Moore, Moore & More Investigations

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How Do You Capture A Vampire Investigation
The three partners of the firm Moore, Moore and More Investigations usually spend their time helping solve strange problems for people—strange problems that the Chicago police will not even consider, except to MORE...
The Hole In the Ground Investigation
Sandy just wanted to look at the sinkhole. No one had heard of a sinkhole anywhere except Florida, but here was one in a nice neighborhood on the outskirts of Chicago. Looking at the hole means that the team o MORE...
There Be Ghosts Here Investigation
Sandy is one member of the three partners in the Investigations team, but for some reason, she is the one who gets into the most trouble. A simple problem with ghosts makes problems with the partners as Tom, t MORE...
The Vampire Cults Investigation
If you have a girl who draws trouble and her last name is Moore, it makes for interesting times. You can add in her longtime friend who has the same last name, but they are not related. He has graduated and pas MORE...