Is He Watching?

December Ink

Heat Rating: Scorching
Word Count: 1,700
1 Ratings (3.0)

Dan and Marcia put on a little show for their voyeuristic neighbor. It's the old man's past-time watching her. It's become her fantasy for him to see it all. What does this show consist of? A little school girl skirt, some out door groping and then full-window access for the finale.

Is He Watching?
1 Ratings (3.0)

Is He Watching?

December Ink

Heat Rating: Scorching
Word Count: 1,700
1 Ratings (3.0)
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Cover Art by Sommer Marsden

I arch my back and shift my legs. With better access, Dan adds a second finger to the first. His other hand heats a trail up the inside of my thigh.
“Is he watching?” I hiss. “Do you think?”
I can’t see Dan. I can only feel his hands on me. I sink into the sensation, deciding that I like it whether we are being watched or not.
“The blinds just moved. I’d say yes,” my husband says and flexes his fingers deep in my pussy. I purr. I actually purr. The idea that my elderly neighbor is up in his room watching this adds to the excitement I already feel.
It’s what I want. I want to be watched.

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