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Reviews for Jesse (MM)

Reader Reviews

39 Ratings
Avg - 4.77
Jesse (MM) by Lynn Hagen (Published by: Siren-BookStrand, Inc. )
Categories: Paranormal, Shape-shifter, Alternative (M/M, Gay)

This reviewer's rating: 5 - Outstanding

This book start new series Howling Cavern with bang. We meet Corky that is having some issue with all that involves the new group of friends that he has meet. You see the journey that he takes to overcome and maybe find love that he has been missing all his life. Jesse is the Alpha and is slowing losing all his focus and maybe his pack. will he be able to get things back on track. Highly recommend this book and cant wait to read more from this series maybe about Avery or Declan

Reviewed by: virginia lee (Date: 12/06/2017)
Total reviews by this reviewer: 98 See all my reviews

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