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Reviews for My Fair Dork (MM)

Reader Reviews

6 Ratings
Avg - 4.17
My Fair Dork (MM) by Daisy Harris (Published by: Siren-BookStrand, Inc. )
Categories: Contemporary, Alternative (M/M, Gay)

This reviewer's rating: 5 - Outstanding

I really enjoyed Harold and Owen's story in My Fair Dork. It was a story about acceptance and liking who you are inside and out and finding love. These two are complete opposites but do have something in common; they have trouble accepting their "true" self. Harold is self-conscious about his physical attributes though he is fine with being openly gay. Owen is a popular quarterback but has problem acknowledging he's gay or at least bisexual. They are not 100% comfortable in their own skin and together they help each other overcome this. Harold and Owen become friends and their attraction to each other is evident from the beginning. Owen gives Harold a makeover in order to help him feel better about his body and Harold's openness about being gay and intimate moments helps Owen break down some of his barriers and admit his growing feelings for another man. I liked that Owen kept wanting to spend more time with Harold than his "popular" friends and not really caring what they thought. Their sex scenes were hot and creative that had me wanting more. I also liked Harold's thoughtfulness towards Owen, who was still somewhat scared of their physical relationship and that endeared him to me even more and I had already loved him. They were fun, lovable characters you wanted to root for as you read the book. Another great book in this series.

Reviewed by: bookfan747 (Date: 10/14/2012)
Total reviews by this reviewer: 7 See all my reviews

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