General Fiction

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A Deal is a Deal
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The nightclub was unusual and unlike anything Lisa had ever seen when out with her friends. The dark smoky place, hidden down a deserted street behind a wooden front that looked like an old barn, seemed excitin MORE...
Shadow Walker
0 ratings
Mistreated by his family and sent as an insult to a faraway Queen, a young warrior discovers a patron he would never have expected—one who trains him and leads him to greatness as the Queen encourages him MORE...
Jezebel Hell On Earth
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Get ready for hell on Earth. Loren Penner lives in the tiny town of Satan’s Crag. His school is filled with bullies, he has no friends save books, and one night, he finds a book in a library that is su MORE...
Raise The Dead
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Raising the dead would be considered a miracle by anyone. In the case of a lone test subject, it’s anything but. The nameless carrier is, in fact, a walking plague that wreaks evil upon society. In a batt MORE...
And Two Makes Four
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With no remaining family, and the remnants of a relationship gone wrong, thirty-one-year-old Essie moves from the city to a small Wisconsin town after inheriting her late nana’s Victorian home. Essie hope MORE...
My Father's House
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Joanna never expected much from life. She’d had too little affection to believe anyone but her father could ever love her. How could she, when her brother hated her and her mother treated her with scorn? MORE...
Beyond the Interregnum
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Aayat Athar finds herself in an alternate dimension. She is saved by cousins Feedaa and Sae Sae, who inform her that she has landed in Faejenda, a city occupied by Djinns. They offer to help her find a way back MORE...
0 ratings
Kitch McCall is a nineteen-year-old Tourette’s suffer who hasn’t seen much of the outside world. When the pandemic devastated the US, he’s thrust onto the streets of Charleston, SC to fend for MORE...
Leaping Through the Fire
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The young hero, Abyss, continues on his quest to seal the chaotic God of Fire. However, the oddities that his magic has caused the world now throw him into a storm of misfortune. The boy must now deal with a cr MORE...
Hero of the Abyss
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After struggling to discover his power, Abyss is tasked with an epic quest to seal the God of Fire, assisted with the immortal huntress Diana and many mysteries from the animal kingdom. Along the way, he meets MORE...
The Marsupial Inside Me
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Private investigator Ben Turlough has been hired for a big job by a small woman. That’s small as in tiny…like, the size of your hand. In a world where humans have been converted into marsupials, an MORE...
Tay's Trials
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Tay is trying to settle into his new life with a group of strangers who call themselves his family. Even Willow has deserted him. Then he meets Wisp, and things look up – until a shadow assassin attempts MORE...
Vipers' Nest
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Finn Ryan knows an opportunity when she sees one, and in the ailing Roslin Enterprises she sees a big one. She knows she’s a diamond in the rough, but she knows how to play the game and she’ll do wh MORE...
Mr. Familiar
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Sam Knowlen, dutiful student and son, almost eighteen and searching for his perfect mate, runs afoul of a witch named Leena one night while taking in the nightlife of Tacoma, Washington. Leena, a spiteful indiv MORE...
The Killing Begins
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As Kitch, Jamil, Marie, and Casey work to hold the castle, they train daily for the fight they know is coming. When it’s obvious a looming defeat, capture, and torture are approaching, Kitch implements hi MORE...
Willow's Way
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Cale always told Tay that fairy tales were dark. But they always have happy endings, right? Taylor Preston is a normal sixteen-year-old whose biggest worries are his GCSE exams. He’s right in the middl MORE...
Ghost Computer
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Life goes on—such as it is—for the ghosts and humans of the Wired Monk. The entity known as Piovra is becoming increasingly hard to handle, despite all the training that is being done to harness its MORE...
Dinner With the Devils
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17-year-old Eve moves in with her Aunt Tricia and Uncle Steven when her mom runs off to Atlantic City with a man. However, her mom’s corpse turns up the morning after Eve’s arrival to town. Eve r MORE...
Dance of the Black Widow
My name is Grace. I’m a World-Walker on a mission to end the invasion of deadly black widow spiders and those who control them. Along with the aid of a handsome young wizard, a magical car, and several fr MORE...
Bizarre Fringe
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Kam’s parents’ assisted suicide while on a spaceship leaves her and her siblings shell-shocked. It doesn’t make any sense because they’re only 65 and healthy. Kam decides the act needs l MORE...
The Lies We Live With
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Numerous people had a reason to murder Mr. Crawford, including his children... Colin knew his father was having an affair with his ex-mistress and was going to leave his mom.    Phoebe was launde MORE...
The Last Trace
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Kiernan Sullivan has a secret: in addition to being a great dad, husband, and private investigator, he also likes to dress up in drag. It's only a passing fancy -- nothing permanent, and certainly not anyth MORE...
Angel Lover
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A voice directs Narida to a creepy forest, leading her to a mystical palace. Did she perish in the crash? Was this the afterlife?
Riddle Me This (MF)
In the near future, tech whiz Milo Warwick, an MIT grad student, is murdered, and the laptop containing his PhD thesis -- a program and a hearing aid-like device that would think for you and recall your past if MORE...
The Woman Who Ran Away
Have you ever wanted to run away? Felicia does, and her life as well as her son’s may depend on it. The 1950s find Felicia in a relationship with a man she no longer recognizes. She met Greg a year earlier b MORE...
Garden Reach
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Are second chances possible? Evelyn Richards thinks so. After the death of her husband, she travels to a remote spot on the Pacific coast. There, on a windswept bluff above a rugged, rocky shore, she moves into MORE...
Broken Hearts (MF)
Is a cemetery the perfect setting for love to be found? Maybe. When Damian meets Elspeth at one, he’s certain she is his long-awaited soulmate. . ., but he’s been wrong before! Damian Marshall ha MORE...
577 titles in General Fiction