Kris Royce was born and raised in Oklahoma. When she is not writing she spends time with her family. She lives on a small ranch with her husband. In her free time she loves to ride her horses, ride the ATV, and fish. Her grandmother gave her a historical romance to read when she was twelve and she has been hooked on reading ever since. Thanks to the encouragement of her family and friends she decided to write her own stories and adventures using her vivid imagination. She hopes you enjoy reading them as much as she has enjoyed writing them.

Q: When and why did you begin writing?

A: A few years ago I couldn’t sleep one night and I had this story idea in my head. I sat down at my laptop and began to type. I wrote my first story in less than a week. It took me a lot longer to work up the courage to send it to Siren.

Q: What inspired you to write your first book?

A: My little grandmother who raised me. She gave me my first romance book. She always told me I could do anything I wanted to do and not to let anyone else ever tell me any different.

Q: What book are you reading now?

A: Believe it or not, I haven’t had much time to read anything other than my own books that I have been typing up.

Q: What was the hardest part of writing your book?

A: It is always the end of the story. Bringing the story to a close and making sure you have all your bases covered so you don’t leave anything out. I don’t know how many times I have read a story that is really good until I get to the end. It’s like the writer was in a hurry to finish and leaves out what happened to some of the characters. Stories like that just leave me disappointed.

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