In the Midst of Angels

eXtasy Books

Heat Rating: Sensual
Word Count: 53,008
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Attorney Greta McDonald runs a free legal clinic funded by the estate of her late parents for Milwaukee’s financially disadvantaged population. Greta’s dedication to those who can’t afford legal services leaves no time for romance. While on Earth, Melissa and Steven McDonald had enjoyed a true love match and they want the same for their daughter. Unfortunately, angels can only observe family members left behind, and in times of extreme danger, request assistance, but are not allowed to interfere in matters of the heart. The couple has already tested God’s indulgence several times and now they’re facing the possibility of being cast out of Heaven into Purgatory.

Enter Aaron Buckley, a ruthless litigator, and Greta’s primary nemesis in court. Despite their differences, he is determined to win Greta’s heart. Unfortunately, Greta’s commitment to her clinic, her resistance to a relationship, and her propensity to place herself in peril threaten to prevent a love match. Without a little heavenly intervention, this couple may never have the opportunity to embrace the miracle of true love.

Aaron is all in when his grandfather offers a family-tested three-part plan to win Greta’s heart. Unfortunately, Greta isn’t making things easy, but as everyone knows, the show’s not over until the heavenly choir sings!

In the Midst of Angels
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In the Midst of Angels

eXtasy Books

Heat Rating: Sensual
Word Count: 53,008
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Cover Art by Martine Jardin

Greta McDonald glared at the cop who shackled her.

“There’s no need to slap on the cuffs, Officer Short,” she sniped. “I am more than willing to accompany you to your smelly squad car.”

Officer Kendall Short snickered. “It’s standard procedure, Greta.” He pulled her hands forward and fastened the tarnished silver cuffs around her wrists. “What did you do this time to piss off the Judge?” 

Greta sighed. “I supposedly refused to produce a witness. Someone I didn’t know should be a witness. How can I produce someone I didn’t even know existed? Cripes! There were plenty of others to testify to the same set of facts. This person wasn’t on my witness list, but the defense claims I was hiding them. That they could provide valuable evidence.”

Kendall chuckled. “And are you? Hiding him or her, that is?”

Greta groaned. “Of course not. I think Blodgett Corporation is trying to find the whistleblower, the employee who exposed their corrupt practices.” She frowned. “My case began with an anonymous tip. I started poking around and found my own witnesses. People willing to sign affidavits and others who would testify. If I was the whistleblower, hell, I’d probably hide, too. Blodgett is dirty, and they will do anything to discredit us, me. They have even been harassing the witnesses. But does Judge Shady Pants cite their lawyers for contempt? Ohhh, noooo. He golfs with them. Bastard should have recused himself.” Greta emitted a frustrated sigh. “Maybe it’s time I made a motion to that effect.” She shook her head. “But then I’ll wind up with someone worse.”

Kendall poked her arm. “Instead of working for that legal services charity, you could have been at some high-brow law firm, handling multi-million-dollar cases. You certainly had the grades for it. Maybe it’s time for a change.” He laughed. “The boys at the station are thinking about naming a cell after you. I’ll bet you spend more time at our pleasure palace than at your own apartment.”

“At least you guys feed me. I haven’t been to the grocery store in weeks. I am down to a bag of whole grain cheese crunchies and a jar of sugar-free raspberry jam.”

Kendall screwed up his face. “That’s just disgusting. Sounds like you need something substantial for dinner. How about a number twelve from Grover’s Subs? All that protein might put some meat on your delicate bones.”

Greta giggled. “Thanks for implying that I’m too thin, Ken.” She tossed her head. “I’ll have you know, I still fit into my prom dress, one I believe you greatly admired ten years ago. Your tongue was hanging out the whole evening.” 

Kendall’s face flushed as he guided her out of the courthouse. Several members of the press had gathered at the top of the steps. The minute she walked through the door, the reporters shoved microphones in front of her face.

“Hey,  Greta, what did you do this time?”

“Ms. McDonald, you sure spend a lot of time as a guest of the local jail. How does your employer feel about that?”

“Geesh, Greta, when are you going to learn to behave?”

“Any comments for the Legal News, Ms. McDonald?”

Greta stopped and gazed at the reporters. “Ladies and gentlemen of the press, this is nothing more than an example of how poorly the courts and the City of Milwaukee treat hardworking people. People barely making ends meet must work under deplorable conditions to feed, clothe, and shelter their children. Instead of addressing the wrongs inflicted upon the employees of Blodgett Corp., Judge Stevenston entertains the frivolous motions of the attorneys from Redstone and Mitchell and harasses their opponents’ lawyer. I will gladly spend the night in jail to protect my clients’ rights. Unlike some of my colleagues, I did not go to law school to stuff my pockets with cash. I went to law school to fight for justice and the rule of law.” She grinned at the press. “And mostly, I succeed.”

Kendall scowled and gently pushed Greta through the throng. “All right, folks. Party’s over. Counselor McDonald has a date with the city jail.”

Greta smirked at him. She muttered, “At least there I won’t be manhandled by some testosterone-laden cop with clammy hands.”

Kendall rolled his eyes. “It’s not my hands you need to worry about.” He nodded at his tool belt. “It’s my Billy Club.”

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