Tales from the Sea Vixen (MM)

by Pelaam


Heat Rating: Sizzling
Word Count: 28,417
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The Sea Vixen carries a team that helps to protect the world from attacks from dark forces. Answering a distress call, a small team is sent to investigate; the team includes the Vixen's captain, Phil, their arcane expert Armand, Frank, and Nathan.

Frank and Nathan are an established couple, but Nathan draws the attention of a newly freed demon. When the demon takes Nathan, the team races against time to save him, body and soul. Frank will fight a demon from hell to protect the man he loves.

Tales from the Sea Vixen (MM)
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Tales from the Sea Vixen (MM)

by Pelaam


Heat Rating: Sizzling
Word Count: 28,417
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Cover Art by Written Ink Designs

Thirty frustrating minutes passed before the Vixen’s doctor came in and, with a final set of checks, eventually pronounced Frank well enough to return to his quarters.

“Bear in mind, Frank, that being released from sick bay doesn’t mean you’re fit for service yet. The wounds weren’t as bad as we thought but there’s no point rushing things. Especially since we’re not on a mission at the moment. Make the most of being able to relax, and rest. Sleep as much as possible. Straight to your quarters now, no stopping to chat with your mates, and I expect you back here in forty-eight hours for a check-up.”

Professor Armand breezed in, a wide smile on his face. “Good to hear he’s recovering well, Doc. Thank you. I’ll walk you to your quarters, Frank.”

Nodding obediently at Armand’s semi-order, Frank shook the doctor’s hand, glad to finally be free of the sick bay’s four walls. The walk was relatively smooth, so Frank guessed they were in calm waters. Thankfully, the Vixen had wider and higher passageways than a standard submarine -- some of her preternatural crew could be big and bulky -- but Frank was still glad of Armand’s assistance. Stepping through each bulkhead threw him off balance more than he’d thought it would.

The distinct glint in Armand’s eyes was a little worrying, though. When he was this cheerful it usually meant he was plotting, and those involved weren’t always as happy about it. A distraction was needed, and Frank knew just the thing.

“Armand, I know Nathan’s been discharged from sick bay and considered fit for duty, but did you see those shadows under his eyes? He couldn’t even stay awake when visiting me. I’m really concerned about him.”

With a tsk of impatience, Armand shook his head. “You know, Frank, for a supposedly intelligent man you are decidedly dense. He loves you every bit as much as you do him, and has been extremely worried about your recovery. I find it unbelievable you haven’t seen it.”

“What?” Frank’s brain seemed to have gone UA -- on an unauthorised absence -- all he could do was stare at the older man in shock.

Armand chuckled. “Since you’re being slow on the uptake, I had a long chat with Nathan before I came to get you.”

“You did?” Frank groaned softly, not sure which was worse: that Armand had seen through him so easily or that he’d taken it upon himself to talk to Nathan.

“Yes, I did.” Armand’s smug tone and self-satisfied smile bordered on irritating.

Gnawing at his lip, Frank waited nervously for the rest, Armand remained annoyingly silent. “Armand, just what did you say?”

“Oh, you know me, Frank, I can do subtle.”

Frank winced. “Yeah, right.” Armand’s version of subtle was like a plank of wood to the back of your head. And Nathan could do so much better than a jaded old man like him.

“I can hear those gears clunking away in your mind, Frank. You stress too much.” Armand wagged his finger inches from Frank’s nose. “There’s no need to worry. Now go into your quarters and make sure you take full advantage of the second chance I’ve set up for you.” And with that strange statement, he strode away.

I know he likes to have the final word, but just what the fuck did he mean by that? Frank stared after Armand for a moment longer before he opened the door.

The incredible sight that greeted him explained Armand’s cryptic comment, and Frank pinched himself to make sure he wasn’t dreaming.

Curled up asleep in Frank’s bed -- looking relaxed and even younger than his years -- was Nathan, a small smile upon his lips. Holy crap! My fantasies just became real. Still not sure if he was hallucinating, Frank shut his eyes then opened them slowly. Nothing changed. Nathan still slept in his bunk. Armand, for once I’m truly grateful you’re such an interfering old bugger. Frank tossed his sling aside and almost tore his clothes in his haste to get naked and slip into the narrow cot.

The bed was too small not to crowd Nathan so he gave up trying and instead settled himself against Nathan’s smooth chest as he mumbled and stretched out. Despite his best efforts, he woke Nathan.

“Frankie?” Nathan’s eyelids, heavy with sleep, opened slightly.

The nickname was one Frank had never heard Nathan use, but he liked the sound of it and wanted to hear it again. “Go back to sleep for now, Nathan. We’ll talk later.” Nathan’s lips tasted every bit as sweet as he’d imagined when he gave them a peck.

“The professor said this would be okay.” Nathan smiled as he rubbed his smooth cheek against Frank’s slightly stubbled one. Frank was amazed how one small gesture could make him feel as if everything was now right with the world.

“It is okay, Nath. More than okay. Let’s just get some sleep for now.”

Even as he nodded in reply, Nathan yawned. Then he positioned himself carefully so that his head was pillowed on Frank’s good shoulder. Frank nuzzled Nathan’s temple, breathing in the man’s familiar light citrus scent.

Nathan settled back into sleep quickly, and with a sigh of contentment, Frank relaxed too. The feeling that something was out of whack vanished as soon as I had you in my arms.

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