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Reviews by Just a Woman

10 Ratings
Avg - 4.50
Claiming Hope (MFM) by Suzette Rose Cauler (Published by: Siren-BookStrand, Inc. )
Categories: Contemporary, Menage a Trois/Quatre, Paranormal, Shape-shifter

This reviewer's rating: 5 - Outstanding

Wow! I’m so impressed by the writing in Claiming Hope. The story sucked me in and I had to stay up all night to finish reading this HOT and powerfully EROTIC paranormal menage. I couldn’t stop. This book was a gift and I’ve never read this type of book before. I just had to write a review! A night spent with Claiming Hope is a perfect way to spend the evening. It will keep you up ‘till the crack of dawn and leave you with incredible dreams to follow! I was riveted by the relationships between Hope and her men – sexy, strong, real and balanced characters. I was amazed by the skill the author displays in the most intense, exciting erotic scene I’ve ever encountered as Adam and Levi share Hope. I felt like a participant in their ménage! Oh, where are Adam and Levi in my life?! I LOVED this book! The sex was mighty and the tension untamable. The romance was endearing and the paranormal elements blended in naturally for me, adding a nice twist and a first for me. Claiming Hope is my first erotic paranormal ménage and should be yours! Now I have to read Nikki’s Fated, too, and all the other books by Suzette Rose Cauler! I’ve discovered a new writer and she’s converted me!

Reviewed by: Just a Woman (Date: 01/22/2015)
Total reviews by this reviewer: 1 See all my reviews

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