Heart's Desire Resort

Beau to Beau Books

Heat Rating: Scorching
Word Count: 3,029
5 Ratings (3.8)

The vacation of a lifetime with a money back guarantee of satisfaction is too good to pass up. The brochure sounds friendly enough, with the words “Heart’s Desire Resort” in gold embossed letters. Jason watches as the plane descends over what looks like paradise. Greeted by a man who offers to be at his disposal at any time and for anything, Jason cannot wait to begin his dream vacation. As he looks around, nothing appears to be out of the ordinary, so far.

Heart's Desire Resort
5 Ratings (3.8)

Heart's Desire Resort

Beau to Beau Books

Heat Rating: Scorching
Word Count: 3,029
5 Ratings (3.8)
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A short quick read that leaves the end open for more to possibly come.

Interesting place, thought Jason, as he unpacked his things in the huge room with the heart shaped bed and the heart shaped tub, and everything else heart shaped. The room was painted red, pink, and white, and a little too cutesy for Jason’s taste.

It had been hot and crowded on the small plane that had flown him from the mainland to the island resort and Jason couldn’t wait to take a dip in the pool, so he changed quickly and hurried outside to the inviting water. He swam a couple of laps and then rested against the side of the pool. He thought it a bit odd that he was the only one out here by the sparkling water, but he didn’t really care. He had closed his eyes for only a moment before the man who had showed him to his room hurried out and sat on the side of the pool next to Jason, arousing him from his dreamlike state.

“I did tell you that if you needed anything at any time that I would provide it, did I not?”

Jason looked at him, surprised at the man’s stern reproach.


The man continued to hold Jason’s package firmly while he snapped his fingers. Jason looked around. “What was that?” he asked, with a laugh.

Jason had laughed too soon. The big man known as Ian was lumbering toward them. As he neared, Jason got a good look at the man who really knew how to take care of his heart’s desire. He was all muscle, a big man, nice looking but not gorgeous. He was just big.

“Ian, our friend here requires assistance of the kind that only you can provide our guests.”

“What’s that?” Jason dared to ask.

The man smiled. “Ian has come to provide you with your heart’s desire.”

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