Memoirs of a Male Succubus

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Extra Credit (MM)
Samuel Driver had been a thug, a thief, and a career criminal — until the moment he got killed. His violent escapades secured him a place in Hell, but his fighting spirit earned him a reprieve, and a chance to MORE...
Soul Collector (MF, MM, MMM)
When a demon offers Samuel Driver a second chance at life, seducing men and women, Sam doesn’t hesitate. Samuel Driver had been a thug, a thief, and a career criminal—until the moment he got killed. His violen MORE...
Broken Promise (MMMMMMM) (MM)
Needs must as the devil drives. Samuel Driver was a thug, a thief, and a career criminal—until the moment he got himself killed. His violent escapades guaranteed him a place in Hell, but his fighting s MORE...
Bonus Points (MMM)
Sometimes, one man is not enough. Samuel Driver was a thug, a thief, and a career criminal — until the moment he got himself killed. His violent escapades guaranteed him a place in Hell, but his fighti MORE...
Contract Amended (MM)
They put the ‘stud’ in ‘studio.’ Samuel Driver was a thug, a thief, and a career criminal — until the moment he got himself killed. His violent escapades guaranteed him a place MORE...