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Reviews for Remind Me, Master (MF)

Reader Reviews

13 Ratings
Avg - 4.54
Remind Me, Master (MF) by Lara Valentine (Published by: Siren-BookStrand, Inc. )
Categories: BDSM, Contemporary

This reviewer's rating: 5 - Outstanding

I loved this book. Makes you think about things if you have been married for a long time.

Reviewed by: rhondavb (Date: 09/14/2014)
Total reviews by this reviewer: 891 See all my reviews

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See all MER reviews for this author: Lara Valentine

13 Ratings
Avg - 4.54
Remind Me, Master (MF) by Lara Valentine (Published by: Siren-BookStrand, Inc. )
Categories: BDSM, Contemporary

This reviewer's rating: 5 - Outstanding

Lara Valentine has written another awesome book!! The story of Conor and Lisa really resonated with me for a number of reasons. It is a story about a couple that have been married for a while and are now trying to redefine their relationship, what used to work for them no longer does and they struggle to find a place that works for both of them. All they while they are struggling with family issues that all families struggle with at some point. I found it very refreshing that they were able to work through their struggles and come out stronger. I would highly recommend this book to others.

Reviewed by: Lisaflipz (Date: 09/10/2013)
Total reviews by this reviewer: 52 See all my reviews

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See all MER reviews for this title: Remind Me, Master (MF)
See all MER reviews for this author: Lara Valentine

13 Ratings
Avg - 4.54
Remind Me, Master (MF) by Lara Valentine (Published by: Siren-BookStrand, Inc. )
Categories: BDSM, Contemporary

This reviewer's rating: 5 - Outstanding

Our usual favorite BDSM stories involve making a relationship from a sexual scene. But what happens after "Happily Ever After"? A lot of ups and downs, and hard work, same as any relationship! "Remind Me, Master" shows the point in a committed BDSM relationship when issues come to a head, life gets in the way, and communication has broken down. They need to renegotiate and reconnect. They need to self-reflect on what each person needs. And they need to do it in the hottest way possible and reforge bonds. This is simply one of the sweetest, hottest stories I've read in a long time that affirms that, yes, there is life after marriage, and what a great life it can be. It makes you believe in relationships once again. Internal and character-driven conflicts, external conflicts, this story does it well.

Reviewed by: marya13 (Date: 09/03/2013)
Total reviews by this reviewer: 19 See all my reviews

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See all MER reviews for this title: Remind Me, Master (MF)
See all MER reviews for this author: Lara Valentine

13 Ratings
Avg - 4.54
Remind Me, Master (MF) by Lara Valentine (Published by: Siren-BookStrand, Inc. )
Categories: BDSM, Contemporary

This reviewer's rating: 5 - Outstanding

Great reading. It can't be easy writing about a mature married couple that have been married for many years and who are struggling to bring back that excitement back into their lives. Most readers love the thrill and excitement of new love and the challenge it poses but this writer was able to bring that challenge and thrill into this story.

Reviewed by: sarki (Date: 08/26/2013)
Total reviews by this reviewer: 270 See all my reviews

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See all MER reviews for this title: Remind Me, Master (MF)
See all MER reviews for this author: Lara Valentine

13 Ratings
Avg - 4.54
Remind Me, Master (MF) by Lara Valentine (Published by: Siren-BookStrand, Inc. )
Categories: BDSM, Contemporary

This reviewer's rating: 5 - Outstanding

I love this series!!!! This group of women and there families are fantastic! !!! Conor and lisa, this was sweet and loving, hot hot as hell to, truly shows you that couples need to slow down and take a step back and try to fix whats not working... this was outstanding

Reviewed by: donna b buccella (Date: 08/13/2013)
Total reviews by this reviewer: 259 See all my reviews

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See all MER reviews for this title: Remind Me, Master (MF)
See all MER reviews for this author: Lara Valentine