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Reviews for Kera Faire

Reader Reviews

1 Ratings
Avg - 5.00
The Furnace Man (MF) by Kera Faire (Published by: Evernight Publishing )
Categories: BDSM, Contemporary, Romantic Suspense

This reviewer's rating: 5 - Outstanding

So excited that we have another Death Isle book out by Kera Faire! I just LOVE these books. (Admittedly, the pigs on the island make me a tad nervous though.) I’d love to be carried off and interrogated, maybe by two dispatchers. (as long as I wasn’t dispatched yeah?) Ahh those good cop bad cop kinky fantasies. Anywho, back to the book, The Furnace Man is the latest Dark Isle book to hit the shelves and it’s a juicy one. Just like with Andie and Rio, Lindsey and Michael are at an impasse in their marriage because Michael has had to lie about his job, so Lindsey leaves. But instead of turning to hooking. (You’ll have to pick up Killer At Christmas, a novella, to figure THAT out) Lindsey gets a job with our old pal Darke. She ends up at a glass making factory where she has an assignment, but what happens when she’s on the look-out for someone who’s using the furnace to hide bodies and she runs into her ex-husband Michael? It’s an interesting trip to the Dark Isle this time. Just loved this one! The stories are short, but oh so good! And frankly, it’s fun as a Yank trying to discern Kera’s Scot’s vernacular. Thank Goodness for Google! But hey, it makes it that much more fun!

Reviewed by: Knottygirlreviews (Date: 04/05/2017)
Total reviews by this reviewer: 13 See all my reviews

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