The Chap in Chaps (MM)


Heat Rating: Sizzling
Word Count: 12,453
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In 1910, Charles Smythe inherits a ranch from his late uncle. With some misgivings about leaving his life in England, he finally arrives in Arizona Territory only to meet one of his employees, an experienced hired hand named Sombra. In Sombra, Charles finds not only the perfect man to teach him all he needs to know about ranching, but also the masterful lover he has always craved. Can he build a real relationship this time, especially with a man so different?

As a youth, Sombra fled his New England home in disgrace when his first homosexual affair become public knowledge. Upon arriving in Arizona, he found employment with Dabney Darwin, Charles's uncle, and the kindly English expatriate fashioned him into the son he never had. But when Dab's nephew arrives to assume ownership of the property, Sombra is not sure how to take young Charles.

Yet he soon discovers that "taking Charles" is exactly what they both need ... and desperately desire.

The Chap in Chaps (MM)
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The Chap in Chaps (MM)


Heat Rating: Sizzling
Word Count: 12,453
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Cover Art by Trace Edward Zaber

Chaz had scarcely set the two mugs on the desk when Sombra grasped him by one arm and spun him around. The force of that spin carried him into an impact, chest to chest. He huffed out a breath as his body slammed against the other man's solid length.

"Let's get this over with right now. I saw the curiosity in your eyes, the speculation and the imagining. To answer those in a word, yes. We both have the same proclivity, it would seem. It got me in trouble years ago. Perhaps your family sent you out to the colonies for the same cause. Well, there's nothing and no one now to tell us we can't do as we wish."

With that, Sombra pressed a savage kiss on Chaz' lips, shutting off any reply he might have made. He edged one arm around Sombra's waist, holding tight as the world rocked and spun beneath him. The kiss went on and on. Sombra's tongue thrust demandingly against the seam of Chaz' lips until they parted to give the dark man the admission he sought. He tasted of the spiced beef, with a hint of coffee and tobacco.

Finally Sombra lifted his head, separating their mouths. "I bet you like it rough, forceful and demanding so you can pretend you have no choice. Maybe I should have brought my quirt. For now, I'd like to see you on your knees, right here and right now."

With his hands on Chaz' shoulders, Sombra pushed him down, not roughly enough to hurt but with sufficient force there was no use to resist. Not that Chaz wished to. From his subservient position, he looked up at the powerful man who towered over him now, dark and dangerous, yet also immensely attractive. The memory of Aubrey faded into mist and vanished, totally gone in a breath.

"Get rid of your shirt," Sombra said. "I prefer my lovers at least partly bare." While Chaz undid the buttons and slipped the soft cotton off his shoulders, Sombra unbuttoned his trousers, freeing his cock. It was as massive, dark, and powerful as the rest of him, thrusting out from a mat of dark curls revealed in the open vee when Sombra pushed back the sides of his heavy canvas pants.

Chaz edged forward until he was almost close enough to taste the sparkling drop of moisture poised on the slit of Sombra's massive dick. He reached out and wrapped his right hand around the shaft, sliding down to the base and then back toward the head.

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