Two Ships Passing (FF)


Heat Rating: Sizzling
Word Count: 31,335
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It’s the mid-1800s. Dr. Moira Kelly has completed her schooling at the New York School of Medicine and is looking to return home to London, and her fiancé, Henry. Three years away from home has garnered Moira an independence she never thought possible, and she wonders if this new independence will go over well with her beloved fiancé.

Aboard The Persephone, the only ship that will take her on as passenger, Moira befriends the handsome and dashing young sea captain Morgan McKenzie with his eye-patch, piercing green eye, and neatly trimmed moustache. Moira’s captivation with Morgan turns to shock when McKenzie reveals he is, in actuality, a woman.

Will Moira be able to return home to marry Henry and live the life her parents have planned for her in London? Or will she find her heart spirited away to the depths of the sea?

Two Ships Passing (FF)
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Two Ships Passing (FF)


Heat Rating: Sizzling
Word Count: 31,335
0 Ratings (0.0)
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Cover Art by Written Ink Designs

"Ah." Morgan cleared her throat. "That. I apologize, I suppose, for the abruptness of the statement."

She stopped, pondered for a moment, and took a deep breath, raising her eyes to meet Moira's.

"That being said, I certainly don't take it back. The timing of said announcement may have been entirely inopportune and I realize perhaps I shouldn't have said it at all but I did and I do, you know. I love you. I think I’ve loved you from the moment Joe pointed you out to me that day in New York. Your hair was tightly bound, but a tendril or two had come undone and was framing that porcelain face of yours like a portrait. You had a small hopeful smile on your face, and those black eyes were shining like nothing I had ever seen, and trust me on that, I have sailed around the world three times over. I almost didn’t let you aboard due to heart palpitations alone, though being a doctor I suppose you would be able to help me with that."

There was a shrill noise and Moira was vaguely horrified she'd just cackled like some witch from a fairy tale.

"Love? But you're a ... and I'm a ... and I'm bloody well engaged," she realized her voice was getting louder and despite herself managed to lower her voice, almost to a whisper. "And, you've never even called me by my first name."


She stopped abruptly. Hearing McKenzie say it in that husky, soft but firm voice of hers sent chills down her spine, and a myriad of other sensations elsewhere. She hugged her arms to herself shaking her head vigorously.


McKenzie's bright green gaze didn't waver one bit.

"Don't what?"

"Not now, I don't want you to say it now. I don't want you to ever say it again."

"Moira," the name rolled off McKenzie's tongue again, causing heat to go coursing from the top of Moira's head to the tips of her toes. The young sea captain rose from the bed like some sort of silk draped mermaid approaching her. Moira backed away until she was against the wall, trapped.

"Whatever you're doing, don't. I demand you stop this instant."

Not even Moira believed the conviction in her own voice.

McKenzie approached until she was a couple feet away and raised her hands in surrender.

"Moira. Dr. Kelly. I honestly didn't mean to let you know. I've been feeling it for so long, and there was the music and the lights dancing in your eyes and it just felt right in the moment so I said it." She shrugged, hands still raised and her voice quieted. "I realize you're engaged. I definitely know you’re a woman, God help me, I know that. Those three words are certainly something I've never blurted like that in such a fashion. To be honest I’ve never said them in that regard to anyone. So I suppose I need you to understand I would never hurt you intentionally. Will you forgive me?"

Moira stepped forward and placed her palm against the other woman's shoulder fully intending to push her away so she could leave and never turn back. Instead the hand seemed to act on its own volition and entangling fingers in the silk fabric pulled McKenzie closer.

"Say it again.”

Even Moira was surprised at the needy demand in her voice. McKenzie's eyes widened then softened, her full lips parting in a half smile.

"Moira," so soft she could barely hear it above the din of her heart thudding in her chest.

Moira pulled the younger woman to her and their lips crashed together. A passion arose in Moira like she'd never felt before, the Captain's tongue flicked gently against her bottom lip seeking entry which Moira allowed, and she moaned quietly. The sound seemed to ignite something in McKenzie and the captain growled against her mouth gently taking her bottom lip in her teeth, causing a wave of ecstasy to rock through Moira's core. She felt herself pushed against a wall, where Morgan had better purchase to grind her hips against the doctor’s and Moira found herself cursing her heavy skirts. Then, almost as soon as it began, it was over. The younger woman pulled back, breathing heavily, her eyes aflame with passion, robe even more askew than it had been to begin with.

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