Sex and Submission - Volume Three

Xcite Books Ltd

Heat Rating: Scorching
Word Count: 14,900
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A selection of five varied erotic short stories.

Andrea and Monique by N Vascoe

Andrea and Monique are best friends, although Andrea has fantasised many times that one day their relationship will turn into something more. When Andrea splits up with her boyfriend, Rene, the girls decide to experiment with a love closer to home and Andrea finds that her fantasies are even better than reality.

The Closest Thing to Heaven by Antonia Adams

Only those in search of the ultimate sensual experience should step over the threshold. Or so says the sign on the door. Demi has her doubts, but soon she realises that her afternoon of pleasure is going to turn out to be a longer lasting sensual experience than she expects!

A Master and a Slave by Mark Steinhardt

In 1883 Russia, youth is fleeting and Anna may be a servant girl Serf to an aristocratic family, but she knows that soon she will be married off to a haggard old man so must take her pleasures where she can.

Ivan, the young master of the house, is a willing pupil when she initiates him into the joys of love making, and both of them will carry the memory of her teachings for all of the hard future ahead.

Counting to Three in French by Bryn Allen

When Kurt first sets eyes on Marie he decides he doesn’t want her: he is an athlete, she is a smoker. But Marie has other ideas. She seduces him and takes him back to her French home. Here he becomes her pet, capable of doing nothing but submitting to the blissful smoke-filled haze of her desires and those of her lust-driven friends.

The Big Bang by Lynn Lake

Joe is tired of being abducted by aliens. He has had enough of being poked, prodded and probed, but this time they want him for an experiment that is a little more interesting.

He is to impregnate a woman who has been designed with his fantasies in mind. Well, what’s a guy to do, except co-operate, although once Joe has done the dirty deed, he discovers he’s set himself up for a little more than he bargained for!

These stories were first published in Sex and Submission 9781905170791

Sex and Submission - Volume Three
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Sex and Submission - Volume Three

Xcite Books Ltd

Heat Rating: Scorching
Word Count: 14,900
0 Ratings (0.0)
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When they parted I saw to my pleasant surprise that it was the two young English girls we had seen earlier. Suddenly, the blanket fell to the sand, revealing their newly tanned skin, contrasting with the white, threadbare bikinis on their nubile bodies. They sat there for a while, looking into each other’s eyes as they stroked and caressed each other’s arms, pert breasts and trim, youthful stomachs. I could hear their conversation.
‘I never kissed a girl before. I liked it,’ one said while running her hands through the other’s long blonde hair.
‘I think you’ll like this better?’ the other girl said as she kneeled, parted her lover’s thighs and buried her face in her crotch. I imagined what it would be like, my mouth travelling over the slight fabric of her tiny briefs, my tongue pushing the material aside before tasting the juices of her loins, mixed with the flavour of the ocean still on her body.
I realised my hands had wandered underneath my dress and were stroking my nipples as I saw the girl who was enjoying her lover’s oral attention reach up to undo her top. I ached to see her tight breasts and pert nipples but, just then, a loud voice called from nearby.
‘Phoebe! Nicole! We’re leaving now.’
The girls parted quickly. They gathered their blanket and put out the fire. I heard them exchange a few words as they walked away.
‘They’re going out to dinner. Do you want to go with them or stay in the cottage?’
‘What do you think?’
I heard them giggle and saw their departing silhouettes embrace tenderly.
Disappointed, I went back to the cottage. The walk did nothing to calm me down.
When I reached the cottage I heard a moan through one of the open windows. It was torture but I decided to look anyway.
I nearly moaned out loud myself when I peered through the open blinds and saw Monique, her tanned body glowing in the firelight, on her knees taking Rene’s handsome cock between her beautiful lips. Both were naked, their perfect bodies glowing in the firelight. I could even hear Rene gasp as Monique ran her tongue all over his shaft, nibble his glans and suck greedily at his balls. I closed my eyes as my hands went at it again, travelling all over my body, probing my wet, aching pussy, rubbing my breasts and nipples.

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