Mainstream Romance: Paranormal

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Round Tree
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Anthropology professor, Jaicee Grant, needs to trade academics for hands on research. When she arrives at Round Tree, she finds more than she bargained for. Not only does the flesh and blood archaeologist, Evan MORE...
The Resident (MF)
[BookStrand Paranormal Romantic Suspense] When Franchesca Pearl falls for the ever-capable Lathan Davidson, carnal instincts preside over future rapture. Upon finding the memoirs of a stranger, written in MORE...
Prey (MF)
10 ratings
[BookStrand Paranormal Romantic Suspense] When Jade Adams' abusive father dies, she's finally free to return to the place she calls home. She lands a plum job working with childhood crush, Sam Daniels. Sam i MORE...
Spirit (MF)
10 ratings
[BookStrand Paranormal Romantic Suspense] All her life, Reggie Stanton has felt connected to Bennett House. Her childhood dreams come true when she's asked to restore the old place. Unfortunately, old friend MORE...
625 titles in Mainstream Romance: Paranormal