The Delphi Bloodline Bundle

The Delphi Bloodline

eXtasy Books

Heat Rating: Sensual
Word Count: 234,163
0 Ratings (0.0)

While trying to live a normal life, clairvoyant artist Athena Butler faces obstacles and danger in her quest to help homicide detectives with their difficult cases.

The Delphi Bloodline Series, an exciting romantic suspense/modern crime drama series featuring a young clairvoyant artist, Athena Butler, who is torn between her life as a successful painter and lending her strange mental powers as a homicide detective's consultant. Will Athena ever know a “normal” life, or is this what she was born to do? And how much danger to herself and her loved ones is she willing to risk to "do the right thing"?

A modern-day bloodline descendant of the Delphi priestesses of ancient Greece, Athena Butler finds her psychic gifts both a curse and a blessing—and dangerous.

Can a young woman with extraordinary clairvoyant powers ever live a normal life, especially when homicide detectives clamor for her help as a consultant?

While Athena tries to decide whether to take her relationship with Kas Skoros to another level, she encounters two dangerous villains, a cunning murderer and a child trafficker.

Athena's Secrets Book 1
Athena's Fears Book 2
Athena's Dilemma Book 3

The Delphi Bloodline Bundle
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The Delphi Bloodline Bundle

The Delphi Bloodline

eXtasy Books

Heat Rating: Sensual
Word Count: 234,163
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Cover Art by Angela Waters

Athena's Secrets Book 1

A modern-day bloodline descendant of the Delphi priestesses of ancient Greece, Athena Butler finds her psychic gifts both a curse and a blessing—and dangerous.

Athena Butler, the twenty-year-old descendant of an ancient bloodline of psychics, yearns to live a normal life. She wants a career in art, a boyfriend, independence. Her clairvoyance has taught her, however, that people can be false and dangerous. Although warned to keep her psychic gifts a secret, she’s recruited by law enforcement to help search for a serial killer and to uncover a terrorist cell that threatens her own diplomat father.

She bonds with an intriguing, handsome man, Kas Skoros, who knows her secret and accepts it. Of the same bloodline, his own mother is precognitive and predicts they are meant to be together…someday. Kas realizes that life is too uncertain, but he can’t resist his growing passion for the strange young woman.

Still, they face obstacles beyond their control. Can Athena and Kas overcome these obstacles? More importantly, can Athena stay alive long enough to fulfill her dream of a normal life?

Athena's Fears Book 2

Can a young woman with extraordinary clairvoyant powers ever live a normal life, especially when homicide detectives clamor for her help as a consultant?

Kas Skoros, his marriage to Alex’s former fiancée now annulled and no longer intimidated by Athena’s psychic gifts, begs her to move to San Francisco and manage an art gallery that his family’s company owns. However, burned once, Athena holds him at arm’s length.

Athena is enticed to consult in another serial killer case. As time passes and secrets are leaked, others—including the killer’s brother—find out that Athena is the one who’s helping the police. Meanwhile, a strange young woman on a motorcycle appears to be stalking her. Warning bells go off as Athena realizes the woman is not who she seems to be.

Athena's Dilemma Book 3

While Athena tries to decide whether to take her relationship with Kas Skoros to another level, she encounters two dangerous villains, a cunning murderer and a child trafficker.

After Detective Ochoa’s cousin, Detective Inspector Villalobos, persuades Athena to help him with this baffling case, she realizes a truth that horrifies her and threatens both her and Kas. While at a crowded Christmas festival in the Sierra foothill town of Grass Valley, they encounter a man who attempts to kidnap Kas’s nephew. It was Athena’s lapse of attention which nearly causes this tragedy and threatens to destroy her relationship with Kas. Only their seeking of justice can right this wrong, and they risk their lives to do so.

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