A Wolf's Tale (MF)

Evernight Publishing

Heat Rating: No rating
Word Count: 33,650
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When veterinarian Emily Brownstone, 55, finds a poisoned wolf on the roadside, she doesn’t realize the chain of events that will follow.

Someone is trying to kill off the native wildlife, and Emily’s action in saving the wolf will threaten her life, but will also bring her the man of her dreams.

Tate Collins, 57, can’t believe his luck—he’s finally met his soul mate after all these years. All he has to do is tell her his secret—and it is a big one! He just hopes she won’t freak out when she finds out he spends a lot of his time running around on four legs! 

But even if she does accept him, will they find each other only to be torn apart by the danger that threatens the wildlife—and Emily?

A Wolf's Tale (MF)
0 Ratings (0.0)

A Wolf's Tale (MF)

Evernight Publishing

Heat Rating: No rating
Word Count: 33,650
0 Ratings (0.0)
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Cover Art by Jay Aheer

"There’s an injured animal on the road, but I can’t lift it by myself. Could you help me please? I want to put it in the rear of my car."


The two men exchanged a look, and Emily felt apprehensive. The look seemed like some silent conversation between them. She didn’t like it, but there was nothing she could do now.


"Injured animal. What sort?"


"A wolf."


Another looked passed between them, and Emily felt the hair on the back of her neck stand. They seemed to be communicating with just body language and looks. It freaked her a little. Before she could tell them to forget about it, they pulled their four-wheel drive to the side of the road and got out. Both men quickly went to the fallen animal. They whispered something to each other and turned to her. Emily could see they were extremely worried and upset, rather more than you’d expect.


"Ma’am, it’s pretty dangerous to put a wild wolf in your car. Why don’t you let us take it?"


Oh, oh.


Suddenly Emily realized these two could be poachers and here she was handing over a beautiful wolf to them. The trade in illegal wolf pelts was still happening and rather lucrative.


Firmly she said, "If you get it onto the back of my jeep, I can check it out and sedate it if necessary. I’m a vet."


Of course, Emily hadn’t practiced full-time for a few years. She’d retired but ran a small practice from her home. Still, she always carried an emergency kit in her car. The taller of the two men seemed to hover over her, and Emily began to back away to the jeep.


"I really think you should let us take it."


His voice was not quite menacing, but it had enough force to make Emily very nervous, but she was determined these two wouldn’t intimidate her and take the wolf.


"No. It needs medical attention."


He stepped very close to her. Regretting her decision to ask for help, she touched the back of the jeep. Casually putting a hand behind her, she groped inside for something heavy in case they attacked her. The shorter of the men leaned toward the other and whispered. The tall one glanced down at her, and he took a couple of backward steps.

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