Shawn Wall

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Shawn Wall has lived in the heart of Bible belt for most of her adult life. After marrying her college sweetheart, together they’ve spent the last nineteen years sharing three rambunctious children, two of which are now teenagers. Living an almost double life, she’s a registered nurse by day and a writer by night. Most of her free time is spent chauffeuring kids from band to ball practice depending on the season. In the few moments of solitude allowed, she writes and reads every romance she can get her hands on. Now with a love of writing, she hopes her stories give readers a break from reality, remembering their own first loves, or those to come. 

Q: What do you like to read?

A: I love historical romances. I can’t resist a highland warrior or a book cover with a man in a kilt. 

Q: What do you hope to gain from being a publisher author?

A: Obviously for others to read my work, but more importantly the chance to bring a reader into another time and place, if only for a short while. 

Q: Has it always been your dream to become a writer?

A: No, I wasn’t born with a pen and paper in hand. I had always dreamed of becoming a nurse and went straight from high school to college and fulfilled that dream. But after fifteen years of nursing, I found myself searching for something more. One day I decided to write the story buzzing in my head. Since that day, I’ve not been able to stop. 

Q: What is your typical day like?

A: There is no typical day with a husband and family. Usually I’m up at the crack of dawn, and most mornings our house is a whirlwind of pop tarts and shoelaces. After eight hours at my day job, I’m back home shuttling kids to ball practice and boy scouts. Finally my day ends with a couple of hours of writing or editing after everyone else is asleep.  

Q: Where do you get your ideas for a story?

A: There is no particular place. Anything can spark my imagination from a headline to a conversation with a co-worker, or even listening to a CD in my car. Usually a hero and heroine come to me with a question, and I try to build their story around them solving it.

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