Loving Compromise

eXtasy Books

Heat Rating: Sizzling
Word Count: 107,596
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Charlotte married Chazz Loving, a man who hungered for wild sex. Because of her mother's advice to be a proper lady, Charlotte refused to accommodate her husband's desires. Worried that her hunk of a husband might leave her, Charlotte proposed a compromise. When the Loving Dairy Farm was transformed into a sex-friendly paradise then nudism, voyeurism, exhibitionism, and other ‘isms' became the joys of farm life. However, opportunities for Chazz and the residents to enjoy wild sex with agreeable persons didn't adequately scratch Chazz's itch. Through humorous twists and turns of the story, you'll discover whether Charlotte was tenacious enough to stick to the basics of vanilla sex like a proper lady or whether she succumbed to Chazz's will.

Loving Compromise
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Loving Compromise

eXtasy Books

Heat Rating: Sizzling
Word Count: 107,596
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Cover Art by Carmen Waters

"So what do you expect me to do? I have no clue," said Chazz.

"I propose that you let me help. This situation calls for a strategy you cannot fathom without my assistance. I'll assist you to find desirable women who can be enticed to satisfy your special needs. If I do this for you, there's just one thing I want you to promise me. You must promise not to have secrets about your sex life. If you promise me this, I'll help you. You don't have to sneak. You can walk around naked, masturbate as much as you like wherever you like and show your jewels to whomever you like. You must also promise not to have vaginal sex with anybody but me unless the lady is pregnant. You can have oral or anal sex whenever you like, wherever you like, and you can satisfy your cravings for public sex without any complaints from me. You can enjoy sex even when I'm present. All of what I'm suggesting works for me because I want to be married to a satisfied husband. This is what I need—I need you to be sexually satisfied."

As Charlotte thought about the challenge, she was excited for the opportunity to help her husband enjoy the sex acts he always wanted to perform. This arrangement will be an exciting journey for me as much as it is for him. It'll give me a chance to vicariously experience a variety of sex acts that I would never venture to try. If it wasn't for my marriage to Chazz, I would have a boring life.

Charlotte believed that as long as Chazz could have self-esteem and categorize himself as a trustworthy, faithful, and honorable husband, not a scoundrel, liar, or any other kind of lowlife, he could be content with her proposal. Although she didn't mention it, she hoped Chazz would allow her to witness his joy as often as possible.

Chazz hugged her and agreed to her plan. "Okay. If you can make it happen, I'm willing to go for it."

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