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Reviews by laurasbookbinge

6 Ratings
Avg - 4.67
Trust in Me, Please! (MF) by Emma Anderson (Published by: Siren-BookStrand, Inc. )
Categories: Contemporary, Paranormal, Vampires/Werewolves

This reviewer's rating: 5 - Outstanding

Holly watched her parents struggle and even though she loves them she wants something different, outside of the Trojan MC. Duke on the other hand, wants Holly, she belongs to him and they both know it. I am coming into this review with mixed emotions and I think some of those are because I have been struggling to put my thoughts together when it comes to Control. I like the story line that takes place outside the bedroom and I discovered the first mom that would serve as a great poster child for why some parents need to be licensed to be parents. Matthew is genuinely lucky to have his dad, granted MC life with the choices they make are not exactly a shining example of a good parent but Duke loving his son and being there emotionally and physically are clear signs of a good parent. I don’t like the Dawg crew, their cowards that abuse women and children, that need to be locked in their kennels, stuffed in their dog house then barricaded in their kennel. The Dawg crew is mentioned several times and when they finally turned up, they just sucked. I did like Control but I am not sure if I will ever read it again so to error on the side of not ever reading it again, I am only going with a 4-star rating. I can always change it in the future if I do read the story again. Happy Reading From Laura's Book Binge

Reviewed by: laurasbookbinge (Date: 10/28/2023)
Total reviews by this reviewer: 25 See all my reviews

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See all MER reviews for this title: Trust in Me, Please! (MF)
See all MER reviews for this author: Emma Anderson

13 Ratings
Avg - 4.23
A Stranger She Has Always Known by Emma Anderson (Published by: Siren-BookStrand, Inc. )
Categories: Contemporary, Paranormal, Vampires/Werewolves

This reviewer's rating: 5 - Outstanding

I have read A Stranger She Has Always Known several times and I am so excited to write this review. It’s a great story and Jasmine is an awesome character with a craptastic mother and a perv for a step brother. I really liked how Jasmine rolled with the punches when she learn her best friend’s (Luc) secret and that his brother, Dominic, is her mate. She was pretty calm when she learns her mother and step brother are so determined to get their hands on her inheritance that they are willing to kill her for it. I think Luc and Dominic’s over protectiveness is hilarious up until it becomes a serious life and death matter. I think my very favorite part was when Jasmine wiped the floor with Catherine the delusional, that was an epic moment in the book. I think my only complaint is about the name ‘Simon’. To me a Simon is a person with glasses and pocket protector and a sweet disposition, so, you can imagine the horror of learning that one can actually be a horrible, evil piece of butt fudge. There are very few to no edits so I won’t complain about those, especially after reading the story so many times. This review posting contains the body of the review, which is only a portion of the original review which was originally posted here https://laurasbookbinge.wordpress.com/2023/03/03/a-stranger-she-has-always-known-by-emma-anderson/

Reviewed by: laurasbookbinge (Date: 04/14/2023)
Total reviews by this reviewer: 25 See all my reviews

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See all MER reviews for this title: A Stranger She Has Always Known
See all MER reviews for this author: Emma Anderson

693 Ratings
Avg - 4.68
Blade's Desire (MF) by Leah Brooke (Published by: Siren-BookStrand, Inc. )
Categories: BDSM, Contemporary

This reviewer's rating: 5 - Outstanding

Kelly and Blade’s story actually begins Desire For Three as a background story but continues on in Blade’s Desire with Kelly wanting to move past her traumatic past. She knows she wants Blade but she doesn’t know how much Blade wants her and leads to some crossed wires in communication. Now that I am thinking about it the miscommunication is a result of some BDSM rule breaking. After reading a number of books with BDSM in the relationships, isn’t absolute honesty mandatory in such relationships? Seems to me that both Blade and Kelly should have been more open it would have saved Kelly a lot of heartache and Blade from making a complete mess of things as he made an ass of himself, lol. Overall, Blade’s Desire is a well written and has many steamy fourplay and sex scenes and very few to no edits and a great story line but I do wish that there was more to the none bedroom storylines, like Simon going after Kelly. Even though I had something kind of negative to say I still feel that Blade’s Desire deserves 5 stars especially since this is not the first time I have been sucked into the story. This review posting contains the body of the review, which is only a portion of the original review which was originally posted here https://laurasbookbinge.wordpress.com/2022/10/22/blades-desire-desire-oklahoma-2-by-leah-brooke/

Reviewed by: laurasbookbinge (Date: 12/30/2022)
Total reviews by this reviewer: 25 See all my reviews

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See all MER reviews for this author: Leah Brooke

50 Ratings
Avg - 4.30

Desire for Three: Winning Back Jesse is kind of like a fast pit stop to say to a friend because they are on the way to your actual destination. Jesse was insecure about the relationship to begin with after Clay and Rio threw her the curb in the original story so naturally, they should have saw Jesse running from a mile away. It really was very short and not much of a plot, woman confronts men, storms off and sneaks out window, men freak out and chase woman then bring her home, where they all talk then have steaming hot sex. Some of that sounds very cavemanish but there it is in a 65 page nut shell. Was it worth the money and time? Well, it was nice to make a quick pit stop to visit old friends but it was not a long enough visit and more time would have been nice. This Review was originally posted here https://laurasbookbinge.wordpress.com/2022/09/04/desire-for-three-winning-back-jesse-more-desire-oklahoma-1-by-leah-brooke/

Reviewed by: laurasbookbinge (Date: 10/23/2022)
Total reviews by this reviewer: 25 See all my reviews

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See all MER reviews for this title: Desire for Three: Winning Back Jesse (MFM)
See all MER reviews for this author: Leah Brooke

527 Ratings
Avg - 4.69
Desire for Three (MFM) by Leah Brooke (Published by: Siren-BookStrand, Inc. )
Categories: Menage a Trois/Quatre, Western/Cowboys

This reviewer's rating: 5 - Outstanding

I am one of those readers who reads every book in a series over again before reading the latest books in a series. It works very well if the series is one of your favorites and as it happens the Desire, Oklahoma series is one of my favorites and it’s always nice to revisit likable characters. I am standing by my original review but changing the rating to 5 stars because I have read Desire for Three so many times that it is fair to say it is one of my favorites to read every time a new book came out. I am a bit behind in reading the series and looking forward to revisiting the books I have read as well as the new additions. To add this this series the is a series called More Desire, Oklahoma that basically revisits couples from the Desire, Oklahoma series that I will be reading as well. This will be fun. Original Review ☆☆☆ Posted 6/7/2015 Jesse finally visits her sister and brother-in-law, but she is not the same woman they remember. Her bad marriage had a profound impact and now she is closed up tight. Jake and Nat are concerned so when Clay and Rio take an interest, Nat decides to help them out there by helping her sister. I have to say if my version of Desire for Three were a paperback it would be dead and in need of being replaced so thank you to the tech gurus for e-readers and e-reading apps. You would think that reading a book once would be enough but nope not happening with this one. I really enjoy books that have more going on than just sex or just the boring blah-blah of talking heads. Now please don’t get me wrong the sex scenes were rocking the bed hot but there was more to this book than that despite the title. I mean who doesn’t love a little miscommunication, blood and guts violence with their book porn. I really felt for Jesse and Kelly being abused, either by neglect, verbal or physical is no joke and I really like how this author gives Jesse the back bone to stand strong to help herself and her friend Kelly. I also really like how Jesse refused to be a victim of her circumstances, that takes courage, I know women who after so long just can’t escape being the victim and it breaks my heart to watch, even as they try put up that brave tough as nails persona for the outside world. I could really see the fight Jesse had with it, thankfully no one bought it. There were no stand out quotes but my favorite part was when Jesse kicked the jerk holding her at knife point in the nuts, hot damn that was classic and well written. I do wish that there weren’t as many errors but maybe when Leah gets a chance, she will find them and fix them so I can change the rating that I am going to give Desire for Three.

Reviewed by: laurasbookbinge (Date: 10/08/2022)
Total reviews by this reviewer: 25 See all my reviews

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See all MER reviews for this title: Desire for Three (MFM)
See all MER reviews for this author: Leah Brooke

244 Ratings
Avg - 4.57
For the Love of Anna (MFMM) by Dixie Lynn Dwyer (Published by: Siren-BookStrand, Inc. )
Categories: Contemporary, Menage a Trois/Quatre, Western/Cowboys

This reviewer's rating: 5 - Outstanding

Anna survived not one but two really horrible beatings from two really evil sons-of-monkey-turds who got what they truly deserved in the end. No one should be allowed to ever hit anyone weaker than them and certainly no child should ever grow up with a father like the one Anna had, nothing like poetic justice. Child abuse is a real thing and I seriously believe that some people should be licensed to become parents and I always wondered if in some cases it continued into adulthood and well even though this is a well thought piece of fiction I still think it has it’s bases in fact and there for answered that question. Happy Reading From Laura's Book Binge

Reviewed by: laurasbookbinge (Date: 10/24/2020)
Total reviews by this reviewer: 25 See all my reviews

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See all MER reviews for this title: For the Love of Anna (MFMM)
See all MER reviews for this author: Dixie Lynn Dwyer

11 Ratings
Avg - 3.82
Reclaiming His Discarded Mate (MF) by Emma Anderson (Published by: Siren-BookStrand, Inc. )
Categories: Contemporary, Paranormal, Vampires/Werewolves

This reviewer's rating: 4 - Good

Ellie’s mate has found her and she is willing to get to know him even though her past experience in her father’s pack has left her distrusting wolf shifters except her brother and Aiden. Even though Gabe asks her who hurt her she won’t tell him who her fathers is because she doesn’t want her brother hurt in the process. Just as Ellie starts trusting in the faith she has put in Gabe and their relationship the truth comes calling and he turns his back on her. Now Ellie has to face a new adventure without her mate. I say anymore and I may spoil the whole damn book for the next reader. I just finished Reclaiming His Discarded Mate only to turn around read it again the next day, it’s crazy because really, it’s not riveting or anything but the darn books just calls to me or something, ugh. Oh, well, the book really is a decent read, it could use a once over to correct a few edits to smooth out the flow a little more. Happy Reading From Laura's Book Binge P.S. This is not the only posting of my review

Reviewed by: laurasbookbinge (Date: 08/07/2020)
Total reviews by this reviewer: 25 See all my reviews

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See all MER reviews for this title: Reclaiming His Discarded Mate (MF)
See all MER reviews for this author: Emma Anderson

10 Ratings
Avg - 4.50
Passion, Victoria 2: Toni's Reluctance (MFM) by Becca Van (Published by: Siren-BookStrand, Inc. )
Categories: Contemporary, Menage a Trois/Quatre

This reviewer's rating: 5 - Outstanding

When I think about this story and what Toni went through and her reactions to the Landon brothers. She acted more like a rape victim and technically that is probably what she is as she did tell he ex-boyfriend ‘no’ more than once and he still pushed for and had sex with her. Becca did a nice job writing in this particular story if that was the direction she wanted us to go, she was very subtle with it but it makes sense, with Toni’s trust issues and the fact she had not had a date since the one event, the poor girl was so bottled up it was no wonder she had a meltdown. Becca Van is one of my favorite writers and I know that any of her books that I have read so far I will read again and I happy to say that this book did not disappoint either. This Review was originally posted here https://laurasbookbinge.wordpress.com/2014/04/12/passion-victoria-2-tonis-reluctance-by-becca-van/

Reviewed by: laurasbookbinge (Date: 05/10/2020)
Total reviews by this reviewer: 25 See all my reviews

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See all MER reviews for this title: Passion, Victoria 2: Toni's Reluctance (MFM)
See all MER reviews for this author: Becca Van

40 Ratings
Avg - 4.58
Their Greatest Treasure (MFM) by Dixie Lynn Dwyer (Published by: Siren-BookStrand, Inc. )
Categories: Contemporary, Menage a Trois/Quatre

This reviewer's rating: 5 - Outstanding

Chastity really has a lot going on in her life, a stalker, a big job revamping a crappy night club and 2 men who can’t take ‘no’ for an answer. Riker is burying himself in booze and women while Nash just lives with blame and grief. That does make for an interesting story line in a lot of ways when you’re in the mood for such a story. I seriously did like these three characters and I really have to say I was proud of Chastity for standing proud and strong as she chose to stand and fight. I wish I could go into exact detail but then you would read the book because I gave it all away. I do think Nash needs to think before he speaks because his mouth before his brain takes over is utterly stupid. Riker would have been better off speaking for both him and Nash in some cases. I really am having a hard time being super critical about the brothers’ behavior because they are both just broken and have seem to have undiscovered trust issues, but then who can blame them (again read the book to find out why). The bedroom scenes when they finally get there are pretty hot and steamy and worth waiting for. Honestly, I think that someone should really consider sticking some TNT up Desi’s ass because that man is a really piece of shit (dang it now I have to edit for publishing in Amazon, ugh). I have read a number of books by Dixie Lynn Dwyer and she certainly knows how to create some seriously twisted bad guy creeps. She is also great about how she writes her female characters. I have so many questions I would love to ask her. I was going over my notes from my first read through of Their Greatest Treasure and found that I had written that the story was boring and that I had to take several breaks. On my second read through I felt the complete opposite, which just proves that all books are worth at least one second chance. I don’t remember what my state of mind was the first time through the story, but given the last 5 years my guess is no place pleasant. I am really super happy about the fact that I didn’t write a review after my first reading of this story because I would have been eating those words with a new review. Happy Reading From Laura's Book Binge

Reviewed by: laurasbookbinge (Date: 04/20/2020)
Total reviews by this reviewer: 25 See all my reviews

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See all MER reviews for this title: Their Greatest Treasure (MFM)
See all MER reviews for this author: Dixie Lynn Dwyer

14 Ratings
Avg - 4.21
Ruby's Two Sexy Hunks (MFM) by Sam Crescent (Published by: Siren-BookStrand, Inc. )
Categories: Contemporary, Menage a Trois/Quatre

This reviewer's rating: 2 - Fair

Ruby’s Two Sexy Hunks is book two in the Love In Stone Valley series and it you skip this story you may miss out on something in book three because even though the focus is on Ruby, Chris and Troy the are other stories taking place. The thing is that in the first book in the series you didn’t see much of this style of writing but you can see where Sam Crescent changes gears and spreads out to include the lives of other community members. I really liked how it was coming together and felt it was an improvement that gave a caliber of writing almost equal to that of Laurann Dohner. Ruby’s life is clearly not boring and I really enjoyed her story, although I would have told her to send her boyfriend steeling self to stay with the parental units after what she did. But then Ruby has a big forgiving heart and clearly didn’t love the guy in question or he would have been toasted and run out of town ????. As for Chris and Troy, I thought the best part was when they met one of Ruby’s dads and got the third degree BEFORE they even expressed and interest. Poor Ruby. I have read a lot of Sam Crescent books and for the most part I love them all, I could probably finish reading them in a day if it weren’t for the bloody speed bumps (edits) that keep popping up in her books. The worst of the edits was when the scene involved Donald (Tessie’s dad) who then morphed into Charles (one of Ruby’s dads) vice-versa and then Jon some how became Don both moments creating a brief flare of confusion. The other edits were mostly wrong words and I am really surprised that Sam Crescent’s Beta Readers missed them because they were blatantly obvious, which makes me wonder if her Beta Readers and editors are doing their due diligence or are trying to submarine her. In either way she needs a new crew of readers to proof read her work before it gets published. This review posting contains the body of the review, which is only a portion of the original review which was originally posted here https://lauralusbookreviews.blogspot.com/2019/05/rubys-two-sexy-hunks-love-in-stone.html

Reviewed by: laurasbookbinge (Date: 06/09/2019)
Total reviews by this reviewer: 25 See all my reviews

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See all MER reviews for this title: Ruby's Two Sexy Hunks (MFM)
See all MER reviews for this author: Sam Crescent

14 Ratings
Avg - 4.29
Stephanie's Homecoming (MFM) by Debbie Bailey (Published by: Siren-BookStrand, Inc. )
Categories: Contemporary, Menage a Trois/Quatre

This reviewer's rating: 4 - Good

The first quarter of Stephanie’s Homecoming is about her taking control of the town newspaper. There is heated reconnect with her man, Kane and an introduction to Turk and verbal cat fight with the resident psycho slut thrown for a little spice. From there the focus changes more to the vary fast developing relationship between Stephanie and her men, Kane and Turk. I enjoyed reading Stephanie’s Homecoming because of how well rounded the story was. You weren’t left in the dark about what the psycho slut was thinking or plotting thanks to the Debbie Bailey including those scenes into the story line. I really liked how outspoken Stephanie is and how she isn’t afraid to put her self out there and owns her fuck ups. I also liked how she interacted with her men. The only thing I didn’t like were the 8 edits (mostly missing quote marks) the were missed in the editing processes. I also wasn’t crazy about Turk’s brother, Brian, who should have probably called his brother immediately following the psycho sluts contacting him rather than believing her blindly. I am really glad I found Stephanie’s Homecoming and I am looking forward to finding the books in the series. This review posting contains the body of the review, which is only a portion of the original review which was originally posted here https://lauralusbookreviews.blogspot.com/2019/01/stephanies-homecoming-men-of-kinsey-4.html

Reviewed by: laurasbookbinge (Date: 02/15/2019)
Total reviews by this reviewer: 25 See all my reviews

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See all MER reviews for this author: Debbie Bailey

26 Ratings
Avg - 4.31
Plenty to Come (MFM) by Lara Valentine (Published by: Siren-BookStrand, Inc. )
Categories: Contemporary, Menage a Trois/Quatre

This reviewer's rating: 3 - Average

I bought Plenty To Come a few years ago after reading a copy that a friend had. I had originally planned to read the series and that is still very much in my plan but with so many books to read I wonder if I will have time to read every book in my ever-growing library. It is a good thing that most of my library is digital because that many books would not fit in my house. Stalking is serious crime with long term repercussions for the victims because of that I felt that the author could have done a better job of writing Cassie. Yes, her psycho, dirt bag stalker was in jail but that doesn’t automatically take away the trauma of the incidents that led her to relocate to Plenty. I am sure that Lara Valentine pictured Cassie as a strong woman and with her friend would be able to over come all the bad but the truth is Cassie isn’t super woman and the crimes against her weren’t that far in her past so there probably should have been more signs of residual trauma and maybe a therapist in the picture. I could be wrong because I honestly have never met anyone who had a stalker but it seems to me that it would be very stressful and incredible traumatic with a little long-term PTSD or something in the mix and there were no real signs of that even when the shit for brains stalker got free. I didn’t notice any edits as I read through Plenty To Come making a smooth read. I am not sure if I will read this story for a third time or even keep this story in my library. If I could I would probably pass it on to a friend to try or trade it in for a new e-book or donate it to the library but since I can’t do any of those things so deleting a book, which seems blasphemous, maybe my only other option. I do intend to read the other books in the series and hope they are worth my efforts. This review posting contains the body of the review, which is only a portion of the original review which was originally posted here https://lauralusbookreviews.blogspot.com/2018/12/plenty-to-come-plenty-fl-1-by-lara.html

Reviewed by: laurasbookbinge (Date: 01/01/2019)
Total reviews by this reviewer: 25 See all my reviews

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See all MER reviews for this title: Plenty to Come (MFM)
See all MER reviews for this author: Lara Valentine

35 Ratings
Avg - 4.66

I decided to start reading In Good Hands because I was really missing Dixie’s writing. Dixie isn’t always consistent in her writing but she knows how to put the story together. I would really love to interview her someday because I have a question or two that are just burning a hole in my brain. I really like Cherokee and her men should have made her a member of the Sons Of Justice, she has some mad skills. I thought it was really cool that she injured her attacker with his own weapon, how cool is that? All the characters were so life like in how they talked and reacted for the most part and I really enjoyed the story line even though is seemed the pace was set on slow motion. What really didn’t like the most was the bad guys name, Stanston, it just makes you hate him before you know he is the ass hat determined to ruin the world. I also had a little problem determining the time line because of the flow of In Good Hands there were a couple of spots where I didn’t realize time had passed until I was a few paragraphs in but that was a small issue and didn’t interfere with the telling of the story. Honestly it was hard finding anything I didn’t like other than the bad guy and I think I will probably read this book again someday. This review posting contains the body of the review, which is only a portion of the original review which was originally posted here http://lauralusbookreviews.blogspot.com/2018/08/sons-of-justice-1-in-good-hands-by.html

Reviewed by: laurasbookbinge (Date: 09/03/2018)
Total reviews by this reviewer: 25 See all my reviews

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See all MER reviews for this title: Sons Of Justice 1: In Good Hands (MFMMMM)
See all MER reviews for this author: Dixie Lynn Dwyer

78 Ratings
Avg - 4.49
Lena's Happily Ever After (MFMMM) by Dixie Lynn Dwyer (Published by: Siren-BookStrand, Inc. )
Categories: Contemporary, Menage a Trois/Quatre, Western/Cowboys

This reviewer's rating: 5 - Outstanding

I don't think I will ever look a bottle of syrup the same way again anytime soon, I am so glad my husband was home for that one ;) Now granted I am not into more than one man (my Husband) but hot diggity does this author make it sound awesome. Lena's life has been full of hard knocks and believe me when I tell you I am a glad I wasn't sitting next to my spouse a few times (he already ducks or moves away from me during violent TV shows lol). Again; Dixie Lee Dwyer took something that happens every day in this country and around the world and put a face on it and also added hope to it, I know a lot of woman out there do give up hope and just want to take the easy way and wish for someone to rescue them like Lena's friend Ariel, that poor girl. But not Lena, she wouldn't give up and she gave as good as she got, and for those women out there who are still fighting the good fight keep fighting and raise your daughters to be strong. This second time around, reading this book I again had a hard time putting this book down and the other book I am reading suffered for it. The first two books in this series are equally hot, steamy and compelling and well worth the read. I look forward to reading Millie's story again and catching up with the rest of the series :) This Review was originally posted here http://lauralusbookreviews.blogspot.com/2014/05/lenas-happily-every-after-by-dixie-lynn.html

Reviewed by: laurasbookbinge (Date: 08/11/2018)
Total reviews by this reviewer: 25 See all my reviews

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See all MER reviews for this title: Lena's Happily Ever After (MFMMM)
See all MER reviews for this author: Dixie Lynn Dwyer

32 Ratings
Avg - 4.38
The Billionaire Rancher Buys a Wife (MF) by Paige Cameron (Published by: Siren-BookStrand, Inc. )
Categories: Contemporary, Western/Cowboys

This reviewer's rating: 4 - Good

I really did like The Billionaire Rancher Buys a Wife and I would have given this book five stars but with this one sentence from Janice “I want a committed relationship, and you want a fling.” Paige Cameron created an inconsistency in the characters personality by having her boink Drake in the back of a limo two months later, on their second date. Why would a woman piss backwards like that after being very firm? And with a known playboy no less? Since Paige Cameron is one of my favorite authors this book will get a second reading and maybe I will get some enlightenment on this minor inconsistency then. This Review was originally posted here http://lauralusbookreviews.blogspot.com/2014/04/the-billionaire-rancher-buys-wife-wives.html

Reviewed by: laurasbookbinge (Date: 04/18/2018)
Total reviews by this reviewer: 25 See all my reviews

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See all MER reviews for this title: The Billionaire Rancher Buys a Wife (MF)
See all MER reviews for this author: Paige Cameron

104 Ratings
Avg - 4.46
Stacy's Destiny (MFM) by Dixie Lynn Dwyer (Published by: Siren-BookStrand, Inc. )
Categories: Contemporary, Menage a Trois/Quatre, Western/Cowboys

This reviewer's rating: 4 - Good

I finally finished Stacy’s Destiny for the third time and I really don’t have much to add but I do have one issue that I over looked in the past and that was the edits but they were not that bad so it wont take much away from the rating. Original part of this review. It took me longer to read this book on the second time around, I think that was because I am reading another book at the same time and I really just wanted to savor the read this time. You know how i is, when you get into a book and you don't want put the book down or might miss something (it's almost like watching a new episode of your favorite TV show). I will most likely read this one again, I really like stories where the woman won't give up without a fight, rather than just sitting there waiting to be rescued. And Stacy sure can put up a fight :) Stacy is physically abused, almost sexually assaulted and stalked by her crazy ass boss so her friend tricks her into going to Texas to get her out of line of fire (smart friend). In Texas she falls in love with twin brother. In this day where sexual harassment happens daily I think it is great that a writer can put a face on it without making the woman look totally weak and defenseless. I really did like hour Stacy broke her boss' nose, to bad she could get a nut shot in as well. This review posting contains the body of the review, which is only a portion of the original review which was originally posted here http://lauralusbookreviews.blogspot.com/2018/04/stacys-destiny-town-of-pearl-2-by-dixie.html

Reviewed by: laurasbookbinge (Date: 04/08/2018)
Total reviews by this reviewer: 25 See all my reviews

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See all MER reviews for this title: Stacy's Destiny (MFM)
See all MER reviews for this author: Dixie Lynn Dwyer

285 Ratings
Avg - 4.54
Untamed Desire (MFM) by Lana Dare (Published by: Siren-BookStrand, Inc. )
Categories: Historical, Menage a Trois/Quatre, Western/Cowboys

This reviewer's rating: 5 - Outstanding

I spent a few days trying to write this review and when I gave up for the night last night and try to get some sleep everything I wanted to say or can think of to say just starts popping into my head. I would have crawled my sorry butt back out of bed to write it all out but my husband is awake before the butt crack of dawn to go to work, so I had to wait to wake up and get my chores done before I could start writing this review so here we are on Untamed Desire. I started with the Desire, Oklahoma series (written under the name Leah Brooke) and then I discover The Founding Fathers (written under name Lana Dare) and well I just had to dive in to the beginning so I could get back to the modern-day version. After all one should always start at the beginning which brings me to Untamed Desire the first in the Desire, Oklahoma: The Founding Fathers. An extremely steamy, erotic story about Maggie and her men, Eb and Jeremiah that is so well written that I found only one small error which a simple period can fix. The steamy, erotic parts are numerous however they don’t over run the storyline to the point of drowning out the plot of the story which I think centers around Maggie, Eb and Jeremiah settling into married life with the addition of Maggie settling into a new location away from the home she has always know. There are few hair-raising moments to go along with the many steamy climatic moments but I think you will enjoy the moments that are definitely foreplay the most. What I didn’t like about Untamed Desire was the egoistical male chauvinism however accurate it was for the time period. But I think the thing I disliked the most out of the alpha males in this story was how everything about Maggie, even her past was their business while their man whoring past was none of her business, I really hate double standards, it is huge pet peeve of mine but again it is probably a most accurate mentality of the men of that time frame. This review posting contains the body of the review, which is only a portion of the original review which is posted here http://lauralusbookreviews.blogspot.com/2017/12/untamed-desire-desire-oklahoma-founding.html

Reviewed by: laurasbookbinge (Date: 01/01/2018)
Total reviews by this reviewer: 25 See all my reviews

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See all MER reviews for this title: Untamed Desire (MFM)
See all MER reviews for this author: Lana Dare

5 Ratings
Avg - 4.20
Baker (MF) by Sam Crescent (Published by: Evernight Publishing )
Categories: Contemporary, Rubenesque

This reviewer's rating: 3 - Average

I am not sure why I have been picking so many Sam Crescent books lately but I hope I will be forgiven because she is a fantastic story teller. I picked this story because of the blurb, it was really compelling to me so I purchased the book (last November) thinking it would be further down the line but the blurb kept dragging me back to book until I finally relented and started reading and then proceeded to read it again. Don’t get me wrong I usually read good books more than once but never twice in the same week, there is usually six months to a year before a book starts calling my name again. Baker is number 14 in The Skulls series and the first book of that series that I have read and now I have a strong urge to start at the beginning with book one because, like Laurann Dohner, Sam created a world where you get more than just the main characters, you get a three-dimensional world of ongoing lives. Clearly Baker and Millie’s story started in an earlier book that focused mostly on the main characters but yet was able to branch out and encompass everyone in one way or another, I love series that are written this way. Baker is ready for Millie to be in his life but when he here hears she has a date he plans to crash her date and get her back, how romantic, I absolutely love that part. Millie left her greed ridden snobbish family and her rotten cheating scum bag fiancé and found a place where she felt she could be happy. So when Bethany the Bitch arrives, determined to take what Millie loves from her, Millie fights her insecurities as she stand up against her sister. Have to tell you just from what I have read in Baker alone I totally love the Skulls women, they definitely can rock it out when provoked. Millie chose her family well. This is the part that I am both excited about and sometimes dread, how should I rate Baker. For the most part I clearly love this story but there are a few places that left me dazed and confuse, but I will get to those in a moment. I would like to give Baker a five-star rating because I do love the story and will no doubt read it again warts and all but I just can there were eleven edits in all at the end of my count and some of those edits were really left me going ‘what the fuck’ and disrupted my reading flow both times I read the story. That being said I am sorry but I am giving Baker three stars, who know maybe this Summer I can find time to make some changes to my rating system so that when I do come around to reading Baker again it will be different. Happy Reading From Laura's Book Binge

Reviewed by: laurasbookbinge (Date: 08/13/2017)
Total reviews by this reviewer: 25 See all my reviews

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See all MER reviews for this author: Sam Crescent

147 Ratings
Avg - 4.48

Maddie feels out of place in the Ellis brother’s world and attempts to separate herself from them. So, I am thinking and asking myself why would two very smart talented writers decide to go and split a story into to two books when it would have been better to publish it as one complete book. This one even starts at Chapter 8, which explains the lack of a cliff hanger in the first book. It was a stretch finding things that I really liked about this book, besides the steamy hot sex scenes. I really got a kick out of the sister, Bea, she was a hoot when she was giving her brothers a hard time. I also liked that there was a bit more action than in the first book with the bad guys being mean, bitchy and downright vicious. The absolute best thing that I could find about this book was there were no typos, misspelled words or inconsistency in this book at all, and for that reason alone I am given this book an extra star in its overall rating. I originally posted this review here http://lauralusbookreviews.blogspot.com/2016/11/a-bride-for-two-tycoons-part-2-promise.html

Reviewed by: laurasbookbinge (Date: 02/18/2017)
Total reviews by this reviewer: 25 See all my reviews

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See all MER reviews for this title: A Bride for Two Tycoons, Part 2: The Promise (MFM)
See all MER reviews for this author: Sydney Holiday, Ava Mitchell

173 Ratings
Avg - 4.46

Maddie is trying to save the youth center before it runs out of funds. The problem with being behind in my writing of reviews and not behind in the reading is that when I get to the notes for a book I read and find that there are few to no notes and then I realize that I can barely remember what if anything I liked about said book. Which makes me think real hard because most of the books I have read I remember with clarity and especially my favorite parts. My favorite part of this story took place at the beginning at the fountain. Other than that, the story though fairly thorough is more of an introduction to all the players mixed in with some mostly steam worthy moments. What I think surprised me the most was the ending, because I know this is only the part one so I expected a cliff hanger but this book could be a stand-alone for the lack of a cliff hanger to hook you into a strong desire to read part 2. I did read book 2 after finishing this book and will get that review out as soon as I can but for this book I think a three-star rating fits this book for the story line that was way less climatic than the sex scenes. I originally posted this review here http://lauralusbookreviews.blogspot.com/2016/11/a-bride-for-two-tycoons-part-1.html

Reviewed by: laurasbookbinge (Date: 02/13/2017)
Total reviews by this reviewer: 25 See all my reviews

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See all MER reviews for this title: A Bride for Two Tycoons, Part 1: The Courtship (MFM)
See all MER reviews for this author: Sydney Holiday, Ava Mitchell

301 Ratings
Avg - 4.52
Were She Belongs (MFMM) by Dixie Lynn Dwyer (Published by: Siren-BookStrand, Inc. )
Categories: Fantasy, Menage a Trois/Quatre, Shape-shifter

This reviewer's rating: 3 - Average

Lexi has been on her own for as long as she can remember and on the run for the last few years. Leaving her best friend behind without a ‘good bye’ was the hardest thing she had ever done but in order to protect Sierra it was necessary. My second time through Were She Belongs wasn’t nearly as exciting as my first time through it, even so, I was no were near disappointed in the story as a whole. There were a few things that drove me nut and I will get to those shortly. First I want to talk about what I really liked about this story. I really like the story line and how you also got to touch base with the bad guys from time to time to see the plotting. I really liked the characters, especially Sierra and Lexi and I can just imagine how much they will stir the pot with their mates. I think my favorite part is how Lexi finds out she has family and their reactions when they find out. Lexi’s character had some interesting contradictions given how she was raised. She grew up a street kid and for all intents and purposes she was street smart and trusted no one, and for valid reasons. It is for those reasons a lone I expected her to fight harder against her mates and really thought she would at least try to run but she didn’t. This is where we get into what I don’t like about this story, the lack of consistency and continuity in places crated some comprehension issue at times especially when the time line seemed out of whack and characters were out of place. For example, when Feldman called Valco Lexi’s mate when he isn’t, he is Sierra’s mate. This one drives me absolutely crazy how can Andre’s ball be slapping Lexi’s ass when she is bent over the arm of the couch (on her stomach), seems to me his ball would be hitting somewhere in the vicinity of her clit. The inconsistencies were the biggest editing issue in the book when the tally was completed on the number of edits I found but thankfully the edits only added up to enough to cost the author to lose only one star from the rating I intend to give this story. But as I sit here and ponder what my decision on this should be I am torn because I have read this book more than once and should for that very reason give this book a four-star rating because the edits omit a five-star rating but I am also considering a three-star rating because I am almost feeling like I should give it a four-star rating minus the star for the edits. Which brings me around to thinking maybe I should change my rating criteria by creating a separate rating system for the editing that is separate from my love it or hate it ratings. I originally posted my review here http://lauralusbookreviews.blogspot.com/2016/11/were-she-belongs-were-trilogy-1-by.html

Reviewed by: laurasbookbinge (Date: 02/09/2017)
Total reviews by this reviewer: 25 See all my reviews

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See all MER reviews for this title: Were She Belongs (MFMM)
See all MER reviews for this author: Dixie Lynn Dwyer

26 Ratings
Avg - 4.15
Blackmailed by the Beast (MF) by Sam Crescent (Published by: Evernight Publishing )
Categories: Contemporary, Rubenesque, May-December

This reviewer's rating: 4 - Good

Lily Jones grew up knowing that for whatever reason her family hated her and now they expect her to allow herself to be blackmailed into marring Wayne ‘Beast’ Brown just to save them from financial ruin. She goes along with it because she does love her family, and she has gone without love this long so why change now. Little does she know that her Beast does love her but he isn’t ready to say it but when he does finally pull his head out of his ass it will be just a little too late. Some days it is so easy to write what I like and/or don’t like about a book and other days it seems just plain hopeless to figure out what I want to say and yet here we are with I book I genuinely like and have read more than twice and I’ve got nothin’. So Maybe just writing until it all comes to me will solve some of this brain deadness that seems to happen a lot lately in the last eight months. I have been searching a lot for books that help me bury my head in the sand so to speak and I remembered really getting into the characters and the story and so this book was chosen for that end. Lily reminds me of Cinderella only Lily’s father is a live but treats her as bad as mommy dearest and the wicked bitch sister of the East treats her and yet they expect her to marry just so they can maintain their precious life style. Then there is Wayne who actually loves here but pretends not too and does nothing but hurt her over and over with his insensitiveness and all poor Lily wants is for someone to finally love her for her and who she wants to be. When Wayne finally figures out that he has to give more of himself it’s too little too late and Lily resigns herself to what she believes will be a loveless marriage because there is just no way that Wayne really loves her. You wouldn’t believe how many times I wanted to smack Wayne upside the head myself when he dug his hole deeper and deeper. The bedroom scenes aren’t super graphic are more hinted at then steaming off the pages but thankfully those aren’t need to make a story worth reading. I would give Blackmailed By The Beast a five-star review but there were enough edits to reduce that rating by one star so four-stars were giving to the story. Originally posted this review here http://lauralusbookreviews.blogspot.com/2016/02/blackmailed-by-beast-unlikely-love-1-by.html

Reviewed by: laurasbookbinge (Date: 11/23/2016)
Total reviews by this reviewer: 25 See all my reviews

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See all MER reviews for this title: Blackmailed by the Beast (MF)
See all MER reviews for this author: Sam Crescent

25 Ratings
Avg - 4.16
Possessive Protectors (MFM) by Paige Cameron (Published by: Siren-BookStrand, Inc. )
Categories: Contemporary, Multiple Partners

This reviewer's rating: 4 - Good

Natalie learns she is the prime suspect in her soon to be cheating ex-husband’s murder and the first thing she does is call her father. Her dad calls Gray Callahan, who happened to break her heart when they were teenagers, to defend her. She walks into his office and she clearly feels he got better with age and he couldn’t agree more in reverse. Gray is looking forward to his best friend meeting Nat because he is sure she is their one. When she meets Holt she can sense the man is dangerous and someone to avoid but her body thinks otherwise. Holt is in compete agreement with his friend but he can’t wait to make her theirs so he jumps the gun a bit almost blowing it. In order to secure their future Holt and Gray have to keep Natalie from going to prison for a crime she didn’t commit and find the really killer before he turns his sights on her. I really liked how well written the characters were with their back stories that even included the back ground of county so I can’t really decide on a favorite character. I really enjoyed the gunfight that took place towards the end but I wasn’t happy about Holt being shot. I also liked that this book was able to hold my attention and suck me because lately that is hard to achieve with my mind wondering back to missing my little girl so thank you Paige Cameron for helping me take my mind off my sadness for a little while. Possessive Protectors has a really fantastic story line and I really got into the suspense of who did what to whom not once but twice (yes this is my second or third time reading this story). I have only two major complaints but they aren’t the complaints that will ding the star rating over all. The first complaint has to do with the sex scenes. So imagine yourself reading along and really getting into the foreplay and thinking this would be a great one to read to your husband and all of the sudden you see ‘Take me’. Now maybe some of you don’t see my issue so I will explain why this cheesy out dated line makes me laugh there by ruining the whole mood. When I think of the phrase ‘take me’ coming out of a woman’s mouth during foreplay I am thinking that he ain’t doing his job right and she just can’t wait to get it over with so she is rushing him so she can go off to take care of herself. The second issue is a bit of a spoiler but I have to ask why would Nat leave her injured man, who just took a bullet to go boink her other man. I mean how can she even concentrate on having sex with one of her men hurt. Happy Reading Laura Lu's Book Reviews

Reviewed by: laurasbookbinge (Date: 11/20/2015)
Total reviews by this reviewer: 25 See all my reviews

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See all MER reviews for this title: Possessive Protectors (MFM)
See all MER reviews for this author: Paige Cameron

58 Ratings
Avg - 4.55

When Millie's violent ex-boyfriend gets out of prison early, thanks to his seduction of his therapist and her current boyfriend dumps because he is a first class jerk she does the only thing she can do. She runs to Pearl and her friends, Anna and Stacy, but trouble isn't far behind and never minding the five Lewis brothers who are determined to make her theirs. There are a lot of things that I like about Dixie Lynn Dwyer's books and two of those are the strong females characters that even though they may be feeling week at the moment, they manage to keep fighting back. The second thing I like is that she can seriously create one hell of a bad guy, the sadistic nature of Frank was off the chart, and you could almost feel the evil coming out of the book when his scenes came up. My favorite chapter was Chapter 8 which takes place in the dojo when Millie surprises the heck out of Dalton, Hank and Marco. Hahahaha that will teach Dalton to judge a book by its cover. My favorite quote (yes, I actually have one this time, but it true fits what this whole series is about I think): “It’s crazy, isn’t it? To come to this spectacular town and run from your troubles, the fear, the worry, and start over? To think that you’re alone in that fear, to find the fight within you and then get unexpectedly hit out of thin air by love, attraction, lust, if you want to call it that? To think that you could never have a relationship, never mind one with multiple men, and suddenly you’re considering it?”--Lena in Chapter 13. I do wish that she had put more of the Lewis brother's background into the books. I have notice that in this series there isn't a lot of information the male characters, which would add depth to them and help us know them better. However, we do get to know and connect with the female characters. Other than that this is a great story that will make you laugh, cry and want to show your aggressive tendencies. Happy Reading From Laura Lu's Book Reviews

Reviewed by: laurasbookbinge (Date: 09/16/2015)
Total reviews by this reviewer: 25 See all my reviews

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See all MER reviews for this title: Millie's Second Chance (LoveXtreme)
See all MER reviews for this author: Dixie Lynn Dwyer

48 Ratings
Avg - 4.67

ora spent three years on the run with her family and now she is still trying to recover from Anthony's last brutal attack that almost cost killed her. Now she lives with anxiety attacks and trying to rebuild herself and her family just knowing she will be alone forever. With the help of Brock, one of her sisters men she finds a job but the men she works for are big and hard and she feels week and scared. Blade doesn't trust women thanks to his ex-wife he thinks they are all conniving bitches and that includes Cora. Beau is still recovering from injuries he received from his last mission and feels like he has nothing to offer Cora, whom he has been watching for a while. Avery and Asher are tired of hopping from woman to woman but they don't think have anything to offer any woman but they want a committed relationship with Cora. Cason is convinced Cora is the answer to his teams desires for a committed relationship if he and his team could break through the walls she has up to protect herself. I just had to read this book right away... To finish reading this review please visit http://lauralusbookreviews.blogspot.com/2014/11/healing-souls-soldiers-of-pearl-2-by.html

Reviewed by: laurasbookbinge (Date: 11/17/2014)
Total reviews by this reviewer: 25 See all my reviews

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See all MER reviews for this title: Soldiers of Pearl 2: Healing Souls (LoveXtreme)
See all MER reviews for this author: Dixie Lynn Dwyer