Valley of the Dudes

Riverdale Avenue

Heat Rating: Sextreme
Word Count: 65,000
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In this M/M homage to the classic novel, Valley of the Dolls, Lambda-winning author Ryan Fields introduces us to six gay men searching for love and fame in the celebrity-fueled worlds of Broadway and Hollywood.

The wide-eyed lawyer Rush Goodwin abandons his quaint New England life for the bright lights of New York City, where he meets singers/actors Cody and Anderson, and their partners, who are all just as young and innocent as he is. When Rush meets his new boss, handsome lawyer Lance Sharp, it's love at first sight and the beginning of a turbulent affair. As fame and fortune knock on each of their doors, Rush and his friends each learn, in their own different ways, that nothing ever goes according to plan. They each find themselves seeking the comforts of drugs (nicknamed ‘dudes’ to those in the know) to deal with the stress of success, which leads to its own spiral down the proverbial rabbit hole of broken hearts and dreams. But sometimes, we learn from our mistakes, and Rush and Lance find themselves when they let go and follow their hearts.

Valley of the Dudes
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Valley of the Dudes

Riverdale Avenue

Heat Rating: Sextreme
Word Count: 65,000
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Cover Art by Scott Carpenter

Cody was already waiting for him in the lobby. He was pacing back and forth, with his hands in his pockets, staring down at the brown tiled floor. Rush took a quick breath when he looked down at his watch and saw he was five minutes early. He was eager to make new friends in New York and he didn’t want to irritate Cody by being late.

When Cody saw him get off the elevator, he removed his hands from his pockets and asked, “Do I look okay? I’m never sure how to dress for a show like this.”

Rush smiled and nodded. “You look great.” Cody was wearing a trendy black denim sport jacket with an attached hood, a white mock turtleneck sweater, and cream colored low-rise jeans. Rush noticed that the jeans were tight, and there was a huge bulge in Cody’s crotch. He looked down and said, “I like the jeans a lot.” Then he pointed to Cody’s crotch and rolled his eyes, wishing he had the courage to dress like that.

Cody looked down at his own crotch and laughed. He shrugged his shoulders and said, “They are going to be listening to my voice tonight, but they are also going to be staring between my legs. I’m wearing a cock ring to enhance things a bit. I know exactly what I’m doing.”

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