Secret Bi Ways

Beau to Beau Books

Heat Rating: Sizzling
Word Count: 4,784
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A trip to his lover’s boyhood home is filled with surprises for Kendrick. His lover’s father is a debonair gentleman who oozes sensuality and Kendrick is easily charmed by the man. When a secret side of the man is exposed by his girlfriend, Kendrick is curious to know more about the wild and sexy world of his lover’s old man. Caught off guard one night, Kendrick is made an offer by the distinguished gentleman that may be too good to resist. If accepted, however, the offer would require keeping secrets from the man he loves and Kendrick is unsure if this is a trade he is willing to make.

Secret Bi Ways
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Secret Bi Ways

Beau to Beau Books

Heat Rating: Sizzling
Word Count: 4,784
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The man’s butt was full and round, but not fat. It would be perfect for holding onto in the heat of passion. For a moment Kendrick imagined holding onto the round fullness and squeezing it while the two of them made hot sweaty love. He could only imagine how the older man would feel deep inside of him. He would no doubt be an expert lover and even more passionate and sexually satisfying than his son. Donovan was no slouch in the sack, but this man oozed sensuality. Kendrick was in a daze when the man turned and noticed him standing in the doorway. His eyes were immediately drawn to the full pouch that seemed to be leading the rest of the man to him.

“Kendrick, what brings you down here at this time of the night?”

“Oh, uh, I was on my way to the kitchen for a glass of water.”

The debonair gentleman continued to walk toward him and Kendrick didn’t know what to do. The man put his arm on Kendrick’s back and offered, “Help yourself. I have plenty.”

Kendrick gulped. He forced his eyes to move upward. The man’s cologne was strong and he wanted to smother himself with the self-assured body. “Thanks,” he whispered, leaving the man and his full bulge. He was certain that time that he had felt the man’s hand graze the top of his butt and it felt as if that hand were on his bare skin.

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