The Sacrifice

eXtasy Books

Heat Rating: Sensual
Word Count: 55,775
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The Sacrifice is a time travel romance/adventure that takes place in Melbourne, Australia, with multiple scenarios that alternate between 2017, the early 1900’s, 1960, and 1975.

The tale begins in 2017 where two young ladies are sent back to Edwardian Melbourne, courtesy of a mysterious portal which is situated in a former punishment hole of the Kew Asylum, now situated below a residential unit.

The intrepid time travellers are Jessica Tomic, a famed investigative journalist and her assistant Zara Black, a karate expert.

Their task is to save the lives of two women. The first of these women is Vida Goldstein, the internationally renowned, first-wave feminist. The second is the assassinated beloved of the person who sends them back in time, an enigmatic old man known only as Mr. X, himself a time traveller from the past. He is aided by a beautiful, elderly woman named Ruth.

Unbeknown to Jessica and Zara, if their mission is successful and both ladies’ lives are saved, the mysterious Mr. X will no longer exist in the future, an outcome he is earnestly praying for.

Due to remarkable circumstances, in which a playboy called Simon is transported to 1960 from Edwardian Melbourne, Zara and Jessica are faced with the dilemma of either returning back to 2018 or completing their lives in Edwardian Melbourne where they have found love, contentment, and families of their own.

The Sacrifice
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The Sacrifice

eXtasy Books

Heat Rating: Sensual
Word Count: 55,775
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Cover Art by Martine Jardin

Jessica Tomic sat in the restaurant, patiently waiting for her bestie Zara Black to appear. Zara was never on time, so Jessica was not particularly fussed as she sat there waiting for her friend to arrive. They had been close friends since high school―Jessica, blonde, cultured and academic, while Zara was dark, slender and athletic, superb at all sports. While remaining friends, they had taken separate career paths after high school. Zara became a karate champion, while Jessica studied, then practiced journalism, which became useful when she started managing all of Zara’s professional affairs which, for Zara, at the age of twenty-nine, was coming to a close.

For the last three months, Jessica had been completing a private investigator’s course, passing with flying colours. Disillusioned and bored with her current career path, she had decided to make a sea change and, knowing that Zara’s own career was on the wane, she was looking forward to putting a partnership proposition to her. Zara’s martial arts skills were just what Jessica needed to complete her agency so she was both excited and nervous about Zara’s response.

Zara entered the cafe, her brown eyes and tan skin full of life, smiling broadly as she saw Jessica sitting there. She walked across to her, leaning over and kissing her cheek before sitting down.

“So my darling, what’s this all about? You were quite mysterious on the phone.”

“That is because I wasn’t sure how you would take what I have to say to you.”

Zara looked surprised. “That’s not like the Jessica Tomic I know. I am the one usually all over the place, whereas you are always so bloody focused. So come on, tell me, what’s happening?”

“I have just completed a private investigator’s course.”

Zara’s eyes widened, seemingly, or perhaps hopefully for Jessica, with delight. “Go on.”

“I want you to become my partner.”

Jessica had never seen her friend so elated. “Christ, Jess, this is amazing.”

“You’re interested?”

“Absolutely. The next Olympics are three years away and I have been hesitating about whether I should continue or not. But this sounds so excellent. Let’s go, girl. Where do I sign?”

“Fuck me, I am stoked.”

“Yes, well that’s something that will have to change.”


“That mouth of yours. If we are to be partners I insist you clean it up.”

They both laughed at this, Jessica holding her middle finger up at Zara in playful response.

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