Love in the Afternoon (MF)

Dave and Lida 5

Evernight Publishing

Heat Rating: Scorching
Word Count: 10,170
1 Ratings (5.0)

Lida Lawrence spends Saturday mornings at the park with her three year old daughter, Bella. One day she meets Dave McKenna who’s there with his own daughter.

Lida is happily married, but over the course of eight Saturdays, she’s gradually drawn to the sweet man who clearly loves his daughter and his wife. He’s kind and thoughtful and she can’t deny the attraction between them.

When things come to a head, will she break her marriage vows to enjoy a little love in the afternoon?

Love in the Afternoon (MF)
1 Ratings (5.0)

Love in the Afternoon (MF)

Dave and Lida 5

Evernight Publishing

Heat Rating: Scorching
Word Count: 10,170
1 Ratings (5.0)
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Cover Art by Sour Cherry Designs
This book makes me want to find love in the afternoon as well!

“I’m fine, Dave. Really. Now I just have to go and register Bella before they are full.”

“Six week playtime program?”

“Yes, your baby too?”

He nodded as she stood. He wanted to take her arm and help her over to registration table, but of course he didn’t. He took a seat and waited. Ten minutes later she was back, grinning. “I’ve registered Bella and I volunteered myself as a parent chaperone for weeks three and six.” She grinned at him and he received a jolt of pure happiness. Those were the two weeks he was volunteering. She’d chosen them deliberately. Because of him. He was absurdly happy at the thought.

He looked at his watch. “I have to get back to work. Are you sure you are okay?”

“I’m fine. See you Saturday.”

He frowned. “But that’s the first session date.”

She blushed. “I know, but I still have to drop off Bella. If you are really sorry for dropping me on my ass, you can buy me coffee afterwards.”

“It’s a date.”

He saw her react to his words in a way he hadn’t expected. He watched her take a deep breath. And then another. He saw her nipples tighten and felt a corresponding hardness in his cock. Did the thought excite her as much as it did him? He found himself babbling as he tried to put the thought out of his head.

“I mean, I thought of hiding in the bushes and keeping an eye on her, but I guess that might be frowned upon. If we are together, then I can stay strong and not lurk and scare the children.”

“Stay strong, Dave. It’s only four hours. Besides, hiding in bushes watching preschool age children could get you arrested. I’ll find a way to keep you occupied and out of the bushes and jail. Much safer spending the time with me.” She reached out and grabbed his hand in what he guessed she meant to be a reassuring gesture. Instead, it made him want to pull her to him and kiss her. Hard. On the mouth. He held onto her hand tightly.

“I’m all yours!” He declared, squeezing her fingers and then sandwiching her hand between both of his before reluctantly letting go. Then he stopped as he thought about how badly he wanted the words to be true in a way she definitely didn’t intend. “I, uh, I mean…”

“I know what you mean. And now I have to get back home. See you Saturday.” She went up on tiptoe and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. Without thinking, he turned his head and kissed her back on the mouth.

She froze, reaching up to touch her mouth lightly before blushing and hurrying away. Shit. Had he scared her away? Maybe that was a good thing. He wanted her. With every fiber of his being, he wanted Lida under him, his cock buried inside her pussy, her head thrown back as she screamed out her completion.

Spending Saturday morning alone with her would be a big mistake. He knew it. And he also knew he was going to do it anyway. The question was, after that kiss, would she show up? If she did, he would know she wanted him too. If she didn’t, well, he’d take a cold shower and then change his volunteer dates so he wouldn’t have to spend time with her again and eventually his crush on her would fade. Hopefully. After a few dozen cold showers.

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