Discord's Desire

Average Rating:
Hypnotizing Beat (MF)
Danica Maslanka is a survivalist at heart, and after the way she screwed over the guys of Discord's Desire in their time of need, Trevor Arceneaux wants nothing to do with her. Except when their tour brings the MORE...
Captivating Melody (MF)
Cross a satyr, a siren, and an incubus with rock and roll, and you get Discord’s Desire, a band of panty-dropping hellions whose live shows incite orgies. As booking manager, Liz O’Brien has the monumental task MORE...
Tempting Ballad (MM)
~Editor's Pick~ One hot night together was all Renn and Leo shared, and neither expected to see the other again. However, when Leo Kincaid shows up after one of their gigs on the other side of the cou MORE...