Mitch has just one more semester of graduate school until he will finally be able to make some serious money. He needs money for his last semester, however, and student jobs on campus pay very little. There is one student job that pays well, though, and that is posing nude for freshmen art classes. Mitch would have never considered doing this in the past, being an athlete and wanting to maintain his image as a jock, but he needs money fast. The girls in the fine arts class are definitely not his type, so Mitch is not concerned about something unexpectedly “coming up” while he poses. But Mitch never anticipates a certain man joining the class.
One more semester and Mitch would be out of college forever. He had spent too many years studying already, six to be exact, including his two years in graduate school. But first, he had to make some money to get him through this last semester. His parents were tapped out after paying for his tuition, and Mitch had been working on campus, but with the cutbacks in the state budgets he was going to need two jobs this semester. After scanning down the pages of minimum wage jobs, Mitch came across one that he never would have considered until now. What the hell, he thought. I’m a graduate student and this is a class for freshmen. No one will know me. So Mitch made the bold move to model for one of the university’s freshman art classes. He would be modeling nude. The job clearly stated that, but the pay was double what he could make elsewhere on campus.
Mitch had never seen him around campus before, but he was gorgeous. Mitch was surprised that he thought this guy, or any guy for that matter, was gorgeous. “What are these thoughts I’m having, and why can’t I seem to take my eyes off of this guy, a guy for crap’s sake?” he began to question himself. “I am as straight as an arrow,” he told himself over and over again.
The door closed behind the instructor, and then, finally, the young man named Geoff spoke to Mitch. “Is that all you got?” “What?” Mitch asked, not having a clue what Geoff was getting at, but at this point Mitch was completely aroused by this mysterious young man. “It’s just that it’s not very big,” he said, smugly. “Excuse me?” Mitch was starting to get pissed off now. He had never had any complaints by the many women he had had. Just when he was about to lash out at Geoff, the young man got up out of his chair, walked over to where Mitch was standing in only his robe, forcibly reached inside the robe and took Mitch’s cock in his hand, which was already growing hard. “That’s much better,” he said, as he felt Mitch’s cock begin to harden in his hand.