Four Seasons: Spring 2009

Excessica Anthologies 1

excessica publishing

Heat Rating: Sizzling
Word Count: 90,241
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Spring is a time of beginnings - after a gradual thaw, the melting of one season into next, comes a bright renewal - the exciting, passionate bloom of love, youth, new life, chances to begin again and all the rituals of re-birth. As the world blooms open again, so does the human longing for re-connection, both emotionally and physically. Come join your favorite eXcessica authors in this sensual, seasonal anthology, bringing you the best of all things sexy in the spring!

(Edited by Selena Kitt, stories by Molly Wens, Giselle Renarde, Amicus, Sabb, Rachelle Le Monnier, Kiki Howell, Sommer Marsden, Vicki Paradise, Jennifer Campbell, Dakota Trace, Marshall Ian Key and Karenna Colcroft)

Four Seasons: Spring 2009
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Four Seasons: Spring 2009

Excessica Anthologies 1

excessica publishing

Heat Rating: Sizzling
Word Count: 90,241
0 Ratings (0.0)
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From "Get Me, Got Me, Good," by Sommer Marsden:

All I wanted was a marriage that wasn't crumbling around my ears. All I wanted was what every girl wants, the movie marriage. The guy who always balances you, always supports you. The guy who gets you. Isn't that all most of us want anyway? Just someone who gets us. So, only about six months into the marriage it was painfully clear that Patrick didn't get me. And I suspected he had only pretended to get me at all so I would marry him. And there I was, married, miserable and ready to be a divorcee.

Half of the wedding gifts were still in their boxes and I was filing for legal separation. That kicked off two years of my life. Two years of no dating, blind dating, speed dating, boring dating, please -and-me-a-belt-so-I-can-hang-myself dating. Good stuff. And then I met Jonathan and he was good.

He didn't rock my world. He was a bit uptight and judgmental. There were no fireworks, but damn, he wasn't crazy. He had a job. He did not live with his mother. He did not have an apartment full of horror movie memorabilia including a moving hand that grabbed your ass when you stood up off the toilet. He did not show his friends pictures of me sleeping and he did not prance around the house in my underwear.

He was normal. Nice. Normal. Dependable. Boring.

I could live with that.

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