Such a Hot Little Number (MM)

Hot Flash


Heat Rating: Steamy
Word Count: 3,092
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Adam’s both excited and appalled. His big moment is fast approaching -- his chance, finally, to lose the virginity that’s plagued him for years. He wants this, but unfortunately, he has a bad cold. How can Adam breathe and be sexy as Seth approaches with lust in his eyes and hands?

It seems Seth, a nurse, doesn’t find it to be a problem, and passion ensues, hot, heavy, and continuous. Adam is definitely ready for more. Then Seth discovers Adam’s other concerning health problem. Will this turn a budding romance into a one night stand?

Such a Hot Little Number (MM)
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Such a Hot Little Number (MM)

Hot Flash


Heat Rating: Steamy
Word Count: 3,092
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Cover Art by Written Ink Designs

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In all my years, I’d tried hard for studly, and only ever achieved cute according to women -- not that I ever cared what they thought -- this now seemed like a good thing. And I did feel completely pathetic, well, except for my dick, which once again, had failed to get the memo. All it was thinking was more, please. I wouldn’t have been surprised if it had demanded in a husky voice, “Suck me, big boy!”

But Seth was still being Superman, wiping my tears, holding me away from him now, smiling. “Let’s get you to the ER ... then, when you feel better.”

He looked up at me from beneath his long eye lashes, and one finger drew circles around my nipples, which firmed up like thumbtacks under his touch. I could imagine them whispering in unison, “We feel great! Right now!”

He pulled me to my feet. I had no idea where my pants were. Had they not just been tangled around my foot a while ago? Where was my shirt? Where the hell were we, come to think of it? I realized I had no idea. At some pool somewhere?

While he still held onto me with one arm, he reached with the other and started groping around in the dimness behind me. There must have been a table or shelf there because his hand came back holding a bottle. “Drink up,” he told me, holding it to my lips.

Yeah. It was fire water. And I blurped it halfway across the pool as if I’d inhaled dragon breath. And of course, Seth patted me on the back some more, while I hung there off his hand, trying to find out where my lungs were.

“You’re not used to this sort of thing, are you, sweetie?” Seth asked. “Where the hell are you from?” He sighed, then helped me sit on one of the chaise lounges. He knelt beside me and stared deeply into my weeping eyes. “I can’t take you anywhere like this. You don’t even have pants. Not that that’s a bad thing, you darling man.” He sighed. I thought I saw him drool. He ran a finger down my nose, off my lips and onto my chest. “You’re a virgin, aren’t you?” he asked unexpectedly.

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