Horseplay (MM)


Heat Rating: Sizzling
Word Count: 10,234
0 Ratings (0.0)

Derrick Landers has a strong attraction to his riding instructor, Seth Winnow. But is pursuing the May/December romance worth risking his riding career?

Seth is winding down for the day when there’s a knock at his door. It’s Derrick, soaked, shivering, and in need of assistance. He spends enough time with Derrick in the riding ring, mesmerized by the movement of his hips.

Maybe there really is something to the whole teacher/student fantasy?

Horseplay (MM)
0 Ratings (0.0)

Horseplay (MM)


Heat Rating: Sizzling
Word Count: 10,234
0 Ratings (0.0)
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Cover Art by Written Ink Designs

The storm moved in quick, catching Derrick by surprise. When the lesson had ended there'd been only a handful of clouds in the sky. Then again, it was spring, a time when the weather was unpredictable and at times even downright dangerous. Derrick dashed for his car, doing his best to avoid the onslaught of rain. No doubt the horses out in their pastures had ducked into offered shelter, his gelding included. Derrick slipped behind the steering wheel, slamming the door. Rain drummed on the sedan.

Pop music blasted through the speakers, forcing Derrick to turn down the volume or risk going deaf. With a desk full of paperwork at home calling his name, Derrick threw the car in reverse and left the barn in his rearview mirror. A suggestive 80s tune came on the radio. It instantly brought to mind Seth, like Derrick ever needed help in that department, and it seemed more and more these days that Seth was never far from his thoughts. Would one be willing to go so far as to say he was obsessed? Had he crossed some invisible line, going from healthy interest to creeper?

It’s not like he was stalking him.

Besides, entertaining a few fantasies never hurt anyone, right?

And now that they'd finally kissed ...

Derrick shifted subtly in the seat, the cushion soft against his rear. The very same rear that Seth flicked with the crop. Already, Derrick felt the familiar stirrings of arousal. In all his most private of moments he never once considered adventuring into the world of pain for pleasure. Maybe a bit of kinkiness was just the sort of thing he needed in his life.

Too bad he had no one to get down and dirty with.

Unless ...

Derrick navigated the slick road, taking the bend that would eventually lead him from rolling country fields to the congestion of city life.

“When did you become such a coward?” He muttered to himself, ignoring the carpet commercial on the radio. “Used to be that you would seize life by the horns and hang on for the ride.”

Right up until he had his heart shattered. Ever since then, he'd been keeping to himself. No wonder he was so easily triggered; how much time had passed since someone last touched him in a sensual, teasing way? Kind of like he was doing right now? Derrick had his hand on his thigh, moving it up and down, brushing against the growing erection poorly concealed in his britches. He knew he should have focused solely on the road, the rain seemingly unrelenting, but he was horny and would helping himself get off in the car be such a bad idea?

Derrick’s fingers flirted with the waistband of his tightly fitted pants. He wished more than ever that it was Seth. There to slowly pull down his pants, then hook a finger in Derrick’s boxer briefs, tugging them down inch by inch until the big reveal.

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