To Love His Mate (MM)


Heat Rating: Sizzling
Word Count: 12,328
1 Ratings (4.0)

Sequel to To Catch His Mate

Tyler Panterone has a wonderful life with his lover, Felix Cotter. They have two adorable twin boys who are both cute and a pain in the butt. He wouldn’t have it any other way. But one morning as he comes out of the forest from a night spent in his white panther form, a strange shifter comes to call, and he looks like Felix. Tyler is terrified that someone from his lover’s long lost family might finally have come to claim Felix and take him away.

Tensions rise, and with Thanksgiving looming, Tyler can’t help feeling hurt as Felix and his newfound older brother bond and spend all their time together. Naturally, another shifter appears to complicate things. Tyler is afraid he will be left behind, but he knows how much it means to Felix to finally learn about his past.

This Thanksgiving will definitely be something to remember.

To Love His Mate (MM)
1 Ratings (4.0)

To Love His Mate (MM)


Heat Rating: Sizzling
Word Count: 12,328
1 Ratings (4.0)
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Cover Art by Written Ink Designs

When I awoke, the alarm clock said four o’clock. Time to get up. Felix slept like the dead next to me, and I couldn’t help but reach out and stroke the hair back from his forehead. I loved the man to distraction, and I was confused, hurt and at a loss as to how to fix things between us, and it was a problem I created. With a soft sigh, I stood and silently padded from the room, taking the clothes I’d left on the floor with me so I could dress in the bathroom.

By six-thirty, the turkeys were sizzling in the oven, and I’d already made a quick breakfast for everyone: pancakes, sausage patties, fruit, and cereal for the boys. Juice glasses and coffee cups were on the table, along with the carafe, milk, and orange juice containers so everyone could serve themselves.

I was putting the last touches on the pies when suddenly, my kitchen was filled with people. They all looked sleepy, hairs standing up on end, and the boys were rubbing their eyes, trying to wake up. It was a good thing that the table was big enough to hold everyone.

I said “good morning” and told everyone to have a seat and dig in. I went back to finishing the pie, and seconds later, I felt familiar strong arms around my waist.

Felix held me like that for a while as I continued to work. He didn’t say anything, just stood there, holding me close. I wasn’t sure what to say, so I kept quiet and focused on my task. I could hear the others talking to each other, passing food and answering the questions posed by the twins, but it seemed that Felix and I were in our own little cocoon.

“I love you,” he whispered in my ear. “I hope you know that.” I held back a sniffle and nodded. “You mean the world to me,” he continued, “and I think I’ve been taking advantage of your good nature all these years, assuming you were happy with the way things were. I’m so sorry, love. I never meant for things to turn out this way. Say you’ll forgive me and we’ll talk about this. Please? I don’t want to lose you. I’d rather not have my brother back in my life if it means keeping you by my side, forever.”

He kissed my neck and nuzzled my cheek. “Say yes.” He started nibbling on my ear, a sensitive spot which he knew good and well, damn it.

Taking a shuddering breath, I replied, “Okay.”

He turned my head and kissed me, long and hard, in front of our kids, guests, and the whole world. He still loved me, valued what I had to offer, the kiss said, and when he stopped, I had to grab the counter to keep my balance. Once I could speak I told him to go eat before his food got cold. He pinched my ass, blew me a kiss, and did as he was told.

I most certainly hadn’t expected that.

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