Palm Canyon Drive

Beau to Beau Books

Heat Rating: Sizzling
Word Count: 65,190
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Harper Hughes, Hollywood’s best known cinematographer, finds a new love and a new life after the loss of his life partner. The much younger and long time admirer of his work, Polish/Dutch cinematographer, Stanislau Fluge, comes into his life at exactly the right moment. Harper’s move to the newest and most exclusive residence in Palm Springs allows him to trust again, but he trusts too much. Struggling with personal demons, he wonders if he is too old for a new love and a much younger lover. There are those around him who might conclude that love was much too high a price to pay.

Palm Canyon Drive
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Palm Canyon Drive

Beau to Beau Books

Heat Rating: Sizzling
Word Count: 65,190
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Harper was shaky on his feet as he reached the podium to present an award for cinematography to a new and upcoming cinematographer, Stanislau Fluge. He presented Stanislau the award and found himself caught off guard by the handsome young Pole sharing the stage with him. A bear hug and peck on the cheek spoke volumes as the older passed the torch to the younger. It was mutual admiration as Stanislau shared his vision of film which had been inspired by none other than Harper Hughes, who had single-handedly created a whole genre of film.

Harper belted down several more drinks and felt his bladder might not hold if he didn’t find his way to the men’s room. Feeling relieved and washing his hands, he caught the young smiling face of the Stanislau Fluge over his right shoulder. Harper smiled back into the mirror and turned to greet him.

“Let me say congratulations again. You are the new force to reckon with in film today.”

A blush came to Stanislau as he replied in a heavy eastern European accent, “Oh, but Mr. Hughes, it has been your work that has inspired me in every way. I must say thanks to you.” Stanislau gave Harper a gentle pat on the back. “Might it be possible, Mr. Hughes, to meet with you sometime at your convenience?”

“I would like that very much, but I insist you call me Harper. “Here’s my card, and please call me whenever you’re back in town and we will make a night of it.”

“Wonderful, but I ask that you call me Stanis.”


“Come into the bedroom, Stanis, we have waited long enough,” Harper said. They walked down the hallway arm in arm as they tugged at their ties and Harper dropped his onto the floor.

The house was quiet and dark, but Harper found no peace in the quiet. He switched on a violin concerto on the sound system as they both began to shed their clothes.

“Harper, you know I have loved you from far away and never allowed myself to believe we could ever be together. You had your partner, and we both had our work. Now that has all changed and it is all new and different. Nothing should get in our way now.” Stanis spoke as he kissed Harper on his neck and moved his way downward.

Harper lay back on the bed to take part in feelings that had been on hold for so long. He had Stanis, this beautiful man, where he had always wanted him to be, next to him and feeling the love.

He woke to the first rays of light streaming through the Bermuda shutters and found Stanis still wrapped in his arms. He kissed him on the cheek and slid out of bed. He made his way to the kitchen and started the coffee. Making his way down the hall with the two mugs of coffee, he set the coffee on the bedside table and reached over to give Stanis a proper good morning kiss.

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