Love Comes After Fifty

Love Comes After Fifty 1

eXtasy Books

Heat Rating: Steamy
Word Count: 37,500
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Lt. Dan, a lieutenant sheriff, and Dr. Jacob, an educator, are accidentally thrown together. There are four major conferences scheduled in the city, and because of that, there are no hotel rooms for miles around. Sharing is the only option.

The two men come from different backgrounds and face difficulties that make their lives complicated. Against all odds, can they overcome the obstacles and build a lasting relationship?

Love Comes After Fifty
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Love Comes After Fifty

Love Comes After Fifty 1

eXtasy Books

Heat Rating: Steamy
Word Count: 37,500
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Cover Art by Tyffani Lyons

Jacob arrived at his hotel in Athens, Georgia. He was there to attend a conference for his school system. The noise from the chatter between customers and staff drifted through the foyer. A large sign at the desk stated the entire hotel had been fully booked long ago, and people left clearly disappointed as they hurried away in search of other accommodation, commenting as they went about how they should’ve booked months ago. Jacob sidled up to the counter and started to check in. 

As they confirmed his room reservation, the clerk quietly asked, “Mr. Easton, you’ve booked a room with two queen-size beds, and I see that you only have one set of luggage.  Are you expecting anyone to join you?”

Surprised by the question, Jacob answered, “No, when I called for a reservation, that was all you had open, but I took it anyway. Why?”

 “Sir, we have a police officer that needs a room. It seems he’s some sort of VIP. We even got phone calls from the Chief of Police and the Sheriff asking us to try and help him out. We’d make it well worth your while if you’d consider sharing your room with him. Currently there are four huge conferences happening this week, so everyone’s having difficulty finding a room.”  

The young man was very dramatic as he explained the situation. 

Jacob pretended a cough to cover up his amusement over the theatrics. He noticed people standing around him, looking to be waiting for his answer.

Pausing for a second and looking the manager in the eye, Jacob took a deep breath, smiled, and said, “A VIP policeman? The idea of saving some money is piquing my curiosity, and I like the idea of helping out an officer of the law. I guess it can’t hurt to see what you mean. How much, and who?” 

The clerk showed Jacob the discount, fifty percent off the price of his room. 

Jacob’s smile lit his face up. “I like the how much. Now, who needs to be answered.”

The clerk pointed his index finger to the parking lot.

Jacob scanned the area where the clerk seemed to be indicating.  A man came into Jacob’s vision. The guy stood outside by a black car. Jacob’s eyes widened as he saw a poorly dressed man in a wrinkled, dirty-looking, and ill-fitted suit. Jacob noticed that the man could not possibly button the jacket because his huge stomach was in the way. Jacob’s focus turned from that man to the clerk. “You’ve got to be kidding me. You expect me to share my room with him?” Jacob looked back directly at the disheveled-looking man.

The clerked followed Jacob’s gaze and shook his head. “No, no, no, not Jabba the Hutt…him,” he said and pointed slightly farther to the left. 

Jacob spotted another man who stood a short distance from Mr. Jabba. His breath caught for a second, and he stared in disbelief. His shirt collar suddenly felt too tight. Jacob wiped his now sweaty palms on his pants. There stood a man dressed in a perfectly fitted police uniform who was just too beautiful to be real. At least six feet four inches tall and built like a god. He had gorgeous deep blue eyes. Curly short black hair, a strong jawline, dimpled cheeks, and a perfect nose made his masculine face look like a movie star’s. But it was when he smiled that Jacob lost his breath, a smile that just might have the ability to kill people. Jacob mouthed Wow. Even from this distance, Jacob could see his sparkling blue eyes dancing with anticipation and looking hopeful for a positive answer. A dreamy mood came over Jacob.  

“Well, what do you think?”  the clerk asked, snapping him back to reality.

Jacob glanced back at that handsome godlike man and mopped the sweat from his forehead as concern flowed through him. “Just look at him. I’m going to bet this won’t work at all. He’s the epitome of the straight redneck.” Jacob was sure he’d heard several disappointing aahs from people around him. Jacob paused for a moment. His attention was refocused on the police officer. He straightened up, checked his clothes, and ran his fingers through his hair to see if it was still in place. He returned to the fidgeting clerk. Finally, he said, “Well, maybe him, but I get to decide after meeting him.” 

The clerk fist pumped in the air and said, “Yes! I’ll get the manager and then have him retrieve the gentleman for you to meet him. The poor man’s desperate for a place to sleep. It seems every room in town’s booked.” 

Jacob squeaked out, “Okay.”

The clerk informed the manager of the situation.  The manager shook Jacob’s hand and then practically pranced out the door to escort the policeman to Jacob.

Mumbling to himself, Jacob concluded, “If you put chiffon wings on that man, he’d fly.”  

The young clerk behind the check-in desk barked out a laugh, and only then did Jacob realize he’d said that out loud.

 The manager talked to the officer and pointed. The officer looked in the direction that the manager was pointing. He surfed through the crowd but stopped when his attention locked onto Jacob. 

Jacob mumbled to himself, “What the hell am I thinking? Am I really going to share my room with a stranger? Yep, I’m getting senile. I swear that would be the only explanation of what’s happening to me.” He suddenly realized he’d forgotten himself and mumbled that all out loud, and his face flushed

Now looking his way, the clerk said, “Sir, are you okay? Can I get you anything?” 

Nearly begging, Jacob replied, “I could use a Diet Coke.” Suddenly there it appeared on a silver platter. Jacob smiled and thanked the clerk. Opening the soda and taking a swallow, he said, “I could get used to this special treatment.”

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