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Reviews for Magnificent King (MF)

Authors reviews

Books written by
Erin O‘Quinn

3 Ratings
Avg - 4.67
Magnificent King (MF) by May Water (Published by: Siren-BookStrand, Inc. )
Categories: Historical

This reviewer's rating: 4 - Good

(Rating 4.3) In my imagination, author May Water is a long-haired, rose-cheeked sprite with no love at all for convention and a huge passion for people. She is a bit of an actor and very much a charlatan, a jokester and a serious writer. Yes, I imagine May at her May pole, dancing around the fluttering ribbons festooned with flowers and calling to rising and falling seabirds, calling into life a tale of long ago love between two engaging people, but with a bit of a modern flair. This particular author May of my imagination cares not a whit what any other romance writers may hold as strict convention, for she has her eyes set firmly on an inner spirit. Her character Marewyn is a kind of enchantress, versed in herbal lore and given to visions of several past lives she has lived with Jann, her Magnificent King. And in between and around them dances Sir Erick, a grinning musician who loves the two of them, and who only once enters a small game of threesies. The sex is rampant and specific, sensual, hot, demanding. It is masturbatory, it is mutual, and just that one delicious time it is triple, involving Erick as Jann looks on. So I would call May Water’s book hot and erotic, all the while it is soft and magical--a tour de force of modern and ancient, of demure old-timey dresses with see-through Victoria’s Secret bodices. Read this book if you want to enter a world of a stubborn, sensual King and his saucy, sexy and loving lady Marewyn, a world of Danish longships, of runes and wild stallions and ancient rituals--a flagon of old wine with a zesty modern twist.

Reviewed by: Erin O‘Quinn (Date: 03/18/2012)
Total reviews by this reviewer: 4 See all my reviews

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Erin O‘Quinn >
Total reviews by Erin O‘Quinn: 4

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Reader Reviews

3 Ratings
Avg - 4.67
Magnificent King (MF) by May Water (Published by: Siren-BookStrand, Inc. )
Categories: Historical

This reviewer's rating: 5 - Outstanding


Reviewed by: thebangsite (Date: 05/03/2011)
Total reviews by this reviewer: 1 See all my reviews

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See all MER reviews for this author: May Water