Filling Her Stockings

Xcite Books Ltd

Heat Rating: Scorching
Word Count: 13,800
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A collection of five festive erotic stories with mixed and varied themes.

Filling her Stockings – Elizabeth Coldwell

When her boss Mickey persuades Ellie to dress up in skimpy panties and stockings to pull in the Christmas punters, she is fuming. But what's sauce for the goose is also sauce for the gander, and Ellie shows Mickey who's in charge with some costuming of her own... or has she just fallen further into Mickey's trap?

The Ghost of Christmas Yet To Come – Mimi Elise

Zara hasn't got time for Christmas parties; she's too busy working. That is, until the ghost of her old friend Pattie comes back to remind her what lies in her past... and what might lie in her present, if she could only let go of her inhibitions.

Christmas Comes But Once A Year – Jodie Johnson-Smith

Father Christmas is supposed to be an old bloke with a beard, right, who brings presents to kids? That's the story Holly knows, anyway. But when FC turns out to be a hot guy with a different sort of present for adults - not to mention a sleigh with dodgy sat nav... Holly finds she's really not complaining!

Bad Credit – Amelia Thornton

Charlotte's husband Jeff warned her what would happen if she couldn't control her Christmas spending spree: a bit of good old-fashioned discipline. But when he carries out his threat, Charlotte discovers that while she might feel humiliated about being put over Jeff's knee, she's also turned on...

The Pre-Christmas Pick-Me-Up – Caz Jones

Sick of being treated like her husband's skivvy – and on Christmas Eve, of all days - Clare agrees with her friend Julie that she deserves a special treat. Especially one which involves two sexy men giving her a massage (and more) to remember.

These stories have also been published in Seriously Sexy Stocking Filler ISBN 9781906373818

Filling Her Stockings
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Filling Her Stockings

Xcite Books Ltd

Heat Rating: Scorching
Word Count: 13,800
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“I knew those sexy Santa costumes were a great idea,” Mickey said, pouring another tot into my glass. “We took an absolute fortune tonight.” He put an arm round my shoulder, pulling me close to him. I was fairly sure that he was taking the opportunity to get a good look down the front of my dress. “I think you deserve a Christmas bonus for that, Ellie.”
‘Well, didn’t you already promise me something extra in my pay packet?” I said, deliberately misunderstanding him.
“I think you know what I’m talking about …” His hand was on my leg, trying to work its way under the hem of my dress. His touch was surprisingly gentle, and I shivered with pleasure.
“OK,” I said, as his fingers hovered dangerously close to my panty-covered pussy. He glanced at me, clearly expecting me to put up some kind of resistance. After all, I’d spent the whole time I’d been working for him fighting off his advances, and now I was giving in easily. A man who didn’t spend his whole life thinking with his cock might have been suspicious, but not Mickey. He didn’t even object when my next command was, “Strip for me. Show me what you’ve got.”
Mickey peeled out of his clothes with almost improbable haste, throwing them to the floor. In moments he was standing in nothing but a pair of tight-fitting grey briefs, which were discarded as quickly as everything else had been. I had to admit he looked good naked. Hefting barrels in the cellar on a regular basis clearly kept him in good shape, and a thin line of dark hair tapered down enticingly from the mat on his nicely defined chest to the bush surrounding his already swelling cock.
“Nice,” I said, meaning it sincerely. “Very nice.”
“And now you.” Mickey’s eyes burned into me as I slowly, deliberately took off my skimpy panties, making sure not to give him any more than the merest flash of what was hidden beneath them. My stockings and suspender belt followed. And that’s where my striptease stopped.
“How much do you want me, Mickey?” I asked as he stood there, clearly impatient for me to get as naked as he was. “Enough to do one small thing for me?” He just nodded, and I knew I had him exactly where I wanted him. “Right then.” I handed him my discarded underwear. “Put these on.”
“Is this some kind of joke, Ellie?” he asked.
“Not at all,” I assured him. “Put them on, or this little Christmas party ends here.”
His face flushing crimson, Mickey obediently began to do as I’d asked. He’d clearly been with enough women to know that the suspender straps needed to go underneath the panties, so the lacy belt went on first. He rolled the stockings up his legs, doing his best not to ladder them, and secured them in place. Finally, he climbed into the panties, trying to fit his cock and balls into a garment which was clearly inadequate for the task.
By this time, the smirk which had been plastered on my face when he’d started dressing had faded away. My intention had been to humiliate Mickey, paying him back for making me wear such a ridiculous outfit tonight. What I hadn’t expected was that by the time he had squeezed into my lingerie I would find the sight not ridiculous – but horny. The silky panties, still warm and perfumed from my body, could barely contain his cock, which was almost fully erect and sticking up over the waistband. As for the sheer stockings, they simply drew attention to his mouthwateringly muscular thighs, which were normally hidden under the baggy shorts or combat pants he wore behind the bar. In stripping him of his cocky bravado, I’d revealed the real man underneath, even if I’d had to dress him as a woman to do so.

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