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Reviews by shannaswallows

186 Ratings
Avg - 4.29
Caught by the Master (MF) by Cooper McKenzie (Published by: Siren-BookStrand, Inc. )
Categories: BDSM, Contemporary

This reviewer's rating: 3 - Average

A decent book! Sex scenes were okay, pretty mild. I prefer a little mroe intense but this is a good book for someone who prefers a little touch of BDSM rather than a full on hardcore sex-capade I was disappointed that it was a little bit short. I felt like a lot of character development was missing throughout the story; I think both T and Whitney could have been developed a lot more. I would have loved to learn more about Whitney's background and how she came to be the way she is (why is she into journalism, why is she still living with mom, past relationship history, etc) and more about T's background as well. It was hard to put their actions in context without knowing more about their characters. Seemed to jump into super intimacy between the two really fast without you really understanding why they clicked so well, which felt unnatural. As far as doms go T was pretty gentle, I felt like he let Whitney get away with a lot. Her eager compliance was so sweet but sometimes bordered on slightly unrealistic. For someone with NO experience she settled in really quick. She also tended to top from the bottom IMO, but that's more a personal pet peeve than a fault with the story. The plot/storyline pushes it a little in terms of "would this ever really happen in real life?" but hey, that's what fantasy is for. Otherwise, it was a good solid junk food read which I enjoyed.

Reviewed by: shannaswallows (Date: 03/26/2011)
Total reviews by this reviewer: 1 See all my reviews

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