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Reviews for Surrender the Booty (MMF)

Authors reviews

Books written by
Raina James

33 Ratings
Avg - 4.24
Surrender the Booty (MMF) by Carmie L'Rae (Published by: Siren-BookStrand, Inc. )
Categories: Menage a Trois/Quatre , Western/Cowboys

This reviewer's rating: 5 - Outstanding

The first book in Menage Amour author Carmie L'Rae's Sand and Spurs series is as deliciously hot as the deserted tropical island it is set on. Real estate agent Bella gets more action and fantasy than she ever dreamed possible when she finds herself shipwrecked with rugged cowboy Trevor and gorgeous playboy Jose. Things are made all the more challenging when the trio discovers that a strange, intoxicating scent in the air has an instant and irresistible aphrodisiac effect on them. All of them. Bella is quickly drawn into a love affair with both men that makes one wish for a chance to cool off in the trio's private waterfall. Even Trevor and Jose are not immune from discovering an unexpected -- and hot -- passion for each other. The plot made for an undeniable page-turner, with pant-worthy love scenes and engaging characters. It was easy to empathize with Bella, who had the good fortune to be "stuck" on a deserted island with two virile, captivating men, each with their own alluring dash of darkness. And what tropical island paradise is complete without its own giant snake, not to mention family secrets, private agendas and buried pirate treasure. Surrender the Booty by Carmie L'Rae was a pleasure to read from start to finish. I will definitely be looking for Book 2 in this sizzling series.

Reviewed by: Raina James (Date: 03/08/2011)
Total reviews by this reviewer: 2 See all my reviews

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