Drew and Cameron have been spending their free time in the same park for a couple of years now, though neither knows of the other until they meet by chance one afternoon when Drew notices Cameron sitting alone on a bench. Their conversation is brief, Cameron not being one to talk much and a bit shy. Drew, the opposite of Cameron in that respect, continues to pursue him as a friend at least, wondering if perhaps they were destined to meet for some reason. Drew cannot help but like the somewhat elusive Cameron, and hopes that Cameron’s hesitancy in accepting his invitation to a home cooked dinner at his place is merely due to Cameron’s shyness and not something else.
Oh, hi. You’ll have to excuse me. I’m in the middle of my morning routine. I’m a kitten, but I suppose you could see that from my photograph on the cover of this book. Pretty, huh? My name is Gracie. That’s the name they gave me. Are you wondering who they are? They think they are my owners, but I like to think of them as my staff, my loyal and humble servants. I’m afraid I’ve become a bit of a diva since they adopted me, but I certainly cannot deny that I am truly loved. They’re still sleeping, but that’s okay. I know how to get my own breakfast. I guess I can share my morning routine with you. Come on. I’ll let you in on some of my secrets.
Now they’re waking up. I get a morning pet from both of them. Watch this. When I roll over onto my back, they rub my tummy. Oh, yes, that’s the stuff. “How’s our baby this morning? You are the prettiest kitty. Yes, you are.” That was Drew. He’s a little younger than Cameron, and much more of a morning person. He tickles my tummy, and I playfully scratch his hand. “You’re Daddy’s sweetie, aren’t you?”
Cameron is slowly waking up now, too. “Morning,” he says sleepily. They both lean over me. There it is, the kiss. Those two are always kissing each other. “I love you,” Drew tells Cameron, after a long and sexy kiss. “I love you more,” Cameron teases him back. It doesn’t matter to me which one of them wins that game. What’s more important to me is how much they love me. And, they love me a lot. They talk about their day while they play with me every morning. I’m the center of their universe.
“Well, Cameron, are you ready to tell our story?” “I guess so, but you’ll need to do most of the talking today.” “I will. I know you don’t care to be in the limelight.” See how sweet they are to each other. Touching, isn’t it? Oh, their soothing strokes on my soft fur are putting me to sleep. “Let’s not forget about Gracie. She is a big part of our story.” “I won’t forget Gracie, Cameron.” That’s right. Gracie’s the star. Oh, I can’t stop yawning. “You finish your nap in our bed right here, precious. We’ll be in the living room working on our story. Sleep well, Gracie.” Two kisses on the top of my head. Oh, I am really loved.
“Well, Cameron, where do I begin?” “May as well begin at the beginning, Drew.” “Okay, I’ll just make some notes while we wait for the reporter from the newspaper. A national publication wants to hear our story. Who would have thought?” Cameron smiled at Drew’s enthusiasm.