The Slut Fairy

eXtasy Books

Heat Rating: Steamy
Word Count: 15,387
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Sparks fly between the Slut Fairy and Ash, her fireman lover. Will he ignite enough passion in her? Will she quench his thirst? One thing they both agree on—if you’re naughty, you’ll get a good hosing down.

The Slut Fairy
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The Slut Fairy

eXtasy Books

Heat Rating: Steamy
Word Count: 15,387
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Cover Art by Martine Jardin

The Slut Fairy blinked. It was dark in the alcove.

She peered out and whispered, “What’s that? It’s a human male! Where am I? The last thing I remember was that shattering climax. I don’t believe it—I’m inside the mansion. The spell I cast took my scream literally and transported me to Human Land.”

Shh—I need to change. Humans don’t believe in fairies. What shall I wear? No, first... I can’t be four-feet-two inches tall, and the wings have to go. Yes, five-feet-three will be perfect, but I’m keeping my double-D’s.

She quietly chanted,

“I’ll change my form,

And take the humans by storm.

My double-D tits just have to stay,

So the men will want their wicked way.

My wings must go,

I can’t let them show.

Me as a fairy,

They can never know.

I’ll change my clothes,

And take a sexy pose,

That all humans can’t resist,

And they’ll attend my midnight tryst.”

There was a mirror in the alcove. She slowly turned around.

“Yes, the purple gown’s sexy, and the silk won’t tear. It features my breasts, is tight around my waist, and flows to the floor. Naughty spell, what a surprise—no panties or bra, and the gown has a long slit up to my waist for easy access.

“I feel so tall. Why?” She chuckled. “No wonder, I’m wearing four-inch platforms with six-inch heels.”

Star emerged from the shadows and slowly sashayed up to the bar.

My every step shows some leg and hints of hidden delights. I can feel the men—and women—lusting after me.

“What’s your poison?” the barkeep asked. He couldn’t stop staring at her breasts. It took a while before he noticed Star’s baffled look. “It’s your first time?”

“Yes, it is.”

“I’ll get you a fireball—on the house. It’s hot stuff and made from Amaretto, Cinnamon Schnapps, and Tabasco. After a couple of these, you won’t care.” He busied himself adding the ingredients to a mixer, then vigorously shook it. “Most bartenders don’t know how to make a fireball. It has to be shaken and not stirred.” He poured Star a shot.

The Slut Fairy knocked it back, staggered, blinked, and took a deep breath. She slammed the glass down on the counter. The barkeep filled it up a second time.

A man joined them. “I’ll have one. It’s bad luck to drink alone.”

Star turned. He’ll do for starters. She drained the second shot, took his hand, and dragged him onto the dance floor. He took the hint and slipped his arm around her waist.

They gyrated slowly to the music. He pulled her close and whispered, “You’re hot.”

She looked up. “Are you going to light my fire?”

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