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Reviews for Ofelia Gränd
Reader Reviews

Around Seven (MM)
Ofelia Gränd
(Published by:
Categories: Contemporary, EROTIC Romance, Alternative (M/M, Gay)
This reviewer's rating: 3 - Average
Categories: Contemporary, EROTIC Romance, Alternative (M/M, Gay)
This reviewer's rating: 3 - Average
This would have been a great story, but the ending was too abrupt, leaving the story incomplete. Ofelia, do not be afraid to write another 30,000 words. I really wanted to clobber Guy with a cast iron frying pan. But more importantly, I wanted to see Josh succeed in bringing Oz out of his PTSD and address the abuse that he faced for five years. Oz was so far down the PTSD rabbit hole that he did not even see Guy as an abuser. He was still blaming himself at the end. If you had carried his relationship with Josh through the next 1 to 2 years, I would expect that to change. But you cut the story short instead of rewarding your readers with the happy ending that we wanted to see Oz get. Plus, Guy totally got away with abusive behavior. I really wanted to see him get his a beat down or chased out of town or something for being an abusive prick. But he gets away with it. That sucks!
Reviewed by: korho
(Date: 08/31/2021)
Total reviews by this reviewer: 5 See all my reviews
Total reviews by this reviewer: 5 See all my reviews
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