Mainstream Romance: Historical

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Green River Revolt
1 ratings
In the 1880s Lucille Martin revolts against men who will not allow women to vote or own property. In spite of all her work at home her brother inherits the family farm, so possessing a teaching degree, she find MORE...
Pirates of the Mist (MF)
[BookStrand Historical Romance, Time-Travel] Old legends told a tale of a pirate curse placed on the town of Mystic Harbor, death to anyone on the beach the night of the anniversary of the pirate Tristan Ham MORE...
Somewhere Between Heaven and Hell (MF)
[BookStrand Historical Romance] When Caitlyn O'Connor lost her fiance to the Continental Army, she didn't realize how close the British would come and infiltrate themselves into her life. But the dragoon led b MORE...
246 titles in Mainstream Romance: Historical