The Sweet Perfection Complete Collection (MM)

Sweet Perfection

Siren-BookStrand, Inc.

Heat Rating: Sextreme
Word Count: 84,068
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[Siren Classic ManLove: Erotic Romance, Alternative, Contemporary, MM, HEA]

Sweet Treats

Brandon Erikson knows he doesn't have much chance of finding love. There aren't a lot of opportunities for a man with a little extra padding around the waist and hectic work hours to find the man of his dreams. That is, until he slips and falls at the jazz festival and discovers that the way to a man's heart is through sweet treats.

Dr. Nicolas Syranno is tired of dating men who order salad when he takes them out. He wants someone who takes pleasure in life the way he does, someone who isn't toothpick thin, and someone who understands his crazy work hours as an emergency room doctor.

When Nicolas sees a sexy little blond slip at the jazz festival, has he found the love he has been searching for?

Mr. Wonderful

Julian is looking for Mr. Wonderful, the gentle, sweet man of his dreams he can spend the rest of his life with. What he finds is Darius Alexander, a self-made millionaire. He's also the sexiest man Julian has ever laid eyes on.

For straight-laced club owner Darius Alexander, Julian is perfection. His wild ways, his bold colors, and his gorgeous good looks all add up to the man of his dreams.

Stormy Glenn is a Siren-exclusive author.

The Sweet Perfection Complete Collection (MM)
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The Sweet Perfection Complete Collection (MM)

Sweet Perfection

Siren-BookStrand, Inc.

Heat Rating: Sextreme
Word Count: 84,068
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Cover Art by Siren Publishing

Sweet Treats


Brandon yelped as he felt his feet go out from beneath him, hitting the ground with a thud. He lifted his hand to wipe his curls from his face only to realize that he still had a can of soda in it. He couldn’t help laughing.

The back of his shorts felt wet, telling him that he probably had grass stains on them. He could even feel a small rip in the hem. But he hadn’t spilled a drop of his soda. The more he thought about it, the more hysterical his laughter became.

“Hey, are you okay?”

Brandon turned his head up to see a tall, tanned, muscular, mountain of a man standing over him. His interest peeked immediately. He was gorgeous from the top of his dark brown head to the bottom of his long… long legs.

“Yeah, I’m fine, but thanks for asking.”

The man squatted down next to Brandon, his gaze traveling over his smaller body. “Mind if I have a look? I’m a doctor.” You mean, put your strong powerful hands on my body?

“Okay,” Brandon replied, a grin forming on his lips as the man began checking his legs, then farther up his body. Brandon knew he couldn’t miss the tent growing in his pants.

His gaze traveled over the sexy man, not missing anything. He had short dark brown hair, beautiful emerald green eyes, a strong square jaw with just a hint of a five o’clock shadow. His shoulders seemed as wide as a barn. And the thin white cotton tank top covering his chest looked like it barely containing his thick rippled muscles. He could even see a smattering of hair at the edges of his shirt.

Even his legs were hot. Long, slightly hairy, and totally muscular. Brandon loved a man that kept fit. But his ass, what Brandon could see of it from his position on the grass, was truly glorious… tight, rounded, and ready to be grabbed. Yum!

“Well,” the man chuckled as he looked back at Brandon with shining green eyes, “I think you’re going to be okay. Maybe you should cut back a little on the alcohol for the rest of the day.”

“Oh, I don’t drink, nothing but soda or water for me. I just slipped. One step and wham!” Brandon laughed, feeling like a fool. He certainly didn’t mind meeting this gorgeous man, but he would have preferred doing it from some other position than his ass.

“You don’t drink? Mind if I ask you why?”

“I’m a klutz. If you added alcohol to that, well, I’d probably be crawling everywhere so I didn’t fall or stripping all my clothes off and running naked through the neighborhood. Wouldn’t that give the garden club a stroke?”

“Oh, I don’t know about that. I don’t think I’d mind seeing you run naked anywhere,” the man replied with a chuckle. He stood up and reached for Brandon’s hand to pull him to his feet.

Brandon’s eyes flew to his. Was he serious? Oh hell, he certainly hoped so. He had been single now for nearly two years, ever since he had kicked his last boyfriend loose for fooling around on him. It would be nice to meet someone new.

As he pulled Brandon to his feet their bodies came together chest to chest. He stared down into Brandon’s baby blue eyes, his own eyes twinkling. “So, how much alcohol would it take to get you naked?”

Brandon’s eyes widened slightly at his words. Then he began to smile. “How much do you have?”

He chuckled, “Hopefully, enough.”

Brandon could almost guarantee it. As he craned his head back to stare up at the man, he realized just how tall the gorgeous doctor was. He stood at least half a foot taller than Brandon, which didn’t bother Brandon a bit. He liked tall men.

“My name is Nicholas, but you can call me Nick.”

“Brandon, but you can call me anything you want.” I can even give you a few ideas.

Nick laughed, “Hello, Brandon.”

Hot damn! Brandon felt every word in the rumbling of his chest. His voice was low and rough, like aged whiskey. Brandon could listen to him talk for hours.

“Hello,” Brandon whispered, suddenly feeling breathless.

Nick glanced at the can of soda in Brandon’s free hand, noting that it seemed nearly empty. “Is there anything I can get you?” Nick asked, nodding towards Brandon’s half-empty soda can.

“I can think of several things,” Brandon said softly. His glance darted down from Nick’s eyes to his full lips before looking back up.

Nick’s free hand came up to caress the side of Brandon’s face briefly as he stared down into his eyes. It lasted only a few moments, but it seemed like hours as they just stared at each other.

When Nick finally removed his hand from Brandon’s face, he chuckled at the small whimper of protest that Brandon let out. “How about that soda?”

It took Brandon a moment to clear his head and process what Nick was saying to him. Soda… right… he needed a new soda. Who in the hell was he kidding? He needed a flat surface.

“Yeah, a new soda would be great. Thanks.”




Brandon closed the door after watching Nick walk down the hallway and stepped over to drop down onto his couch. This so sucked.

He meets the man of his dreams, brings him home to start off the make out session of the century, and he gets called into work. Brandon grabbed a throw pillow and held it over his face as he yelled into it. Life just was not fair!

Dropping the pillow to the floor, he let his head fall back against the couch. It could be worse. At least Nick had seemed reluctant to leave and he had promised to come back. That was something at least.

Getting to his feet, Brandon headed to the shower. He had to do something to keep himself from thinking about Nick. Besides, he needed to start getting ready for work tomorrow. Four o’clock in the morning came awfully early.

Brandon pulled his clothes off and dropped them in the hamper before climbing into the shower. As he began slowly soaping his body, he wondered if Nick was thinking about him.

The more that he remembered of their few hours together, the harder his cock became. It had only been a few hours, but Brandon couldn’t recall the last time he had enjoyed time spent with someone else so much.

What he had seen of Nick, he was great, and not just in the way that he looked. Brandon was a little concerned that it was all first impressions and not who he really was, but there was enough that he did like that he wanted more time to investigate.

As he started soaping up his cock, he envisioned everything he wanted to explore…Nick’s broad shoulders, muscular chest, even his tight ass.

The more he envisioned, the harder he got. There was just no way around it. He was going to have to do something about his aching cock or he’d never get to sleep.

Luckily, he had the perfect fantasy in mind. It involved a tall sexy doctor that could kiss better than anyone he had ever met. But as he quickly stroked himself, it was Nick’s magical hands that he dreamed about.

He closed his eyes and leaned forward, resting his hand on the shower wall in front of him. In his mind, he saw Nick’s hand wrapped around his cock, stroking him to completion.

The harder he stroked, the more he fell into his fantasy until he couldn’t tell if it was Nick’s hand wrapped around him or his own. As the pressure built, he started moving his hips, thrusting into his tight grip.

As his thumb brushed over to tip of his cock, Brandon’s legs trembled and his breath caught in his throat.

Feeling himself about to explode, he leaned back against the shower wall and let his other hand fall down to fondle his balls. One touch was all it took.

Brandon threw his head back, crying out Nick’s name as he shot load after load over the tiled wall. He stroked himself a few more times, milking his orgasm until he became too sensitive.

Chuckling to himself at his fantasy, he let go of his cock and continued soaping himself off before rinsing, then stepping from the shower.

As he reached for a towel to dry off, Brandon wondered how Nick would feel if he knew that Brandon had just masturbated to fantasies of him, especially after knowing him for just a few hours.

Brandon hung up his towel and headed for his bed, shaking his head as he went. He had it bad already. He just hoped that Nick wasn’t playing him.

He was headed for a lot of heartache if he was, but only time would tell.


Mr. Wonderful


“Julian, Dino, I would like you to meet the owner of The Club, Darius Alexander. Darius, this is Julian and Dino. This is Julian’s first time here. From the looks I’m getting from Tim, I think Dino has been here a time or two.”

Julian nodded towards Darius as Dino leaned over to shake his large hand. When Dino went to scoot in next to Darius, Dillon held him back by his arm, giving him a slight wiggle of his eyebrows as he looked from Julian, to Darius, and then back to Dino.

Dino grinned. He leaned over to Julian. “Hey, I’m going to run to the little boys’ room. I’ll be back in just a second. Why don’t you go ahead and save our places?”

Julian shrugged his shoulders and sat down, scooting into the booth as Dino walked off to use the bathroom, followed quickly by Dillon.

“It’s a really nice club, Mr. Alexander.”

“Please, call me Darius,” he replied. “Are you having a good time?”

“Yes, everyone has been very friendly, and the music is really great.” Julian smiled.

“I’m glad you like it. We aim to make everyone comfortable here,” Darius replied.

Darius could tell that Julian was nervous. He was too. He almost wished Dino would hurry back from the bathroom so that he could take up the slack in the conversation. Dino seemed to have no problem talking, a lot.

“Dillon said this is your first time here?”

Julian smiled and nodded. “Yeah, I don’t go to clubs much. It’s usually too expensive. And this place, well, it’s way out of my usual price range. Dino dragged me in here. He’s bound and determined to find me a boyfriend.”

Darius grinned as he watched Julian’s face turn slightly red. Yes! Julian was single and gay. Just the way he liked them. If he had been anyone but who he was, he probably would have jumped up and danced a little jig right there and then.

“Sounds like your friend is trying to look out for you,” Darius stated, trying to ease Julian’s nervousness. “Do you have a specific set of parameters in mind, or will just anyone do?”

Before Julian could answer, Dino and Dillon returned. Dino slid in next to Julian, making him move closer to Darius until their thighs were nearly touching. Dillon slid in next to Darius, forcing Darius closer to Julian from the other side.

“Miss me?” Dino laughed.

“Yeah, with every bullet,” Julian mumbled under his breath but Darius heard him anyway. He couldn’t help but chuckle. Darius decided to be a little bold.

“Julian tells me that you are on the search for a boyfriend for him. Maybe I can be of some assistance. What specifically are you looking for in a boyfriend for him? Height, weight, build?” Darius asked.

“Hmmm, tall, dark, and breathtaking…basically…you,” Dino drawled. “We are accepting applications, however.”

Darius tried to keep his face from breaking out in a grin as he saw the hostile look Julian shot at Dino. Oh, this is too good to be true. Dino was trying to find Julian a boyfriend He couldn’t have planned this better if he had tried.

“Where would Darius apply, and what are the job requirements?” Dillon asked.

Darius grinned over at Dillon and Dino, catching on to their game. He leaned forward to rest his arms on the table as he looked down at Julian.

“I oversee all applications. Helps weed out the undesirables. However, Julian does have the final say on who we decide on. But I think I’m a pretty good judge of what he is looking for. As for the qualifications for the job, Darius does have the right height, weight, and build necessary for the—position.”

Julian suddenly started choking on the water he was swallowing. Darius reached over and rapidly patted Julian on the back. Once Julian waved his hand that he was okay, Darius stopped patting his back, but he did not remove his arm from behind Julian. He just rested it on the back of the bench seat they sat on.

“Are there any other requirements we should know about?” Dillon asked.

“Well, obviously, whoever fills the position can’t be a heavy drinker since Julian doesn’t drink. He definitely has to have a sense of humor. It wouldn’t hurt if he was romantic either. A little romance does anyone some good.”

“That’s true. Can you be more specific as to what that might entail?”

“Well—” Dino began, only to be interrupted by Julian’s loud groan.

“Okay, that’s enough. We’ve all had a little fun at my expense,” Julian said as he waved one hand in the air. “It’s time to end this little game. I’m perfectly capable of finding my own boyfriend, thank you very much.”

Darius took a chance and leaned down to whisper in Julian’s ear. “Does that mean you don’t want me to apply for the job? I’m sure I could fill the position—more than adequately.”

Julian looked up at him sharply. Darius watched his eyes widen, groaning when Julian suddenly licked his lips. “Dino, go powder your nose.”




Darius carefully sat Julian on his desk and held his leg as he inspected the injury to his knee. There didn’t seem to be much more than a few scrapes and scratches. Still, it needed to be cleaned.

He picked Julian up by his arms and stood him up. “Come on, baby, that needs to be cleaned. Drop your pants.”

Julian’s face was red as it could be as he bowed his head in embarrassment.

Darius grabbed his first aid kit and turned back to Julian, expecting him to be ready. When Julian just stood there, his face flushed, Darius looked at him curiously. “Honey? Is something wrong?”

Julian mumbled something under his breath.

“What? I didn’t catch that, Julian.”

Julian blew out a deep breath. “I’m not wearing anything beneath my pants,” he screeched between his clenched teeth.

Darius froze in his spot. Julian was naked under his pants? Just the thought of it had Darius rock hard. He gulped. “You’re not—you don’t—” Hell, he couldn’t even finish saying it. Oh, he was in such trouble.

“Uh, let me get you something to cover up with.” Darius looked around the room desperately. He had to find something to cover all of Julian’s bits and pieces. It just wouldn’t do to have the gorgeous little man naked in front of him. It was going to be hard enough as it was just keeping his mind on his work knowing that Julian was going commando, let alone being alone with him like this.

Darius quickly found a towel and handed it to Julian before turning his back so that he could get undressed.

“Okay,” Julian murmured quietly.

Darius turned around to find Julian sitting on his desk, a towel covering his lap and his pants down around his ankles. He sat down in the chair and grabbed Julian’s leg and began cleaning his injury.

His eyes kept straying up to the growing bulge covered by the blue towel. He had to take several deep, controlling breaths as he watched the bulge grow before his eyes until there was an impressive tent in Julian’s lap.

Glancing up at Julian, he could see the blush covering his cheeks as Julian tried to hide his face by bowing his head. He quickly finished cleaning and bandaging Julian’s knee before disposing of the used items in the trashcan and closing the first aid kit.

Coming back to stand over Julian, looking down at his bent head, he smiled. His little man was embarrassed. It was adorable. Before Julian could stop him, he reached under the towel and grabbed Julian’s hard cock in his hand and began to stroke him.

Julian let out a loud groan as he grabbed Darius’s wrist to stop his movements.

“Shhh, baby, it’s okay.”

“I’m so embarrassed,” Julian whispered, biting his lip as Darius began stroking his hot flesh again.

“No need to be embarrassed. I would be put out if I didn’t get you turned on. Now, just sit back and enjoy yourself. Let me do this for you, please?” Darius pleaded.

Julian’s answer was to remove his hand from Darius’s wrist and lean back on his elbows. Darius watched the pleasure cross Julian’s face as he began stroking him in earnest. Oh, Julian was glorious. But Darius wanted more. He wanted to see him.

Darius grabbed the towel with his other hand and pulled it off of Julian’s lap. His breath came in a gasp as he looked down and saw his hand wrapped around Julian. He was perfect! Thick, and just long enough for Darius to hold him in one large hand. He even waxed.

“Oh, god, baby, you’re so beautiful,” Darius whispered as he fondled Julian’s cock. He reached down with his free hand and began gently massaging Julian’s silky sac. The little moans coming from Julian just added to the experience.

Darius suddenly sat down in his chair and scooted himself forward until Julian’s groin was just below his face. He needed to taste him. Leaning down he flicked his tongue over the mushroom-shaped head, paying careful attention to the small slit in the top.

Julian went wild, wrapping his legs around Darius’s chest. His moans became louder until he was filling the room with his pleasure. Darius had never experienced anything so wonderful in his life.

Lifting his head from Julian, he glanced up at him. Julian was resting back on his elbows, his head dropped back on the desk. He looked so sexy.

“Come for me, baby,” he demanded as he quickly worked Julian into a frenzy, his hand expertly manipulating Julian’s eager flesh. Julian started groaning, his hips beginning to hump up and down to meet Darius’s furious movements.

“Darius, oh god, don’t stop,” Julian cried out as his body suddenly went stiff. Darius quickly grabbed the discarded towel and held it to catch the white fluid that spurted from Julian’s cock as he came.

He continued to stroke him until Julian bucked. Darius quickly cleaned Julian up, then his own hand, before dropping the towel on the floor. Leaning over Julian’s pliant, panting body, he captured his lips, grinding his aching hard-on against him.

Opening his eyes, he looked down into Julian’s dazed ones. “That was beautiful, baby—watching you, feeling you. I don’t know if there is anything better on Earth.”

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