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Dorothy Kollat

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Dorothy Kollat lives in California. She is a bookworm, a traveler, coffee drinker, and mediocre crossfitter. Her love affair with reading began in the third grade when she was assigned the poem "My Shadow" by Robert Louis Stevenson. Dorothy spends a lot of time planted in cafés in the Los Angeles area either catching up on reading books or plotting ideas for her next steamy romance novel.

Connect with her on Twitter: @d_kollat or Instagram: @dkollat

Q: What is the hardest part about writing?

A: Definitely the editing process! Completing an outline or a first draft  is a freeing endeavor because I allow my imagination to run wild without a filter as my fingers type away. However, to create a work of fiction, it's important to step away from it for a few days and return to the draft with fresh eyes. Even though it is essential to distance myself from a draft, it takes a lot of restraint because I want to pick and revise it right away. Patience is key. Wine helps too.

Q: What do you do when you are not writing?

A: I read. I read a lot of books from various disciplines and not only the romance genre. I pay attention to phrases and stories that draw me into their world and make an effort to learn from that. But when I'm away from reading and writing I check out interesting spots in LA and I attend Crossfit.

Q: How did your interest in writing originate?

A: Ever since I was a little girl I'd write stories. I used to staple several papers together to make my own paper version books of my "works." There was no conscious decision to be a writer, rather it simply called to me. For as long as I can remember I've carried a notebook and several pens around with me at all times in case an idea strikes me.

As for the Oasis Resort series, the idea came to me in an uneventful manner. I was stuck on a plane runway for over an hour and my mind wandered to the idea of going to a spa. Then my steamy romance ego nudged the desire for a spa into a concept for a book setting. I outlined the first novella in my journal while waiting desperately for my plane to take off.

Q: What do you think makes for a good story?

A: For the romance genre I turn to the great Jane Austen. I think her perception, psychology, and attention to detail make her love stories absolutely charming. I also appreciate the way she emphasizes friendship as part and parcel to a love connection.

For fiction in general, a good story not only entertains but resonates with the reader where they will perceive the world anew. Or, a fiction such as one in the mystery genre, when it is written well, taps into the very human quality of problem solving and care for justice. I enjoy books that keep me thinking days, weeks, and sometimes years after having read them.

Q: What was the inspiration behind creating the characters?

A: It was important for me to have a love story that hinged on two people being a match and compliment for each other instead of completing each other. Often in romantic tales the male figure is drawn in a fully human manner with goals, a career, and success. I wanted the women of my stories to imbibe that same energy. I think it's attractive for both parties to be "whole," and the love they pursue is a wonderful enhancement to their lives as opposed to a sort of void filling phenomena.

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