Relentless Passion

eXtasy Books

Heat Rating: Steamy
Word Count: 26,927
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Twins Alex and Zeca love to switch identities. It’s harmless fun until Alex wants to date a hot tourist visiting their home of Capri and asks Zeca to take his place on a date with Alex’s current beau, Antonio.

After a day in Antonio’s arms—followed by a long, lusty weekend in his bed during a trip to Naples—Zeca discovers switching places with Alex isn’t so harmless after all. Especially when he realizes he’s falling hard for his brother’s boyfriend.

While struggling with his feelings for Antonio, consoling his semi-celebrity father (who’s having woman troubles) and trying not to upset Alex (who might be in love with Antonio...or his tourist tryst...or maybe the neighbor lady), Zeca wonders how any of them will make it through all the relationship woes with hearts intact. As Antonio says, “Love has a way of fixing things itself.”

This book has been previously published.

Relentless Passion
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Relentless Passion

eXtasy Books

Heat Rating: Steamy
Word Count: 26,927
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Cover Art by Martine Jardin

“So…will you do it for me?”

“Do what?” I asked, exasperated.

He slapped his head, one of the least attractive traits he’d picked up from Dad. “Will you go out with Antonio for me tonight?”

I stared at him. Is that what he’d been blathering on about outside? I’d been so busy bulge and ass watching I hadn’t heard a word Alex had said.

Antonio was a good-looking guy. Damn good-looking, in fact. Alex and I had always loved pulling pranks on prospective dates by switching identities. It was usually harmless fun since nobody could tell us apart, even our dad, for that matter, but Antonio was a hot mofo.

“You sure?” I asked him. “He’s…”

“Gorgeous. Yeah, I know.” Alex grinned. “Truth is, I’ve met an even hotter guy.”

“Who? Where?”

He gazed at me, and I wanted to scream. “Not the cutie in the white jeans?”

He lifted his shoulders. “Yeah. Sorry.”

“How? When?”

“He slipped me his number while you were busy licking foam off your cappuccino cup. You know, you really oughta get a life. You licked that cup clean.”

“I know, I’m pathetic. How bad is Antonio if you want me to date him?”

“You’re not pathetic. Neither is he. I don’t want to blow him off. He’s nice…I’m just…”


“Lucky,” he insisted. This was true. “Listen, it’s just one date. Hugh’s only in town a couple more days. I really want to see him…please?”

“Hugh.” I swallowed. “You know his name.”

“Of course I know his name. He hit on me. I can hardly call him ‘hey, you’ all night.”

“I don’t know.” I liked Antonio. He certainly seemed smitten with my brother, and that was the problem. He liked my twin, not me. And that was common. Guys always went for Alex before me because, for all our physical similarities, his personality was amazing. Mine wasn’t. I was shy; so shy that, by the time I worked up the courage to hit on a guy, he was three time zones away getting married to some other man.

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