Damn, she tastes good!”

Tyler licked his lips and touched his lover’s cheek. “You’ll get your turn soon enough.” He unsnapped the leash. “Do you want your collar off or on, sweetheart?”


She was recovering from the sensation, her body covered by a fine sheen of moisture as Thomas gently laid her on their bed. Tyler kissed her. She wrapped her arms around his neck, throwing a leg around him.

He laughed. “Did you like that, my sweet little slave?”

“Yes, Master.”

Thomas stretched out on her other side and slid his hand under her top, gently massaging her breast. “I think our little slave should get completely naked.”

Tyler helped remove her top. The men gasped, each bending to take a breast in their mouth, running their tongues around her nipples and drawing soft mewing sounds from her. She put an arm around each head, clasping them to her, tangling her fingers in their hair, praying this wasn’t a dream. Or if it was a dream that she never woke up. Their mouths on her soon had her pussy aching again, throbbing, begging for relief.

Both men were still dressed. Thomas lifted his head from her left breast. “I want to taste you next, little slave.”

All she could do was nod. Tyler took her left breast in his hand, gently rolling her nipple between his fingers while still suckling her right. Thomas kissed down her belly and shifted position to lay between her legs, driving his tongue into her throbbing sex, fucking her with it.

She arched her back and spread her legs wider, giving him full access. This couldn’t be happening! Then he slipped two fingers into her and nibbled on her clit, and as she felt the build-up to her next climax she sobbed with need. His touch was different than Tyler’s, and still so hot and perfect it wasn’t long before she cried out as the next wave hit, leaving her shaking and trembling on the bed.

Tyler took her into his arms and kissed her as she gasped for air. “Did our little slave like that?”

She nodded.

“Would our little slave like us to fuck her?”


Then Tyler bent to her ear and softly whispered, “Have you been taking the Pill?”

She nodded.

He nuzzled her ear, his voice low. “Tom and I haven’t been with anyone else since we’ve been together. We’re clean, but if you wish, we will use condoms.”

He wouldn’t lie to her. “No.” If there was no risk she wanted to feel her men, wanted them to totally possess her.

“Very good, sweetheart.” He cradled her against his chest. She reached behind her and wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing him. Thomas sat up and looked at Tyler.

“Go ahead, Thomas. I think we have a very ready slave who’s dying to feel us inside her.”

Thomas stood and slowly unbuttoned his shirt. “Sugar, I’m going to enjoy this so much,” he said. She shivered in Tyler’s arms as he held her.

“Our Thomas has a wonderful cock,” Tyler murmured in her ear. “Believe me, love, he knows how to use it. I can’t wait for you to feel it.”

She’d seen Thomas bare-chested plenty of times, but knowing his bare chest was about to be pressed against her bare chest intensified her aching need. Lean muscles rippled as he dropped his shirt to the floor. Sparse, curly hair dusted his chest and a thin line of dark hair started under his navel and disappeared beneath his waistband. How many times had she fantasized what he looked like down there?

Thomas opened his pants and as he slid them down, his hard cock sprang free. She moaned. Christ, he was beautiful!

He spread her thighs, kneeling between them, rubbing his swollen head between her legs from her clit to her ready entrance and back. “Do you want to feel me inside you?”

She nodded, clinging to Tyler. “Yes, Master, I want to feel you inside me.”

He placed his large head against her and leaned forward, his hands on the bed on either side of her.

Tyler nibbled on her neck. “Do you want him to fuck you, sweetheart?”

“Please fuck me, Master!”

He pushed in a little, and both groaned. “Jesus, Nevvie, you’re so tight! God Tyler, she’s wet and she’s so tight. Damn!” He slid a little further, not wanting to hurt her, taking his time. Thomas kissed Tyler, then her, sliding in more. “Damn, she’s so hot, Ty.”

“Fuck her well, Thomas,” Tyler said, slipping a hand between her legs, his fingers playing with her clit. “She’s been very good tonight.”

“Do that again. Her whole pussy throbbed when you did that.”

Tyler kissed her neck while he stroked her clit. “Do you like that?”

“Uh huh!” She didn’t care what they did to her. Between Tyler’s mouth and hands and her extremely full pussy, she was beyond reason. She’d never been with someone as large as Thomas before, and he stretched her in an incredibly erotic way.

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