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Reviews for Human Rights

Authors reviews

Books written by
Marcy Jacks

The One True Sacrifice (MM)   A Shifter's Worst Nightmare (MM)   Don't Mess with His Mate (MM)
2 Ratings
Avg - 3.50
Human Rights by S.L. Armstrong (Published by: Storm Moon Press )
Categories: Fantasy , Paranormal , Alternative (M/M, Gay)

This reviewer's rating: 4 - Good

4.5 stars I really liked this, and I have to admit, the cover had me super curious about the contents as well. One of my guilty pleasures is reading about pets and love slaves and the like, and the fact that they would both be put to death if it's found out that they're more than master and pet just adds a whole new level of danger. I had to finish this the day I bought it, and I was crying a little near the end ;_; though thankfully it does have a happy ending. I'm still wondering about whether or not I should feel weird when reading the sex scene since one of them is clearly very close to being an animal. Even Ewan calls the people in charge "beasts" at one point, but otherwise, the sex isn't really in your face and it's more of a sweet romance with Ewan coming out of his shell and learning to trust his new master, which was good for me. If this had been an erotic romance I might've been too uncomfortable, but it was just right for me, and I could definitely see myself reading this again

Reviewed by: Marcy Jacks (Date: 09/17/2014)
Total reviews by this reviewer: 2 See all my reviews

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